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Nandrolone eleven times more damaging to blood vessels than testosterone



Mecca V.I.P.
Dec 27, 2008
Nandrolone kills the blood vessel lining at a concentration eleven times lower than that at which testosterone kills them. Researchers from the University of L’Aquila in Italy discovered this in laboratory tests on human cells.

Heavy and long-term use of anabolic steroids such as testosterone and nandrolone increases the chance of fatal heart failure, and even more so when combined with recreational drugs like cocaine.

There are several theories, which do not exclude each other, as to why anabolic steroids have this effect. The most well known is that anabolic steroids make the heart muscle grow, sometimes to deadly proportions. This effect doesn’t set in after a single course of supplements, or even after a heavy dosage, but only after prolonged use. The chance of the heart muscle becoming enlarged increases even more when anabolic steroids are used in combination with human growth hormone.

Anabolic steroids also have an immediate effect on heart and blood vessels. In high concentrations they kill heart cells and produce blood clots. These tiny, almost invisible clots can cut tissue from the blood vessel lining.

Another negative effect of androgens is that they cause blood vessels to narrow (stenosis). Even the very mild DHEA is known to do this in some experiments.

In all these processes the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are the key factor. Anabolic steroids harden these cells, which causes higher blood pressure. This in turn causes enlargement of the heart muscle. The hardened cells are also more susceptible to blood clots.

This is the background of the Italian study. The researchers exposed endothelial cells to testosterone, the testosterone precursor androstenedione, and two precursors of nandrolone. They then recorded the concentration at which half of the cells stopped growing. The results are presented below.

Anabolenbloedvat 1

The more an anabolic steroid reduces growth of blood vessel cells, the more dangerous the anabolic steroid is for the heart and blood vessels. Nandrolone is much more damaging than testosterone, as the figure above shows.

Norandrostenediol on the other hand turns out to be surprisingly mild. [Maybe the stuff is a SARM after all – red.] The graphs below show the effect of testosterone [blue], nandrolone [black] and norandrostenediol [green] on the growth and development of the endothelium cells. Nandrolone has a much greater effect on cells then testosterone.

Testnandbloedvat 1

The anabolic steroids increase the concentration of calcium in the cell, the researchers found. Cellular calcium activates suicide enzymes.

"According to these findings, we suggest that the observed endothelial alterations may be considered as events predisposing to serious damage at the cell vasculature level", the Italian researchers write.

Most heavy anabolic steroids used in chemical bodybuilding are based on testosterone, not nandrolone. As you can see from this Italian research, that’s not such a bad idea at all.

what do you think?


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
well its a good thing i dont care and plan on dying early


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
i would take this post with a grain of salt. just scare tactics. theories and such. nothing proven. they never state how much anabolics they were testing with. just state heavy long term use. they were probably pumping 5grams into this tissue for testing. also most sides are reversed when discontinued.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
that's a comment a ra-tard would make.

whats a ra-tard? i know retard, and ri-tard. but not familiar w/ ra-tard. buzzkill....your killin my buzz


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
ever seen the hang over??? a ra-tard


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
ever seen the hang over??? a ra-tard

THATS WHAT I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING FOR. but i would think it was more ri-tard. RI. anyways, I always said if i was going out, its in a shoot out w/ the police or in a motorcycle accident so....doesn't sound ritarded to me :borat:
anyways decas not one of my fav so i dont have to worry too much about damaged blood vessels


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
i would never use deca. i've only heard bad things about it. oh and watch that movie again. it's a ra-tard haha


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
is it? god damnit. maybe i'm the one who has to watch it again!

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Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Deca is my 3rd favorite AAS behind test and proviron.. i cycle deca 4 months out of the year, i dont give a shit if I die young because of it (highly unlikely that it will be caused by AAS).. I WILL GLADLY DIE FOR MASS..


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
i would never use deca. i've only heard bad things about it. oh and watch that movie again. it's a ra-tard haha

you have heard bad things about Deca? that's the first time I have heard anyone say anything or refer to someone saying something bad about this incredible drug.. I find that my overall well being and physical aches and pains are virtually gone when I run deca, not only that, but it helps my immune system 10 fold.. I like to cycle deca every winter because I easily get the flu, well this flu season I forgot to run it due to all kinds of family issues as it was the last thing on my mind, and guess what, i got a very bad flu.. each year before that (5 yrs to be exact) I always ran deca and not once did I get sick.. coincidence? I think not..


