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I sleep for 6-8 hours per day yet I still feel tired. Why?

  • Thread starter Jasmin Cottontail
  • Start date
Jasmin Cottontail

Jasmin Cottontail

Nov 1, 2016
I normally sleep 6-8 hours per day or more than 8 hours but I still feel tired within the day. I don't know what's wrong with my body but I don't usually engage to physical works. I'm more like sitting since I'm working with my laptop but I do exercise every time I woke up and I also eat healthy. What do you think can be the reason of my tiredness? :(


Mecca V.I.P.
Nov 1, 2016
I think you need to start doing some exercises. Lack of exercises can sometimes make you always feel tired even when you are having adequate sleep. I will advise you to take out at least 30 minutes each day to do exercises like jogging, press ups, long jump and so on.


New member
Nov 9, 2016
Lack of stretching when you stay for long periods of time in front of the PC can be a good reason for tiredness, it's a common issue for programmers and that's why big companies like to have gyms in their building. I suggest you take a 15 minute break once every couple of hours if possible, maybe go for a 1km jog back and forth in that time. It can both be useful for your mind and body.


Active member
Nov 1, 2016
I'm worried that you may have the same problem with me. This happened when I abruptly changed my diet. Can you list down some of the foods you eat daily?
You know, Cobra Energy drink---the one with L-carnitine, helped me recover from this. You may also want to drink a decoction of Turmeric at least once a day. So far, right now, I can wake up energized even with just 3 hours of sleep. Let me know if you need some other tips.
Jasmin Cottontail

Jasmin Cottontail

Nov 1, 2016
I think you need to start doing some exercises. Lack of exercises can sometimes make you always feel tired even when you are having adequate sleep. I will advise you to take out at least 30 minutes each day to do exercises like jogging, press ups, long jump and so on.

I actually do cardio hip hop daily for at least an hour. I know for a fact that lack of exercise can make ones body to feel tired and restless. That's why I was wondering what should be the cause of it since I exercise and keep a healthy diet. I can't also say that I'm stressed out or feeling depressed but I'm actually happy. This isn't a new thing for me though since I've also experienced this before.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm worried that you may have the same problem with me. This happened when I abruptly changed my diet. Can you list down some of the foods you eat daily?
You know, Cobra Energy drink---the one with L-carnitine, helped me recover from this. You may also want to drink a decoction of Turmeric at least once a day. So far, right now, I can wake up energized even with just 3 hours of sleep. Let me know if you need some other tips.

I haven't really changed my diet. I eat vergetables as well as fruits and meat. And I do exercise every day that's why I was wondering why do I feel this way. Yes I've tried Cobra before when I was still working in a BPO but I stopped it since it's not good and it can damage your liver if you take it regularly. I just replaced it with coffee instead since I'm a coffee addict so it also does the same trick. However, as of the moment, coffee can't keep me up all night and wide awake. I feel frustrated since I need to stay awake because of work but somehow feel sleepy most of the time.

- - - Updated - - -

Lack of stretching when you stay for long periods of time in front of the PC can be a good reason for tiredness, it's a common issue for programmers and that's why big companies like to have gyms in their building. I suggest you take a 15 minute break once every couple of hours if possible, maybe go for a 1km jog back and forth in that time. It can both be useful for your mind and body.

Yes I'm actually doing that. I take a rest once in a while or whenever my eyes got tired or if I feel the need to do some stretching. It seemed to help a bit but just right at that moment, then after a while I'll start closing my eyes.

Daniel Dormer

Active member
Nov 1, 2016
Well, if you're still tired, it means that you're not getting enough rest. That is, enough rest to make up for what you're doing during the day. Are your days usually really active? If so, you need to sleep more hours. Some people like truck drivers have to sleep 8-12 hours some times to keep up.


Active member
Nov 1, 2016
I haven't really changed my diet. I eat vergetables as well as fruits and meat. And I do exercise every day that's why I was wondering why do I feel this way. Yes I've tried Cobra before when I was still working in a BPO but I stopped it since it's not good and it can damage your liver if you take it regularly. I just replaced it with coffee instead since I'm a coffee addict so it also does the same trick. However, as of the moment, coffee can't keep me up all night and wide awake. I feel frustrated since I need to stay awake because of work but somehow feel sleepy most of the time.

