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Critique your own physique

El Freako

El Freako

Nov 12, 2006
As the title goes, how do you rate yourself? Pics welcome.


Rating: /10

Waits for Braaq: "Everything's perfect except for my calves", and Duality: "Everything is better than Braaq". :keke:

Chest: Thick, wide and strong. Arguably my best bodypart. Tends to dominate the rest of my physique a bit too much sometimes.
Back: Same as above, I've finally got myself a fairly good v-taper and deads have definitely brought out some depth in my lower back. I could do with some more size in my rear delts though.
Shoulders: Reasonably well developed although the front overpowers the back. They look great in a front double bi pose.
Traps: Have lost some mass recently but still prominent, a return to heavy deads should get them back up to par.
Triceps: Coming along well but I would still prefer some more mass in the long head ala Heath and Levrone.
Biceps: My weak link, no peak to speak of although they are fairly thick.
Forearms: My other star performers, have always been fairly prominent due to lots of grip work when I used to do judo. Having fairly short arms has also helped.
Legs: Have packed on some mass in the quads recently thanks to the volume of Smolov. Hamstrings have room to grow though.
Calves: So-so...I'd like them larger but they have good shape.
Glutes: Disturbingly hairy and rather prominent when wearing jeans.
Abs: What the fuck are they? :xmashsughdunno:
Shape: Good v-taper thanks to slim hips and with continued quad growth I may actually develop something of an x-frame eventually.
Mass: For my height (5'7) it looks like I carry a fair bit of mass. I don't really think I want to get much bigger either.
Symmetry: Everything is fairly well-balanced. Only thing I notice is that my right bicep is slightly larger than my left.
Conditioning: Horrible, about 16% bf if I was going to take a swing at it. There is still visible muscle seperation between my chest and shoulders though. I'll be happy the day I get to see my abs.

Rating: 7/10 (5/10 if you put a lot of stock in conditioning)

Pics from July
El Freako

El Freako

Nov 12, 2006
25 views and no replies. Nobody willing to face up to a bit of self criticism?


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
I'll have a go Ben.

Chest: well shaped, well proportioned
Back: Thick and solid, best body part, upper back does dominate a bit too much though
Shoulders: Lacking width but well proportioned to back and chest
Traps: Mid and lower traps lacking, upper traps well shaped and good size, any bigger and I'd need a bigger head.
Triceps: Good size, lacking some detail in the outer head
Biceps: Good from some poses, but cursed with high muscle belly, generally well developed though
Forearms: Taper nicely up on a small wrist
Legs: High muscle belly means most of the mass is high on teh thigh. VMO not as well developed as could be as a result. Overall though quads are good. Hammys suck for mass, except in bent leg poses.
Calves: Well defined, lack lateral head development and could do with more mass
Glutes: Overriding bodypart that gives illusion of thick waist and no hammys
Abs: Don't have six pack (4 at best, stupid genetics) but stomach flat and serratus set off chest nicely
Shape: Well sized for light frame but need to fix hammys, calves and shoulders
Mass: Prefer being closer to 87kg than 91kg, my proportions looked wrong heavier. Once have fixed up weak points then could be heavier ~89kg
Symmetry: All good except glutes and calves
Conditioning: Usually good but do tend to retain water on some days aroudn my hips and belt line.

I'm fairly happy with my physique. If I was stepping up for a contest though I would want to up my conditioning and add a bit of mass all over (~3-4kg). But as that isn't currently a goal I'm pretty happy and healthy.


Mecca V.I.P.
Aug 30, 2007
Chest: Since I tore my pec some time ago, my chest has never been what it once was. It used to be pretty well shaped and form. Decent thickness, but now it's kind of flabby. It's all muscle underneath, it's just got a thin layer of excess fat around it. Still big though.

Back: My back is strong as hell, but it lacks a lot of width. It's thick all the way through, but it's just not wide.

Shoulders: Like my back, strong, but not much width about them. I have super wide clavicles, but my traps are too big for my body shape, so I end up with less than outstanding shoulers. They're probably my weakest bodypart.