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Deca Durabolin

Active Life: 14-16 days
Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (injectable)
Average Dose: Men 300-800 mg/week.....Women 50-100 mg/week
Acne: Yes, in higher dosages or sensitive individuals
Water Retention: Yes, but less than testosterone
High Blood Pressure: Dose depandant
Liver Toxic: No
Aromatization: Low, converts to less active norestrogens
DHT Conversion: No, converts to NOR-DHT with low activity
Decrease HPTA function: Yes, extreme
Other Info: Highly anabolic/moderate androgenic effects

Deca-Durabolin is the Organon brand name for the injectable steroid nandrolone decanoate. This compound came around early in the wave of commercial steroid development, first being made available as a prescription medication in 1962.

World wide "Deca" is one of the most widely used anabolic steroids. Its popularity is due to the simple fact that it exhibits many very favorable properties. Structurally nandrolone is very similar to testosterone, although it lacks a carbon atom at the 19th position (hence its other name 19-nortestosterone). The resulting structure is a steroid that exhibits much weaker androgenic properties than testosterone. Of primary interest is the fact that nandrolone will not break down to a more potent metabolite in androgen target tissues. You may remember this is a significant problem with testosterone. Although nandrolone does undergo reduction via the same (5-alpha reductase) enzyme that produces DHT from testosterone, the result in this case is dihydronandrolone. This metabolite is weaker than the parent nandroloness, and is far less likely to cause unwanted androgenic side effects. Strong occurrences of oily skin, acne, body/facial hair growth and hair loss occur very rarely. It is however possible for androgenic activity to become apparent with this as any steroid, but with nandrolone higher than normal doses are usually responsible.

Nandrolone also show an extremely lower tendency for estrogen conversion. For comparison, the rate has been estimated to be only about 20% of that seen with testosterones. This is because while the liver can convert nandrolone to estradiol, in other more active sites of steroid aromatization such as adipose tissue nandrolone is far less open to this process'. Consequently estrogen related side effects are a much lower concern with this drug. An anti-estrogen is likewise rarely needed with Deca, gynecomastia only a worry among sensitive individuals. At the same time water retention is not a usual concern. This effect can occur however, but is most often related to higher dosages. The addition of Proviron and/or Nolvadex should prove sufficient enough to significantly reduce any occurrence. Clearly Deca is a very safe choice among steroids. Actually, many consider it to be the best overall steroid for a man to use when weighing the side effects and results. It should also be noted that in HIV studies, Deca has been shown not only to be effective at safely bringing up the lean body weight of patient, but also to be beneficial to the immune system.

It is of note however that nandrolone is believed to have some activity as a progestin in the body. Although progesterone is a c-19 steroid, removal of this group as in 19-norprogesterone creates a hormone with greater binding affinity for its corresponding receptor. Sharing this trait, many 19-nor anabolic steroids are shown to have some affinity for the progesterone receptor as well. This can lead to some progestin-like activity in the body, and may intensify related side effects. The side effects associated with progesterone are actually quite similar to those of estrogen, including negative feedback inhibition of testosterone production, enhanced rate of fat storage and possibly gynecomastia. Many believe the progestin activity of Deca notably contributes to suppression of testosterone synthesis, which can be marked despite a low tendency for estrogen conversion.

Deca is not known as a very "fast" builder. The muscle building effect of this drug is quite noticeable, but not dramatic. The slow onset and mild properties of this steroid therefore make it more suited for cycles with a longer duration. In general one can expect to gain muscle weight at about half the rate of that with an equal amount of testosterone. A cycle lasting eight to twelve weeks seems to make the most sense, expecting to elicit a slow, even gain of quality mass. Although active in the body for much longer, Deca is usually injected once or twice per week. The dosage for men is usually in the range of 300-600mg/week. If looking to be specific, it is believed that Deca will exhibit its optimal effect (best gain/side effect ratio) at around 2mg per pound of lean bodyweight/weekly. Deca is also a popular steroid among female bodybuilders. They take a much lower dosage on average than men of course, usually around 50mg weekly. Although only slightly androgenic, women are occasionally confronted with virilization symptoms when taking this compound. Should this become a concern, the shorter acting nandrolone Durabolin would be a safer option. This drug stays active for only a few days, greatly reducing the impact of androgenic buildup if withdrawal were indicated.

