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plenty of supplements: help needed



Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
hi guys,
i've been training for about 3 years and started taking supplements about one year ago. i live in italy, where, about supplements, the situation is different from usa: for example today i just discovered that bsn's NOXPLODE is not legal in our country.
anyway i was thinking on taking some new supps:
until now i tried and keep on assuming low quality proteins(i just bougth them because they were cheap), bcaa, and creatine monoydrathe.
i was thinking of buying something to replace creatine or bcaa: nitrix for example. and what about products that contain creatine along with other aminoacids and carbs like cell mass or cell tech for example?
then, i take proteins before going to bed and when i wake up: is it worth to buy whey isolate and micellar casein proteins, that cost so much money and the sellers claim as the best source of proteins?
then about the brands: the seller whom i buy from, on ebay, has got bsn, ultimate nutrition and other european brand that i don't think you know.
what can you all tell me about this?
any help would be well accepted.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Casein before bed is very good. if you can get casein get the cheapest you can get, it will help speed up recovery while sleeping.
can you get unflavored waxy maize starch over there? should be cheap too if so, can mix it with bulk BCAA powder + creatine mono hydrate.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
Casein before bed is very good. if you can get casein get the cheapest you can get, it will help speed up recovery while sleeping.
can you get unflavored waxy maize starch over there? should be cheap too if so, can mix it with bulk BCAA powder + creatine mono hydrate.

what is waxy maize starch? i've got bcaa in tablets but i suppose it doesn't matter


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
basically powdered carbs lol. makes me very full feeling after a shake with that


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 19, 2006
hi guys,
i've been training for about 3 years and started taking supplements about one year ago. i live in italy, where, about supplements, the situation is different from usa: for example today i just discovered that bsn's NOXPLODE is not legal in our country.
anyway i was thinking on taking some new supps:
until now i tried and keep on assuming low quality proteins(i just bougth them because they were cheap), bcaa, and creatine monoydrathe.
i was thinking of buying something to replace creatine or bcaa: nitrix for example. and what about products that contain creatine along with other aminoacids and carbs like cell mass or cell tech for example?
then, i take proteins before going to bed and when i wake up: is it worth to buy whey isolate and micellar casein proteins, that cost so much money and the sellers claim as the best source of proteins?
then about the brands: the seller whom i buy from, on ebay, has got bsn, ultimate nutrition and other european brand that i don't think you know.
what can you all tell me about this?
any help would be well accepted.

Hi Mate, great step in asking for support and advice for the correct use of supplements while saving you money in your pocket :tiphat:

Truthly... if money is a big issue and your not willing to spend heaps... sometimes can lead to the right decisions
You wanna stick with your basic supplements

.Fish Oil

If its your first time useing a N.O(Nitrixs supplement) go for something cheap in price but a goof brand name, then work your way up there to other brands, as there is no point is spending the big dollars incase it doesn't work for you,
I, myself has had the problem with N.O supplements not meny work for me and ive found some that have,
Supplements like that are just Iceing on top of the cake, make sure your food Nutrition is spot on with your daily meals and your post and pre workout meals.

If the low quality protein powder your buying is doing the job and working dont switch, it is worth it to buy Whey Isolate and Casein
always research and browse around for cheaper/ better prices with proteins that has been shown to be great quality in it.

You said you take Whey protein when you wake up, if its costing you to much, remove the protein shake in the morning and have a food meal instead and save your whey shake for your post workout :2:

Ive found Casein to be really great protein just before bed, while keeping me full throughout the night and when waking up i don't feel like i'm on an empty stomach which is a great bonus.

Another great idea if you have both proteins Isolate and Casein, half scoop of each into a shaker cup just before bed, that way your getting both sources and its not costing you to much :thumbsup2:

Regarding your questions about WMS/Waxy Maize Starch
Waxy Maize Starch is derived from natural corn starch and is a food grade modified starch. It is very bland in flavor and has a white fluffy like consistency. We recommend using a shaker or a blender (this is best) to mix this product as it does not mix well. Immediate use is recommended as it has a tendency to clump. We have gone through great lengths testing and tweaking our Waxy Maize Starch to be palatable. We have found one that tastes fairly well and functionality wise it is top of the line.

So what’s so special with Waxy Maize in comparison to dextrose or maltodextrin? Many people have used a mix of dextrose and maltodextrin for post workout nutrition for years because it works and is vital for proper glycogen replenishment. Welcome to the new era of post workout nutrition… Waxy Maize Starch. WMS has a much higher molecular weight and a much lower osmolarity rate compared to dextrose or maltodextrin, so what does this mean… Mainly, WMS bypasses the stomach, is absorbed by the intestines and immediately is assimilated; this is all done at a much faster rate than dextrose or maltodextrin, almost double.

WMS can help the absorption rates of many of your favorite supplements like creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, cell volumization and nitric oxide type supplements, etc. Nutrients like this often times are left in the stomachs harsh acidic environment and degrade absorption rates. WMS helps shuttle these nutrients to bypass the stomach and allow the body to assimilate these nutrients at a much higher rate.

WMS has the ability to replenish the body’s glycogen stores much faster than a mix of maltodextrin or dextrose. This is accomplished again by WMS’s ability to bypass the stomach and go to the intestines for immediate absorption. WMS’s ability to shuttle all these nutrients and starch gives the body an immediate "pump" you can physically feel in your muscles post workout. You will see a much larger, fuller and rounder muscle belly.