Traps: My best bodypart by far. They're rock hard, high set, and they're nicely shaped. Heavy shrugs used to do wonders for me.

Triceps: Much better devlopment than my biceps. Compared to my tris, my bis look like nothing. Strong bodypart for me. Stong movement and good endurance.

Biceps: Meh...pretty weak bodypart for me now. I like training them, but they never seem to grow any. I have Wolf biceps. Long, but hardly any peak.

Forearms: Good bodypart for me. They've gotten a lot bigger over the last 3 months or so.

Legs: Strongest bodypart by far. Thick legs, not very cut, but solid all the way through. Leg press and heavy squats are the secret.

Calves: Biggest bodypart. I hardly ever train them to full capacity anymore, but they're still still 24inches of solid muscle.

Glutes: I have no ass...that is all.

Abs: N/A

Shape: I'm built like a Samoan. Big, tall, strong, mesomorphic frame with Endomorphic tendancies, like weight gain.

Mass: I'm almost 6'5", 329lbs...'nuff said.

Symmetry: I'm naturally left handed, but my right side is bigger than my left. In just about everything. Except my left calf, it's more defined than my right.

Conditioning: Shitty.

I don't really like my current physique, but I'm working on trying to change it. I'll never be satisfied with how I look, so that's just more motivation to train even harder to reach my goals.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
the only thing i wish i had bigger proportionaly to the rest of me is my arms. they don't match my torso in the FDB that well at around 18 1/4". i don't think they're weak, but i've always had a love afair with bad ass arms. i'd be happy with 19". in regards to everything else i'm proportional (except for chest, but i like having a stand out bodypart) and just want to add more size everywhere. i want to be about 252lbs before i diet at about the 13% bf i am now.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
Chest: 3rd worst bodypart. I've come from a bird chested fool and every bit of mass I've earned has been hard earned, although I'm finally beginning to add some which is quite nice.
Back: I lack the width I'd like, my lats are stingy in that aspect. Thickness isn't bad but my back isn't anything impressive physically.
Shoulders: Descent bodypart, have added good thickness to them and my rear delts have never been an issue. Although due to my very narrow frame I'll never have the appearance of wide no matter how much they grow.
Traps: one of my better bodyparts, they've always grown quite easily. Lately they've stayed stagnant as I've backed off training them quite as much.
Triceps: they're just there, they're not a weak bodypart, they aren't a standout part, they're proportionate and never been an issue.
Biceps: my best bodypart, well peaked even in rear double bicep, and I probably understand them the best and know how to make them grow.
Forearms: another strength, thick and descent size, although I have a forearm fetish and probably strive to make them too large.
Legs: what are those? nah, but really, quads have ok shape, hammies are non-existent.
Calves: Inner calve has actually grown quite a bit in the last 6 months, outter calve not so much. They are proportionate to my neck and arms, always have been.
Glutes: overriding bodypart gives the illusion of no hammies and thick waist (yes, I just quoted tim, I have the exact same issue) however, females love my ass, so thats the only perk.
Abs: I too don't have a 6 pack, more like 5, genetics
Shape: good shape, for such a small bone frame I've kept well proportions, just need to continue putting mass on my chest and maybe eventually put forth the effort to bring up my stick thighs.
Mass: I'm tall in the bodybuilding world (6') and have just recently put on descent size and actually look like I workout in nearly anything I wear. I have small bones, but a bigger frame so I have a lot to fill out still.
Symmetry: calves/arms/neck are all within an inch of each other so proportionate there. Chest and legs are small, I'm honestly not that proportionate anymore due to laziness on my part regarding legs.
Conditioning: I just finished dieting, so its not great but its descent for winter, although I'm right back to bulking so I'm getting fat again haha.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 15, 2006
Chest: Nice only I need to work the upper part of it
Back: I dont have back thickness eventhough I DL and do GM's
Shoulders: Not round and not in proportion
Traps: Pretty descent
Triceps: Strong and solid
Biceps: Best group
Forearms: Never had big forearms and I think I never will
Legs: Thick but I need more outer sweep
Calves: Always had good calves
Glutes: never check them to be honest
Abs: you can still see them but thats it
Shape: descent atm
Mass: You cant have enough mass
Symmetry: Bad
Conditioning: Bad and starting to get fat