Actually, the one I mentioned is good for the Kidney. I have fatty liver that's why I take Cobra to control it but not on a daily basis, probably twice or thrice a week is good and it keeps me up all night without the side effects. Caffiene, Taurine, L-Carnitine, Ginseng, and Inositol combination helps the liver to metabolize of fat and remove toxins. Most people say that the product is bad but this version of Cobra for me is Ok since it has less sugar. One of the common symptoms of fatty liver is tiredness and fatigue. I brought this up because you want to lose weight and losing weight sometimes put a stress in the liver causing fatty liver. Anyway, it's better if you have yourself checked by a real doctor just to be sure. I'm just guessing here based on the facts you've provided.
Jasmin Cottontail

Jasmin Cottontail

Nov 1, 2016
I haven't really changed my diet. I eat vergetables as well as fruits and meat. And I do exercise every day that's why I was wondering why do I feel this way. Yes I've tried Cobra before when I was still working in a BPO but I stopped it since it's not good and it can damage your liver if you take it regularly. I just replaced it with coffee instead since I'm a coffee addict so it also does the same trick. However, as of the moment, coffee can't keep me up all night and wide awake. I feel frustrated since I need to stay awake because of work but somehow feel sleepy most of the time.

Actually, the one I mentioned is good for the Kidney. I have fatty liver that's why I take Cobra to control it but not on a daily basis, probably twice or thrice a week is good and it keeps me up all night without the side effects. Caffiene, Taurine, L-Carnitine, Ginseng, and Inositol combination helps the liver to metabolize of fat and remove toxins. Most people say that the product is bad but this version of Cobra for me is Ok since it has less sugar. One of the common symptoms of fatty liver is tiredness and fatigue. I brought this up because you want to lose weight and losing weight sometimes put a stress in the liver causing fatty liver. Anyway, it's better if you have yourself checked by a real doctor just to be sure. I'm just guessing here based on the facts you've provided.

I see. I haven't had any idea about that but now I know since you have mentioned it. Wha are other drinks that you can suggest me aside Cobra since my hubby does not want me to drink it anymore. And yes, I'm on a diet right now but I haven't experience feeling lazy before that's why it's a bit new to me. Anyway, does eating fatty food can also cause fatty liver? Cause I haven't eaten anything fatty lately, aside from bopis if you're familiar with that since it's my favorite haha :D But aside from that I don't eat fatty food as of the moment.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2016
I usually find that if people are feeling tired even though they are getting enough sleep, it's usually down to their diet and I'd be tempted to have a look at what foods you're eating or if you've recently made any changes. As we get older our body changes and so does the nutrients it needs to stay fit and healthy, and while when e are young we may be able to get away with eating junk food, as we get older that starts to take it's toll.

Sometimes even when we are careful about what we eat and make sure we get the right vitamins, what our body needs might have changed and because of that it's worth changing our diet on a regular basis. Change what you eat and even when you eat it and see if that as any effect but you also have to remember that it can take time for changes to take effect so you won't see an instant difference.
Jasmin Cottontail

Jasmin Cottontail

Nov 1, 2016
Yes you are right @pwarbi. I have to admit that I do not take vitamins lately although I eat healthy food. Well I haven't really take vitamins for years now because when I did, I got sick. I just took vitamin C then. Now I'm just getting vitamins from foods. Right, I will try to change my eating habits as well as the food that I intake. Hopefully I won't feel tired and restless anymore.

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Active member
Nov 1, 2016
I see. I haven't had any idea about that but now I know since you have mentioned it. Wha are other drinks that you can suggest me aside Cobra since my hubby does not want me to drink it anymore. And yes, I'm on a diet right now but I haven't experience feeling lazy before that's why it's a bit new to me. Anyway, does eating fatty food can also cause fatty liver? Cause I haven't eaten anything fatty lately, aside from bopis if you're familiar with that since it's my favorite haha But aside from that I don't eat fatty food as of the moment.

Well then, I guess we cannot do anything more about that but if you want an alternative then try looking for good Ginseng root extract. If you cannot find an actual Ginseng, then buying processed ones, I believe the red Ginseng of Korea is one of the best out there. You can also partner this with Turmeric tea--turmeric helps with Fat metabolism. Honestly, if doesn't matter now if you eat fatty foods or not, the deal is, your body is still metabolizing them since you are dieting. The fats remaining on your body are still being digested by your liver. I love Bopis as well, but I rarely eat it because internal Animal organ sometimes are very hard to burn compared to regular meat. :D
Jasmin Cottontail

Jasmin Cottontail

Nov 1, 2016
Well then, I guess we cannot do anything more about that but if you want an alternative then try looking for good Ginseng root extract. If you cannot find an actual Ginseng, then buying processed ones, I believe the red Ginseng of Korea is one of the best out there. You can also partner this with Turmeric tea--turmeric helps with Fat metabolism. Honestly, if doesn't matter now if you eat fatty foods or not, the deal is, your body is still metabolizing them since you are dieting. The fats remaining on your body are still being digested by your liver. I love Bopis as well, but I rarely eat it because internal Animal organ sometimes are very hard to burn compared to regular meat.