Dextrose and maltodextrin can cause water retention and bloating, hence WMS’s popularity with pre contest and contest preparation carbohydrate replenishment. Many dieters choose WMS as their carb of choice as it is sugar free and an ideal source of a long chain complex carbohydrate.

We recommend starting with one 70 cc scoop post workout and see how your body responds.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
Hi Mate, great step in asking for support and advice for the correct use of supplements while saving you money in your pocket :tiphat:

Truthly... if money is a big issue and your not willing to spend heaps... sometimes can lead to the right decisions
You wanna stick with your basic supplements

.Fish Oil

If its your first time useing a N.O(Nitrixs supplement) go for something cheap in price but a goof brand name, then work your way up there to other brands, as there is no point is spending the big dollars incase it doesn't work for you,
I, myself has had the problem with N.O supplements not meny work for me and ive found some that have,
Supplements like that are just Iceing on top of the cake, make sure your food Nutrition is spot on with your daily meals and your post and pre workout meals.

If the low quality protein powder your buying is doing the job and working dont switch, it is worth it to buy Whey Isolate and Casein
always research and browse around for cheaper/ better prices with proteins that has been shown to be great quality in it.

You said you take Whey protein when you wake up, if its costing you to much, remove the protein shake in the morning and have a food meal instead and save your whey shake for your post workout :2:

Ive found Casein to be really great protein just before bed, while keeping me full throughout the night and when waking up i don't feel like i'm on an empty stomach which is a great bonus.

Another great idea if you have both proteins Isolate and Casein, half scoop of each into a shaker cup just before bed, that way your getting both sources and its not costing you to much :thumbsup2:

Regarding your questions about WMS/Waxy Maize Starch
Waxy Maize Starch is derived from natural corn starch and is a food grade modified starch. It is very bland in flavor and has a white fluffy like consistency. We recommend using a shaker or a blender (this is best) to mix this product as it does not mix well. Immediate use is recommended as it has a tendency to clump. We have gone through great lengths testing and tweaking our Waxy Maize Starch to be palatable. We have found one that tastes fairly well and functionality wise it is top of the line.

So what’s so special with Waxy Maize in comparison to dextrose or maltodextrin? Many people have used a mix of dextrose and maltodextrin for post workout nutrition for years because it works and is vital for proper glycogen replenishment. Welcome to the new era of post workout nutrition… Waxy Maize Starch. WMS has a much higher molecular weight and a much lower osmolarity rate compared to dextrose or maltodextrin, so what does this mean… Mainly, WMS bypasses the stomach, is absorbed by the intestines and immediately is assimilated; this is all done at a much faster rate than dextrose or maltodextrin, almost double.

WMS can help the absorption rates of many of your favorite supplements like creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, cell volumization and nitric oxide type supplements, etc. Nutrients like this often times are left in the stomachs harsh acidic environment and degrade absorption rates. WMS helps shuttle these nutrients to bypass the stomach and allow the body to assimilate these nutrients at a much higher rate.

WMS has the ability to replenish the body’s glycogen stores much faster than a mix of maltodextrin or dextrose. This is accomplished again by WMS’s ability to bypass the stomach and go to the intestines for immediate absorption. WMS’s ability to shuttle all these nutrients and starch gives the body an immediate "pump" you can physically feel in your muscles post workout. You will see a much larger, fuller and rounder muscle belly.

Dextrose and maltodextrin can cause water retention and bloating, hence WMS’s popularity with pre contest and contest preparation carbohydrate replenishment. Many dieters choose WMS as their carb of choice as it is sugar free and an ideal source of a long chain complex carbohydrate.

We recommend starting with one 70 cc scoop post workout and see how your body responds.

thanks a lot friend, but there are things i didn't understand.
about waxy maize starch, i made a query on ebay but found no results. then i tried on italian web pages and i found it basically is a complex carb called amilopectine(i don't know if that's the correct english spelling), that is difficult to find out of usa, but is very similar to a product that i had already heard in the gym called VITARGO. i found that waxy maize starch and vitargo should have about the same effect, only that vitargo costs twice more, because it is under patent. the advantage of vitargo is that it is more easily available here in italy. correct me if i'm wrong.
then about fish oil and vitamins: i'm a medicine university student and i know the effects of insatured fatty acids and of vitamins as cofactors in several enzymathic mechanisms, but i've never heard these 2 kind of supps to be used among bbers and friends that i know. italy is the land of olive oil; don't you think it is enough as a source of insatured fats?
as for vitamins: in normal condition they are required in very low daily doses and an excess could be dangerous; now, if i understood something in these 3years of training, that is that the requirements and the hole body of a man that trains as hard as i do is completely different from what is written in medicine books...so what can you tell me about this


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Dridz hit it on the head with whey, multi, fish oil and creatine mono.

Waxy maize is meant to be good too, but dextrose or maltodextrin are fine.

Casein's can be good before bed or during the day (if you don't eat reguarly) but not necessary.

Whey's whether they are concentrates, isolates or hydrolysed makes very little difference. Isolates are better if you are lactose intollerant. Hydros are nasty tasting and aren't much better than isolates or concentrates.

Personally I just buy a good blend of concentrates and isolates like Optimum Nutrition 100% whey. A good blend will have >80% protein per serve and ~20% BCAA's.

But I don't see the value of BCAA's when you are taking whey or casein.

There is little to no value in any NO product. There is not one study that has shown it puts on any muscle. Don't waste your money on this rubbish.