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My First Run- I hope this helps somebody!



Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 20, 2016
I am 28 years old and ran 100mg of test p EOD for the first half of the cycle and switched to about .75 ed to increase dose and also i noticed that pinning prop ed keeps you feeling much more level. My buddy gave me 6 10ml's of test p and i did my research and saw it was a safer compound and it is out of the system faster should something bad happen. I had already been stocking up on orals like Halovar, super dmz 2.0 and sarms like ostarine and lgd. I also already had run the old finaflex before they discontinued it. Every thing went smooth at first except for some reason i kept having anxiety attacks for the first two weeks. I could feel my blood pressure up and it made me nervous about heart issues so work outs on those two weeks were minimal, but iv'e always had anxiety issues. after the first 2 weeks i adjusted and got used to it and really felt the extra boost of energy. i felt stronger more confident and my lifts were easy it was like when i was in my early 20s and running off the original jack3d haha. I have always heard steroids make you angry but i was so happy all the time and just felt such a sense of well being and motivation. I saw the sale go up for imporium for halloween and all my supplements showed up which i heard for most part that was not the case for most of his customers. (sorry to all those who lost their money but it could have been worse!. After running through all 6 vials at week 10 i decided i would dip into one of the 3 50ml jugs i ordered from imporium. My first shot got really infected and i ended up having to go the the er for 2 types of penicillin. The second shot i could feel in my thigh for nearly 2 weeks which is weird because i had been pinning in my thighs for 3 months ed so they weren't virgin muscles. I couldn't trust the rest of my stash so i tossed it (trust me it really hurt me inside to throw those bottles in the trash) I started my pct protocol. I started with 50 mg of clomid. turns out that does not sit well with my body and my vision got way too blurry vision. Test withdrawls for me are horribile and no one ever mentioned to me that my body would go through convulsions and shakes and frequent panik attacks, even just lowering my dose gave me the shakes and panick attacks. The ER gave me their spiel saying you shouldn't be doing these things and my general practitioner bascially told me to fuck off and let me know i'm on my own. I went into his office shaking. 5 days since my last pin took a clomid the day before and i asked him if i should see a specialist to help me or what i should do. He said neither i nor my staff know anything about these things including the endocrinology department and that i was on my own. My BP was 160/90 i said well are there certain signs i should watch for to know whether i should go to the ER and he stated again sorry man your on your own we cant help you. He didnt even order tests to be done to see if my levels were in check. He then asked what my original plan was so i told him. 100 mg clomid 40 mg nolva weeks 1-2 and half of each weeks 3-4. he then asked me to explain why for each so i did. His reply was to not take anything and to just lye in bed until my body restores itself and hopefully have learned my lesson by then. I went home and thought hard for about an hour and came to the conclusions... I had been researching this for months and asking questions from other members on the forum and why should i let some dum doctors opinion scare me as i obviously know more on this subject then he does. I popped a Nolva and within 30 minutes the side effects went away. they started to come back the next day and i popped another Nolva. which made me feel normal. These capsules are at 25 mg. I shoud have been taking two at a time but was nervous because of my reaction to Clomid. within a few days on nolva i was able to get out of bed and start moving around and even had morning wood! For my next cycle i know better! wait 3 days after last pin and pop 4 20 mg nolvas as the half life is so long it takes time to build up in the system. then every day after for the 2 weeks take 2 20mg's the last two weeks switch down to 1 2o mg tablet daily. This time around i took 1 25mg pill everyday for 5 weeks i am wondering if i should do 6 weeks or not advise would be great! Thanks! Also any suggestions on the blood pressure? y thoughts are i will be running from now on 1 month on and 1 month off but i need to get my bp in check on those first two weeks for this to be effective. I plan on running 500mg test P weekly and pin ed.


Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 10, 2014
Good help, I'm not an expert but I would chill a little and see how my body does before pushing again.


Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 20, 2016
I had 3 months on plus 5weeks on nolva so I figure I gotta wait at least 4months tlll the next cycle right?


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 22, 2016
If you ever need to check bloodwork you can go to privatemdlabs on line . if you need assistance let me know.