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Boston Marathon Bombing Theory and Gun rights



Staff member
May 27, 2010
I just thought of something and I really hope I am totally wrong here.

The USA has been really, really hit hard by shooting deaths. We literally have hundreds here every day I believe. Because our ancient constitution says something about a well regulated militia having tbhe right to bear arms some seem to think that everyone has this right to carry guns around with no limits. Finally many have had enough especially after a elementary school was shot up by a guy with an assault rifle and an extended clip with 30 rounds.

In most states people can go into a gun show and buy these guns without a background check. Buying online can also avoid a background check. The arguments are that we should not allow the extended clips and that everyione buying a gun should have a background check. Most of the arguments against are just stupid such as the slippery slope argument saying any new restrictions will lead to more. Others say that the new laws would not help so why do anything basically.. The real issue is that the gun lobbiests such as the NRA totally own the Republican party. Over 80% of people in the country agree that these checks should be put into place but a few politicians owned by the gun lobby in a few right wing areas will just not let it happen so far.

Today I was thinking of how the entire country was really pushing hard for gun restrictions. It has been a major topic lately and it seems that momentum has been moving this issue forward. Now the gun issue is totally forgotten and we are all distracted by the horrificv events in Boston that occurred yesterday. The thing is that many people were deeply impacted by the school shooting in Sandy hook CT which is about 30 miles away from where I type this. As time passes though people tend to weaken. I would not put it past some gun rights extremist to do something like this to get the discussion off of guns. Some of these people are downright crazy and talk about going to war over their supposed rights to carry weapons around.

I do hope I am wrong.. My thinking though is that another attack from Al quada or a group like that would surely claim responsibility. So far nobody has claimed responsibility for this attack.

Who ever did this, I wonder how they feel knowing that many of the injure3d were just kids...as was one of the dead. I wonder how they feel aboiut killing a little boy of 8 years old. In addition 8 people have lost limbs. Nearly 150 were injred and some were injured to a point that will change their lives for ever. It takes a real ***** to plant a bomb like this. If you want to fight us than have some balls and do it face to face. If the attack is indeed by a religous organization than they should have God with them.. Surely they should not have to plant bombs and hide like pussies with God on their side...

I really can't wait until they find whom ever did this. While I do not agree in state sponsored murder via the death penalty I would be glad to stab this person or people through the heart myself.

Too all of you right wingers that only complain about taxes.... Be happy that your cuts did not impact our first responders.



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
- The bomber/res are crazy and evil: YES.
- Gun policy in the USA is crazy and leads to more crimes and deaths: YES.

End of story. You can argue about you have the right to defend yourself at home, ok, but look it this way: I have an argument with my g/f, I get very very very pissed, I take my magnum and shot here in the face. What would happen in Europe? I would punch the wall or the door.

If you guys keep carrying your 7 year old son to shot guns in the weekend, if he's mentally unstable (just only a bit, I'm not talking about being insane/crazy), he would do something bad as an adult.

A country that has more weapons than population have a HUGE problem. Something must be wrong. That's my opinion.

PS: no guns, no death penalty.


Staff member
May 27, 2010
I was way wrong on the bombers, just more religious wackos..

As for the guns, what I think is so insane is the way they are viewing the 2nd amendment. It talks about a militia because we did not have a standing army at the time. It just made more sense to let people use their own weapons to defend the country if or when needed. The 2nd amendment was not meant to be used as it is and many on the right always talk about wanting to get the exact meaning on our forefathers..

The other thing is they had single shot muskets back then.... I do not think they intended for everyone to be carrying extended clip assault like rifles that fire 30 shots in less than a minute..

Fair and smart gun law would be no assault like rifles, no extended clips, and who ever buys a gun has to be licensed, trained and checked. I also think that a national registry would be good so if or when a gun is used it can easily be tracked to the owner. Right now I could drive 150 miles or less even and go into a gun show and buy a gun cash and carry with nobody even knowing my name. This is crazy.... Our inner cities are full of guns. Yeah it is easy for the red necks that live in the woods or rural areas to think that the entire country is like them but it is not. Our entire country is full of guns..

And yes, I am with you..I do think responsible people should be able to carry a gun to an extent I believe in making the laws much stricter. I just really think that when an elementary school is shot up it is time to look at our laws. Unfortunately we have a bunch of pussies for politicians that only care about their lobbyists. I also don't agree in the death penalty. While some crimes are so bad I can see it I just cannot agree with state sponsored murder especially when so many innocent people have been put to death in our prison system here...

Hey Dude, Thanks for posting. The site has been dead ever since the server was down for a few hours last week. I have been working hard to get things going again I hope it picks up again soon.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
I agree with you, the 2nd amendment is being misinterpreted.

"Right now I could drive 150 miles or less even and go into a gun show and buy a gun cash and carry with nobody even knowing my name"

That's exactly what I meant. You guys have a HUGE problem on this.

There aren't many things I love about spanish politics, but one of them is this: you CAN'T have a gun. Period.

If you're a collector: the gun should be unusable.

If you're a hunter, you need a special license and you can only fire it in certains places and in certain periods of time. You need to pass some psicological tests, etc.

If you're a member of private security company, you can carry a gun at your job, but be careful of firing it, you can only fire in self-defense. You also need to do some tests at a police station, every year or every 18 months or so.

Same if you're a cop. A police officer should only fire his/her gun as last resort.

"What a bunch of pussies spanish people are!" Yeah, but believe me, there almost no shootings. Maybe 5-10 people are death very year due to hunting accidents but... murder by gunshot? I don't believe more than 100-200 people per year.


Mecca V.I.P.
May 6, 2013
We have probably hundreds ever day in USA. Anyone can but a gun here but try to get a prescription for pain medication and they are all over you.

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