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
Chest:need to work on upper chest some more
Back: a little bit wider for some poses(RDB, FDB)
Shoulders:big bulky with strides, i have all 3 parts very well developed
Traps:very noticable separation between my shoulder, and very veiny
Triceps:have gotton alot better
Biceps:nice and full w/ good peak
Forearms:i have humangous forearms
Legs:very big and detailed, i got strides and veins as of now
Calves:have improved so much, i think they are huge now and they are still growing, i just want to develop the outer part a bit more
Glutes:strides and goo separation, i have a huge solid arse
Abs:very good considering the fact i dont train abs at all.
Shape:very full, and i have round muscle bellys, makes me look alot more bigger
Mass:im pretty thick, just want to add more staying around the BF i am now
Symmetry:i match up real nice
Conditioning:not retaining any water, you can see strides/ veins everywhere, right now i can make a contest being 5-6 weeks out being offseason


Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 7, 2007
Chest:Good width and thickness....could use more lower pecs..i do a lot of incline stuff and cant do dips yet so lower chest isnt big...
Back: Strongest body part, thick lumbars and good traps and upperthickness, lats good be better
Shoulders:Since dislocating my shoulder for the first time ( 6 times total) having trouble keeping symmetry and strength but they are not weak
Traps:pretty big on top, lack more size in middle .lower traps
Triceps:Good but one is shaped different then the other, one has a bigger lateral head and on is thicker on the inside thats why my right arm is 17.5 inches and left is 17 inches
Biceps:Decent, long bicep so thick bo almsot no peak
Forearms:Thin IMO, colub be much thicker
Legs:Strong bodypart, dont have cuts but are thick as hell especiallt from the side
Calves:Weak,just weak
Glutes:I feel them being strong and big
Abs:None...:keke: i feel them there but they have a protectiv shield called blubber
Shape:Wide waist throws of my X shape..also v taper..:keke: pretty blocky at the moment...
Mass:There but BF isnt showing it...

I got a too high bf% to rate conditioning si that is 1/10

Overall im 4/10 happy with what i am now...but now that i got a job and school is gonna be a bit easier im gonna focus on losing weight while keeping strength!!

Nice thread Freako!

Daniel Andersson

Daniel Andersson

Mecca Mod (not)
Oct 30, 2006
Chest: Shallow and flat. I also have gyno from a misshap.

Back: Thick and wide

Shoulders: Wide, but not very full, and I need much more rear delt

Traps: Upper traps are big, the rest need much work to match my back

Triceps: Slowly gaining size and strenght

Biceps: Have always been a stubbern bodypart for me, but they have started to grow now

Forearms: Never train them, yet they are good imo

Legs: I have big legs even if I dont train them, the "problem" area is my hamstrings which lack size compared to my quads. Very overpowering when at full size.

Calves: biggrinsanta I bet I can bet close to every one on that

Glutes: :xmaswtcfawk:

Abs: :xmaswtcfawk:

Shape: Not very much right now..biggrinsanta

Mass:At 5.8 1/2 and 257lbs I have a overall wide stucture, wide shoulders and back with big legs...sadly my joints are somewhat thick.

Symmetry: After my injuries my upperbody has passed my legs, so I'de say that my symmetry is good. I think that will change in february though, when Im back to heavy squats

Conditioning:Im not that fat, just been once.But it has always been a problem for me, since I can diet for a week or two and nothing happens. Then there is a landslide I cant stop. Last time I had one of these really nasty landslides I drop from 270-198 in 4 months..which fucked my thyroid and test up, giving me gyno and a bad metabolism