Right. I think I'll be trying that instead. Haven't really tried that before. What about Chinese ginseng? Do you think it's more effective than red Korean Ginseng? Yes I'm familiar with Turmeric tea, in fact I'm seeing one in malls recently and it's the same brand. I think they're promoting it. But let me see if it can help. They also advertise that it can be a cure for some illness :)


Active member
Nov 1, 2016
I've noticed that I misspelled some of my words, I hope you do understand what I was saying. :p
Korean Ginseng so far has been proven to be potent in maintaining good health, so comparing it to Chinese Ginseng I still recommend this one, however, you may want to research which one is more effective to you. :) Do you still remember the brand of the Turmeric Tea? Honestly, I don't want to recommend the processed Turmeric because they are less potent than the fresh ones. Try to look for fresh turmeric, they don't cost much and can easily be found on local food markets.
How are you feeling recently?


Mecca V.I.P.
Nov 1, 2016
Sleeping 6-8 hours per day not always it's enough rest. It depends on a lot of factors, like Joe says, it depends on our age, health and many times above all, on the worries or activity we have during the day. So if you are sleeping 8 hours and feeling tired you need to analyze why that is happening.


Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 20, 2016
I too have a computer based Job and since starting this position my energy levels have become depleted. Previously i was able to train serveral times a day and remained very active the other parts of the day and my energy levels always remained fairly high. I think this this is caused by the lack of movement and circulation and the mental strain and stress typically caused by an office type job. I have recently started going to the gym or even going on walks during my lunch, also every 30 minutes or so simply getting up and walking around keeps my energy levels much higher. Might be worth a try?

- - - Updated - - -

I too have a computer based Job and since starting this position my energy levels have become depleted. Previously i was able to train several times a day and remained very active the other parts of the day and my energy levels always remained fairly high. I think this this is caused by the lack of movement and circulation and the mental strain and stress typically caused by an office type job. I have recently started going to the gym or even going on walks during my lunch, also every 30 minutes or so simply getting up and walking around keeps my energy levels much higher. Might be worth a try?


Mecca V.I.P.
Nov 1, 2016
I'm worried that you may have the same problem with me. This happened when I abruptly changed my diet. Can you list down some of the foods you eat daily?
You know, Cobra Energy drink---the one with L-carnitine, helped me recover from this. You may also want to drink a decoction of Turmeric at least once a day. So far, right now, I can wake up energized even with just 3 hours of sleep. Let me know if you need some other tips.

Thanks for this highly informative post, I hope those substances will work fine for everybody. Of a fact I am sometimes dizzy or feel sleepy during the day, I can attribute mine to insufficient hours of sleep at night. I may have to read more about these substances you mentioned.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2016
The products mentioned do work for me also and in fact any item that advertises that it will give you an energy boost will have the desired effect, but at the same time I think we need to be careful that we don't rely to much on them. I worked nights with somebody who found it difficult to get the right amount of sleep during the day, so resorted to taking night nurse, a cold and flu medicine to make him drowsy so he could sleep. It did work, but when he woke up he was still drowsy so then took pro-plus and red bull to wake himself up and soon he found that he couldn't sleep or wake up refreshed without taking them substances and he became almost dependant on them which is of course a bad thing.

Making sure we get enough sleep and when we do go to bed, making sure we are ready to sleep are a better option and while these substances can help us, we have to make sure that we don't end up relying on them at the same time.


Active member
Nov 1, 2016
I'm worried that you may have the same problem with me. This happened when I abruptly changed my diet. Can you list down some of the foods you eat daily?You know, Cobra Energy drink---the one with L-carnitine, helped me recover from this. You may also want to drink a decoction of Turmeric at least once a day. So far, right now, I can wake up energized even with just 3 hours of sleep. Let me know if you need some other tips.
Thanks for this highly informative post, I hope those substances will work fine for everybody. Of a fact I am sometimes dizzy or feel sleepy during the day, I can attribute mine to insufficient hours of sleep at night. I may have to read more about these substances you mentioned.
Anytime, @tpicks. Not sure though if Cobra is available in your country. Is it? Yeah, you're pretty much like me but I'm pretty much good at combating sleepiness. :D


Mecca V.I.P.
Nov 1, 2016
I think that those supplements you mention might help on the short term and might help the body to boost out of that state, but on the long run, should we be taking them all the time? There is a point where the body needs to respond by itself or else we need to take that forever.

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