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Are bodybuilders pain addicts?

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
I am not a professional bodybuilder but I know the gym well and I love to push until it hurts. What about you? Are you addicted to pain?

Ronnie Coleman
Ronnie Coleman was and is addicted to pain. Ronnie has had many surgeries and still always ends up at the gym pushing it. That is what it takes to succeed in bodybuilding. Pain!

Are Hard Core Bodybuilders Addicted to Pain?
By Paul V. Strong

We all have seen those weight loss commercials, promising super fast results, while you sit on the sofa and eat your favorite food. Sure, we know that's a bunch of BS, but these programs sell because the majority of people love fast results with no work on their part. But when it comes to bodybuilding, the mentality is completely the opposite. Anything from current mainstream bodybuilding products such as P90X to time-tested programs like Blast Your Bench promises great results - with a lot of hard work! Marketing any bodybuilding program or product is usually based on the fact that it is unique but very hard and challenging.

Why are bodybuilders so different from the rest of the population when it comes to building their bodies?

Are we addicted to pain? We all know and embrace the old "no pain, no gain" and turned it into bodybuilding's First Commandment.

You know, how when sometimes you have a toothache and it hurts like hell, and yet, you cannot help but keep touching your tooth? That's how our workouts sometimes (or often) feel, don't they? Sure, there are shortcuts we sometimes take to maximize the results. Yes, I am talking about steroids and those 'magical' supplements promising huge muscles in no time. Still, these are not taken to avoid the pain. The steroids and supplements are all about the final results, not about making the road less painful. If anything, we take them so we can endure more pain, more frequently.

I've always loved that burning sensation in my muscles and the way my spotter pushed my body - and my mind - to go further. The pain is a signal, that I am on the right track. It is also a differentiating factor between hardcore bodybuilders, with whom I always wanted to be associated, and the fitness crowd who sit on their stationary bikes for half an hour, reading a magazine or talking on a cell phone.

We are the real deal (can I hear 'hell yeah!'). Still, is there an actual addiction to the pain? Well, I don't know about you, but I am quite lazy. When it comes to workouts, throw anything you have at me and I'll go through it like a bulldog. But that's about that.

Any muscle pain that is a result of manual work... well, let's just say I prefer not to do a lot of it. So to me, pain itself is not addictive. I think it is the mental state of my mind and the connection between mind and body that only a heavy workout can trigger. It's that feeling that pain sends to our brains, and the ability to ignore it. The belief is that pain is just a challenge thrown at us to test our endurance. It's knowing, that we control the pain and not the other way around.

I think we are addicted to - POWER. Not the power over others like politicians want. But the power we have over our bodies, our desires, and our pain. And the more power we have, the more we want. This is something an average gym-goer will never understand. But I guess that's the way we like it anyway. We don't want to be understood. We just want to be powerful.

What do you think? Leave a comment and let the world know why you love the pain! Let's face it - building muscles is hard. But it could be much easier and straightforward. All you need is to cut through all the BS, lies, half-truths, and myths that surround bodybuilding today.

So, are you ready to find out the truth about gaining muscles, workouts, diet, supplements, steroids... and everything else that you absolutely must know if you ever want to make your bodybuilding dreams come true? Can you handle the truth? Are you ready to be the best bodybuilder you can be?

I hope you said yes... if so, then...

Welcome to real-world bodybuilding advice. Welcome to the no BS bodybuilding website. Welcome to your future bodybuilding success.

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Joe Pietaro

Joe Pietaro

Joe Pietaro Contributer
May 30, 2014
Pain medication is something that can be controlled if you want it to be. I had spinal fusion surgery & stopped taking meds the following afternoon. I only went back to them one day during my rehab when it was excruciating. Besides that, I took Tylenol and dealt with it.


Staff member
May 27, 2010
Pain medication is something that can be controlled if you want it to be. I had spinal fusion surgery & stopped taking meds the following afternoon. I only went back to them one day during my rehab when it was excruciating. Besides that, I took Tylenol and dealt with it.
I got pretty hooked on pain meds after my heart surgery. It wasn't easy getting off them fuckers. My doctors had me on some pretty strong shit and cut me off with no time to taper. Even the meds they had me on barely touched the pain from having my chest ripped open. I'm glad that shit is over.

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Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 10, 2014
The article is talking about the pain we love from working out hard.

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