Rating: 6-7/10

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 22, 2006

Chest: have come up alot lately, but not a strong part for me yet, need more upper pec thickness and more width, have a quite narrow chest
Back: standout part for me, have wide and thick lats, with a quite short torso which makes for good latspreads, also have alot of detail and thickness in the upper back. lower back is also coming along very well after i started deadlifting for real
Shoulders: a good bodypart, i dont have very wide clavicles, but my delts are pretty well developed and have good shape, they have also improved alot lately
Traps: a strong part without a doubt, good thickness and pretty high
Triceps: it wasnt a strong part for me before, but lately theyve been coming along very well. the long head is fairly well developed
Biceps: never been a strong part for me, fairly good thickness, but little peak, and too high insertion points, they have been coming along lately though, and ive gotten my arms up to around 17,5 inches
Forearms: pretty strong bodypart for me, not exceptional by any means, but pretty low insertion points, and some good thickness
Legs: my strongest bodypart, legs have very good shape and alot of thickness from both the front and the side, my quads are ahead of my hams though, but lately my hams have improved
Calves: good shape to them, but they could do with alot more size
Glutes: i got a fat ass
Abs: one of my strongest bodyparts, they are very pronounced even at a higher bf and they have good shape too
Shape: never really thought too much about it, guess i could do with a larger ribcage and even narrower hips, but honestly im happy with the shape i have
Mass: cant get enough, but im fairly happy with what ive achieved in that regard so far, bigger than most nattys i see my age
Symmetry: happy with my proportions and symmetry, think im overally well developed
Conditioning: ok, around 13-14% atm, still visible abs and a somewhat trim midsection


Mecca V.I.P.
Nov 20, 2006
Chest: i am fairly happy with my chest..i would like a little more definition

Back: love my back, lot of mass, good definition

Shoulders:favourite part of my body, great size and definition

Traps: proportionate, have to build up the rest on my physique to get them how i would like

Triceps:terrible, worst part of my body

Biceps:big but no definition

Forearms:i like my forearms, they are hard as a rock, not much definition

Legs: MASSIVE, i have huge quads...i do alot of running

Calves: great definition, would like more mass
Glutes:my girlfriend likes my ass

Abs: non-existant

Shape: need to get rid of my love handles

Mass: overall is alright, want more for my chest, my back is great, need to add more to my calfs

Symmetry: my rigth bicep is bigger then left, right shoulder is more defined then left sholder

Conditioning:not as good as when i was playing hockey, lacrosse, and football...but i do run and ride the bike every workout

Rating: 7/10- biggest thing is the love handles, need to work on them, other then that just gotta keep going to the gym to get it to a 10/10


Strongripology priest
Jul 20, 2006
Chest: Upper chest is ok, the rest is a thousand fucking miles from perfection

Back: Perhaps my best bodypart, first thing that gets tight in t-shirts when i train. I like wide lats to counter my wide waist, and i love DLing so lower back is in check too.

Shoulders: no matter what my side delts doesn't grow so it gives the impression that i have cyclindrical arms lol

Traps: now that you mention them i'm not paying attention to traps lately and i should, i have a long neck.

Triceps: these are weird, they are weak but not small compared to the rest of my body. :xmashsughdunno:

Biceps: i don't like the shape they have but can live with it. Hard-gainers for me but they're ok.

Forearms: hard and veiny even with high BF. They could be bigger but the look of them is right due to my small wrists

Legs: i'd like them bigger for the same reason as lats :xmaswiggle:

Calves: other strong point, but unlike triceps they're not as big as strong

Glutes: "culo escurrido" is the term in spanish, ask robcardu for a translation.

Abs: they're a myth

Shape: my genetics kinda suck, wich makes training and getting improved more satisfying. Every time i look at my father i'm like :xmaswtcfawk:

Mass: I need a lot more of this to fill my 1.85m wide-waist frame.

Symmetry: i once noticed my left trap/lat were bigger that right ones. Now it's gone. my right arm is slightly bigger than my left.

Conditioning: you mean Air? No, the weather in my city is mild enough to avoid installing that.

