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Bodybuilders who Publicly accepted their steroid usage

Anuj Tyagi

Anuj Tyagi

Apr 29, 2018
Steroids are the dirty truth of bodybuilding. Trust me; you’re kidding yourself if you think that any of the pro bodybuilders went on that stage by drinking protein shakes and taking a pinch of Creatine. There’s a lot of hidden truth behind the dark work of bodybuilding. As name of the sport itself suggests, ‘bodybuilding’, the art of building a body that is beyond the natural state of the nature and yet flawless. The extent to which these steroids are used shouldn’t be difficult to judge when you see the competitors competing with each other on who is most highly developed and defined. I am not taking anything away the sheer hard work and dedication that goes along with taking these performing enhancing drugs. But to bluntly come out and say that you are natty for life, is just making a fool out of the audience. Today I am going to tell you about a few bodybuilders who had the balls to accept their steroid usage. After all it’s rare when you see a bodybuilder accepting this truth.

Arnold Schwarzenegger – The name that is synonymous with bodybuilding. He was the one who brought the sport of bodybuilding on the world map and not just USA. An Austrian by birth who came to America to become a professional bodybuilder went on to become one of the best bodybuilders in the world that this planet has seen so far. The 7 times Mr. Olympia popularized the sport of bodybuilding with his movie ‘pumping Iron’ where he played himself and showed the world what it takes to be a champion bodybuilder. Later on Arnold even joined politics and became governor of the state of California.
Not many people know that Arnie accepted steroid usage publicly in 1977. Those were the years when steroid use was not illegal like now. So he did not have any fear of accepting the truth back then. He wrote, steroids were helpful to me in maintaining muscle size while on a strict diet in preparation for a contest. I did not use them for muscle growth, but rather for muscle maintenance when cutting up. Now this does not mean that it was easier for him to become Mr. O with the steroid edge. It takes more than just performance enhancing drugs to become someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger. And of course, other competitors with whom he used to compete were probably on steroids too.

Ronnie Coleman – known as the biggest policemen in the world, Ronnie is considered as the best bodybuilder ever in terms of the size that he had on stage. He maintained a contest weight of around 300lb which was something that the bodybuilding world had never seen before. No doubt he went on to become Mr. Olympia 8 times in a row, which is a record in itself. He also holds the record for most IFBB wins with a total of 26 wins under his name.
It may come as a surprise to know that Ronnie Coleman was a Police Officer in USA when he competed initially for Mr. Olympia. Since use of steroids was illegal in America, we cannot assume how he could possibly get away with that. Though he never accepted use of steroids while working as policemen, later on he did accept while giving an interview to a popular magazine in 2011. It didn’t come as big surprise for him to announce his steroid use, as a physique like him is way beyond natural potential. It came as a welcome move for his fans when he made this revelation.

Flex Wheeler – Nicknamed as the sultan of symmetry, flex wheeler had a very rough childhood. He grew up in extreme poverty as a child and also suffered incidences of child abuses. He also suffered from suicidal tendencies due to dyslexia. Wheeler started his sports career as a martial artist and later on took up bodybuilding as his professional career. He was famous for his flexibility although he was really muscular. He was one of the rare bodybuilders who could even perform a full split despite of having huge legs. Though he never won the Mr. Olympia title, he missed it with a margin three times when he ended up as a runner up in the year 1993, 1998 and 1999. He has 4 Arnold classic wins on his name.
In the year 1999, wheeler was diagnosed with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis which is a form of kidney disease. Though this ailment is hereditary but wheeler accepted that steroid usage had made it worse. Had he not used steroids, he wouldn’t have suffered from this condition in his 40’s.
Flex Wheeler

Dorian Yates – A former English Professional bodybuilder, Dorian Yates was famous for his huge ‘lats’. He was also known as ‘The shadow’ in the bodybuilding community. He had a winning streak in Mr. Olympia where he won the title for 6 times in a row, 1992 to 1997. Yates also popularized High Intensity Training technique for maximum muscle gain. Yates was known as ‘The shadow’ as he used to stay away from public limelight. He also turned down various supplement endorsement offers so that he can concentrate only on his bodybuilding career. He retired in the year 1997 due to his injuries. However, he won the title of Mr. Olympia despite of all those injuries.
Dorian Yates is one of those bodybuilders in the industry who have not only admitted to steroid use but also talked about it openly. He even wrote about steroids for various magazines. His statement on steroids became famous when he said, ‘’steroids are better than McDonalds.’’ He didn’t lose his respect when he accepted steroid usage as he is deeply admired for his hard work and dedication towards the sport of bodybuilding. He wasn’t one of those who had gifted genetics; he worked really hard for his physique.
Dorian Yates

Rich Piana – Though he died last year at the age of 47 years, Rich’s bodybuilding career was as long as 25 years. He started bodybuilding career at a young age of 18 years. He was just 11 years old when he started training with weights in the gym. He competed in various national level bodybuilding competitions and started his own supplement nutrition company after retiring from stage bodybuilding. He died a sudden death last year and his death was connected with steroids.
In a youtube video in 2014, piana accepted that he has been using anabolic steroids over the course of his 25 years of career. He told that he had been using steroids since at the age of 18. However, he always warned everyone about the side effects that steroids will have on the body. He told people that even he had faced some major side effects such as hair loss, gynecomastia and liver toxicity. He accepted that he knows that he has gone too far with the use of these drugs and he is totally aware of the choices that he has made in his life and what consequences it may have. He was willing to take his chances. In a video in 2016 on his youtube channel, He told his followers that there was no bodybuilding without steroid, that if they wanted to become a professional bodybuilder, steroid was the need of the hour. However he also said that if there is a choice between using steroid and staying natural, people should choose to stay natural.
Rich Piana

Calum Von Moger – Also known as Arnold 2.0, Calum has more than 2 million fans on his official Facebook page, and his best bodybuilding win till date has been WFF Pro Mr. Universe in 2015.
Moger says that he never promotes use of steroids for bodybuilding; however, he accepts that for competing in big bodybuilding events like Mr. Universe you need to take help of steroids. He admitted steroid use and accepted that he used steroids for his Mr. Universe competition.
Calum Von Moger

Lou Ferrigno - Winner of two IFBB titles of Mr. Universe, Lou also featured against Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie Pumping Iron. He also played the role of Hulk in the television series. Lou’s role in the movie pumping iron shot him to fame as Arnold and him portrayed their rivalry for 1975 Mr. Olympia.
Lou accepted experimenting steroid usage for his bodybuilding competitions. He can also been seen taking pills in the movie Pumping Iron. Though he accepted usage of steroids for bodybuilding, he does not support usage of steroids in general.
Lou Ferrigno

Though all the above bodybuilders accepted steroid usage, this does not take away the achievements that they made in their lifetime. Performance enhancing drugs are a reality of modern sports, its just that not everybody accepts it publicly. Even with all the drugs involved, their sheer hard work and passion towards the sport of bodybuilding is way beyond the words to explain.
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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2017
Well written thanks


Mar 7, 2008
Great read, thanks!


Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 10, 2014
Welcome and interesting article! There are a few bodybuilders who are honest about thier steroid use. The rest are full of shit.


Staff member
May 27, 2010
Thanks for the article!

You guys will be seeing more of this!


Mecca V.I.P.
Nov 1, 2016
Thanks for sharing it, nothing like just telling the truth.
MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Time to bump this article!

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