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ANY EXP w/ RAD140 or LGD???



Sep 16, 2016
Im running rad140 courtesy of a sponsor on a diff board. Before this I had only used AAS and MK677(no GH)...Cycle about once ayear or less in average...Been off gear for awhile and only about 5lbs under by all time BW as I recover well with great pct regimens .diet training and do not cycle till Im back and setting PR's in "off cycle" training. MK677 has been a miracle drug during pct and towards very end of cycle. I had read much about RAD140 NOT being suppressive but appears the folks behind some of this info are the ones selling the products. Many others claim high HPTA shutdown comparable to AAS or PH/designer drugs with less gains.

I am doing 10mg daily for 30 days. The company that offered the log sells these close to 2-3x the other companies I normally deal with so IF I do continue I'd prob go with a diff company but since I have begun I am thinking of using this as a lead in to a 8-10 testP,NPP and dbol cycle with HCG and cloimd and nolva for pct along with 60 days mk677(30 at 25 30 at 12.5)

If anyone else has info on RAD140 ESPECIALLY studies which I dont think there are ny in humans please lmk or if anyone here has ran rad140 please share your experience.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Im running rad140 courtesy of a sponsor on a diff board. Before this I had only used AAS and MK677(no GH)...Cycle about once ayear or less in average...Been off gear for awhile and only about 5lbs under by all time BW as I recover well with great pct regimens .diet training and do not cycle till Im back and setting PR's in "off cycle" training. MK677 has been a miracle drug during pct and towards very end of cycle. I had read much about RAD140 NOT being suppressive but appears the folks behind some of this info are the ones selling the products. Many others claim high HPTA shutdown comparable to AAS or PH/designer drugs with less gains.

I am doing 10mg daily for 30 days. The company that offered the log sells these close to 2-3x the other companies I normally deal with so IF I do continue I'd prob go with a diff company but since I have begun I am thinking of using this as a lead in to a 8-10 testP,NPP and dbol cycle with HCG and cloimd and nolva for pct along with 60 days mk677(30 at 25 30 at 12.5)

If anyone else has info on RAD140 ESPECIALLY studies which I dont think there are ny in humans please lmk or if anyone here has ran rad140 please share your experience.
I have used them both.
To be honest lgd was sort of like low dbol dose. Felt good liked it will start some up on my cruise trt dose.
I really like osta at 25 mg per day I do it through trt bloods and all is good

Rad 140.
I need more of it. I ran it at 8-12 mg per day. This to me was like masteron or proviron added to my trt dose - any prostate issues.
Rad 140 hardened me up nice. I learned it increases free testosterone it helps prostate!!! Yes!!!
And it improves neuro function and is neuro protective.
I would like to get some rad 140 and stay on it for several months on a cruise trt with some peptides mod gfr 1-29
With Ipamorelin or ghrp 2

Rad is a hardener lgd is osta with a little more size.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Rad at 10 mg doesn't shut u down hard.
Lgd at 10 mg will pretty good.
Osta at 25 not too bad.
When I say not bad your total test will dip below bottom of range but not end up at 0 like gear.
Lgd is a little more than other two.

The benifit they not only cause minimal shut down but they don't effect lipids, liver function, or red blood or hair!!!!
This is great for a guy to use on trt no worries if shut down! Lol!
And no negatives of staying on a blast!!!
I will continue to use the hell out of them during cruise and if I get it right my blast will be limited to short esters and just long enough to prime and open up growth window 4-5 weeks at most but I will stay on trt and Sarms

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