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Steroid Dealer Spared Prison Only to Beat Up His Probation Officer

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Convicted steroid dealer violates his probation by viciously assaulting a federal employee.
Daniel Frederickson got a lucky break when the judge gave him probation for operating a substantial underground laboratory that manufactured anabolic steroids domestically for EuroPharm Labs. But Frederickson likely screwed up his chances to stay out of jail when he violently assaulted his probation officer.
The assault took place during a scheduled urine sample collection at the U.S. Probation Office in Worcester, Massachusetts on August 20, 2019. Under the terms of his 3-year probationary sentence, Frederickson was required to submit to up to 104 drug tests every year.
As per standard procedure, probation officers are required by law to monitor the provision of the urine sample. In other words, a male officer is required to watch Frederickson pee in a cup.

Frederickson’s insecurities apparently got the best of him.

Unfortunately, Frederickson couldn’t handle the fact that another man was watching him pee. Frederickson became angry and belligerent and demanded to know why the officer had to stay in the bathroom with him.
The U.S. Probation Office employee, identified as P.W., repeatedly explained that he was required to monitor the provision of the sample under the legal terms of Frederickson’s probation. This was not good enough for the convicted steroid dealer.
Frederickson punched P.W. with a closed fist to the side of the face. He then grabbed the officer by the throat with both hands and threw him against the wall. P.W. fell on a table which collapsed and sent him to the ground.
Frederickson proceeded to pounce on him and place him in a side chokehold. Frederickson then mounted the officer and wrapped him hands around his neck and repeatedly slammed his head against the ground.
Frederickson continued to choke the officer almost to the point of unconsciousness. The officer was saved after employees rushed the restroom and chased him away.
The USPO employee suffered serious bodily injuries that included bruising around his eyes, a bloody nose, a large bump on the side of his head, continuing neck and shoulder pain and severe jawbone pain. He was not able to eat solid foods for over one week following the incident.
Frederickson was arrested and charged with assault of a federal employee causing bodily injury. He was been incarcerated at the Worcester County Jail & House of Correction. Due to the severity of the assault, Frederickson faces up to 20 years imprisonment if convicted.