Rating: for my goals i'd say 5.5-6/10, from a BBing viewpoint 2/10.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Chest: big, but bad upper chest, and need work on lower more
Back: getting wider, but need more work on lower back,
Shoulders:getting bigger, still rear delt work is a priority
Traps:big, only training when feel like it,
Triceps:nearly overpowering my biceps, but am maintaining size till biceps keep up
Biceps:somewhat big, peak on biceps is long, need more work on weak left arm, which has a winged scapula.,
Forearms:big, dont need to train these dogs.
Legs:good god, they grow quicker than anything, adding 90lbs everynow and then to leg press, or hack squats
Calves:gigantic, veiny but legs are hairy coolsanta
Glutes:chicks dig em
Abs:eek:nly lower portion is visible, upper only when flexing :(
Shape:Fridge like (jay)
Mass:getting there
Symmetry:lul wut
Conditioning:lul wut X2


Eat, lift, sleep, repeat.
Jun 18, 2007
Chest:I think this is one of my strongest body parts. My pecs are wide and low inserted and when I fill them out more will look very impressive. Need to bring up my upper pecs.
Back: Again, one of my strong body parts, as in it's thick and wide, but I would like to add more width to the upper lats.
Shoulders:Again lol one of my stronger parts, I am built wide and having some meat on my delts makes me all the more wider. Would like to bring up the front delt though.
Traps:My traps aren't bad but they need more work because I want that prominent "bump" between the delts and traps.
Triceps:Was once weak but now ive built them up alot to match my biceps, I have a good insertion to them also.
Biceps:My strong point, there attached long down my upper arm yet have an excellent peak when I flex them. Obv would like to add more size to them. Because of the peak it makes my arm all the more bigger so size I don't really need.
Forearms:One of my strong points. Never trained them though. There attached low and just grow from indirect work.
Legs:There big, but to match my upper body I would need them bigger.
Calves:My weakest body part, but there coming upo through persistent hard training. There not attached long but then there not short, so I think I will be able to bring them up. I'm happy with the outer head, it's just the inner head that is quite stubborn to grow and bulge out.
Abs:Don't really train them but they ok. I need to thicken them up to match my other body parts.
Shape:Happy with my shape. I'm quite tall, just being under six foot is considered tall for a bodybuilder. I wish I was taller though. Have a good structure, I have a small waist and wide shoulders and that helps give a great V-taper. I also have a big rigcage which helps in side chest shots. I have big thick joints which is great in the gym because I havent got injured yet, but when it comes to stepping onstage, I would look alot better with small joints.
Mass:Need to be bigger.
Conditioning:Not done a show before, but when I do I'm hoping to step onstage shredded. Dieted beofre though, but didn't finish it. my back was ripped but my abs wasn't. If I would have dieted for longer, then it would have been a different story.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 24, 2006
Chest:my worst growing part, never seems to grow, need more upper chest
Back:My best bodypart,need more thickness
Shoulders:pretty good exept the middle heads
Traps: they are pretty good
Biceps: a strong point,
Forearms: lacking need more muscle there
Legs: feel that they are symetrical to the rest
Calves: same size as biceps so i´m happy with them
Glutes: chicks dig them so job well done
Abs: when they appear we´ll see
Shape: happy with my shape
Mass: sure would need more mass
Symmetry:good, im pretty happy how my body is growing but the only thing is my chest and shoulders(middle head) that is fucking everything up.
Conditioning:needs improvement

Rating: 5/10


Active member
May 7, 2008
Chest: Lower and middle pec is thick but lack seperation. Upper pec needs more size.
Back: My best part. Wide and detailed could be thicker.
Shoulders: Front and mediate have good size and detail but lack tie in to the arms.
Traps: Need Help Now. My lats are small and don't seem to respond well to training.
Triceps: Need more size and definition especially in the long head.
Biceps: Good size and respectable definition. Needs some more detail work.
Forearms: Good size taper to small wrists.
Legs: My weakest part. Poor genetics here. Quads have great definition but need more sweep and tear drop. Hamstrings are starting to come along but definitely need more growth.
Calves:Calves, forget about it. I have good split but no size.
Glutes: Big. Haha. Look amazing in pants but needs much more definition.
Abs: Just coming off a mass phase so they're hidden still.
Shape: Still a little sloppy.
Mass: Good in some areas, average in others.
Symmetry: Not bad.
Conditioning: Just got done building mass so I'm still leaning up.

Rating: 4/10 this will improve as I continue my diet and lean up. This should be a solid 6 or 7 by March.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
Pfft im too sexy for this thread.

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