Endogenous testosterone levels can be a concern with Deca-Durabolin, especially after long cycles. It is therefore mandatory to incorporate ancillary drugs at the conclusion of therapy. An estrogen antagonist such as Clomid or Nolvadex is therefore commonly used for a few weeks. These both provide a good level of testosterone stimulation, although they may take a couple of weeks to show the best effect. HCG injections could be added for extra reassurance, acting to rapidly restore the normal ability of the testes to respond to the resumed release of gonadotropins. For this purpose one could administer three injections of 2500-50001.U., spaced five days apart. After which point the antagonist is continued alone for a few more weeks in an effort to stabilize the production of testosterone. Remember not to begin post cycle therapy (PCT) until after Deca has been withdrawn for around three weeks. Deca stays active for quite some time so the ancillary drugs will not be able to exhibit their optimal effect when the steroid is still being released into the bloodstream. The major drawback for competitive purposes is that in many cases nandrolone metabolites will be detectable in a drug screen for up to a year (or more) after use. This is clearly due to the form of administration. Esterified compounds have a high affinity to stay stored in fatty tissues. While we can accurately estimate the time frame it will take for a given dose to enter circulation from an injection site, we cannot know for sure that 100% of the steroid will have been metabolized at any given point. Small amounts may indeed be stubborn in leaving fatty tissue, particularly after heavy, longer-term use. Some quantity of nandrolone decanoate may therefore be left to sporadically enter into the blood stream many months after use. This process may be further aggravated when dieting for a show, a time when body fat stores are being actively depleted (possibly freeing more steroid). This has no doubt been the cause for many unexpected positives on a drug screen. The fact that nandrolone has been isolated as the "hands-off" injectable for the drug tested athlete is most likely due to its popularity (and therefore common appearance on drug screens). The same risk would of course hold true for other long chain esterified injectables such as Equipoise, and Primobolan.

Those not worried about drug screens are likely to find the low water retention and good effect of this drug favorable for use in pre-contest cutting stacks. A combination of Deca and Winstrol during the weeks/months leading up to a show for example, is noted to greatly enhance to look of muscularity and definition. A strong non-aromatizing androgen like Halotestin or trenbolone could be further added, providing an enhanced level of hardness and density to the muscles. Being an acceptable anabolic, Deca can also be incorporated into bulk cycles with good results. The classic Deca and Dianabol cycle has been a basic for decades, and always seems to provide excellent muscle growth. A stronger androgen such as Anadrol or testosterone could also be substituted, producing greater results. When mixed with Deca, the androgen dosage can be kept lower than if used alone, hopefully making the cycle more comfortable. Additionally one may choose to continue Deca for a number of few weeks after the androgen has been stopped. This will hopefully harden up some of the bloat produced by the androgen, giving a more quality appearance. Remember that endogenous testosterone production will not resume during Deca therapy, and ancillaries are likewise still needed.

Source - steroidology


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
i stick to test personally. i never get sick, and don't get any sides. i've never touched deca. i'm just basing off what i've heard from people i know who have used it. my gf gets pissed if i can't perform in the bedroom and i've heard a lot of deca dick stories. my joints don't bother me yet, but if they ever do i may look into using deca down the road for joint benefits. my friends are kind of idiots so they may have been just running deca alone. i'll have to look into that.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
i stick to test personally. i never get sick, and don't get any sides. i've never touched deca. i'm just basing off what i've heard from people i know who have used it. my gf gets pissed if i can't perform in the bedroom and i've heard a lot of deca dick stories. my joints don't bother me yet, but if they ever do i may look into using deca down the road for joint benefits. my friends are kind of idiots so they may have been just running deca alone. i'll have to look into that.

you only get deca dick if you do deca alone, if you stack it with test you wont have any issue at all.. you friends sound like newbs.. deca is probably one of the most popular steroids out on the market.. its very safe and the results are very steady and mostly all of the gains are kept from any deca cycle.. its an amazing off season drug, but nothing compares to test and tren..

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