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Do you want to be a freak?



Mar 24, 2021
Want to be a freak? You're in luck. I'm drunk and going to tell you but let's face it. You don't really want this do you? Want to be a FREAK?


Want the girls dropping thier jaw when you walk in the room? Want the guys saying WTF when they see you? Want her down on her knees in front of you telling you how hot your abs look before she takes you in her mouth?


Yeah, most guys do but they don't want to work for it. Face it. Most guys are lazy, don't want to sacrifice and can't eat strict for a week. I'm not going to bullshit you guys in this thread. I will lay it all out but the truth is we don't really want it bad enough. We say we do until we are 45 minutes into our tenth cardio session that week. WE say it until our muscles hurt so bad there are tears in our eyes and we give up. We want it until we have to eat fish for the 4th time that day...I say I want it but I fucking love beer more, so I drink...I say I want to be a FREAK but I don't want to work for it. I'm 10 weeks into a blast and my will feels broken...I can't go on, or can I??? Do I really want this life? No time but time to train. Time to cook, Time to grocery shop, Time to tan. Fuck!!! Not fish and shakes again...FUCK my life.

I walk past the mirror and catch a glimpse. MY obliques are chiseled. My veins look like spider webs all over my body. I catch her looking at me at work, at the store, at the gym. Guys ask me what I'm on. I can't take it. i'm on a FUCKING starvation diet and a shit load of cardio but that's not what they want to hear. They want to hear what drugs to take...You PM me every fucking day. Same questions over and over. ITS NOT THE DRUGS DUMMY!!! Or is it??? Yes and no. Can you take the sides?

Really??? 2 fucking weeks from now you will PM me again whining. I can't sleep. I can't eat like this. I can't do that much cardio. I can't. I can't... THEN STOP PM'ing ME!!!! I can't help you. You don't fucking want this! Just admit it! You don't fucking want this. Its hard. It hurts. You have no social life. You are in the gym when your buddies are drinking beer. You are doing cardio when guys are lying on the couch. You spend your last $50 on protein powder and a bottle of prop. I know all this because I am you. I want it for 2-3 months then I give up. Fuck 10 sessions of cardio a week. Fuck eating fish. Fuck taking pills so I can sleep from all the insomnia from the tren.

Its ok. Get some sleep. wake up and pin. fuck I love to pin. Push in more oil. I love it. My lunches are packed. Off to work. Train after work. Get the pump. Here they come. What are you on??? Not this again... I'm on a crazy train. Fuck my life but fuck I look good and I can lift a shit load of weight. Go ahead. fuck with me. I will make fast work of you...The tren is in my head. Is she cheating on me? How much sleep did I get last night? 5 hours max. Pin some GH and prop and tren. Fuck, I need some caffeine. Ok, double espresso. Time to train.

So IF IF IF you can handle the work, cardio and diet not to mention the sides. Then what??? Drugs of course.

You want that freaky bodybuilder look and your g3netics are average like me???

Its actually quite simple but it takes a focus so strong and focused most give up in a few months if not sooner.

Fuck, where am I? Oh yeah the drugs. One word... Trenbolone. How lo0ng can you take it??? Don't cry to me in 3 weeks when you can't sleep. I don't give a fuck. I can't sleep either. Time for some Xanax. Maybe some whiskey. Most guys give up on tren right when its getting good. 9 weeks in and man your body is changing. The girls want you. Give me some Cialis, prop and more tren...How high can I go. 500mg tren per week and I look in the mirror. Who is this??? I don't even look the same. I need some mast. maybe some win, var, halo. Fuck I look like carved stone..;.lol, Im drunk but its all true. Do you want to be a freak? Man the fuck up and start working for it bitch.

Prop, tren and an oral is a good start. The question is HOW LONG CAN YOU RUN THIS??? Tren at 9 weeks 500mg per week and you are crazy. Eat, train, pin, sleep....over and over. Im feeling insane. just 6 more weeks. Its 4 months now..... Im sub 10% and huge. Not skinny. Huge and lean...How much longer can I go. I want to look like the guy on the cover of the magazine. REALLY??? Eat some more fish and do some more cardio...Fuck Fuck...

Do you really want to be a freak??? Really...?



Mar 24, 2021
HGH 191aa vs 192aa

The 191aa is the purest gh you can get , because is identical to what your body produces. All the pharma grade gh is 191aa and this is one of the biggest reasons pharma hgh works do good , but at same time you have on UGL maket a lot of brands producing the same high quality 191aa gh like Eurotropin.

Other way we have a lot of 192aa on market because is cheap and easy to made , most of the 192aa gh came from china . 192 is a gh that is created by Inclusion Body technology is not identical to human GH. HGH must be identical to GH produced naturally in the human body in order for it to be effective. HGH manufactured through Inclusion Body technology has been known to cause a person to build up antibodies against the drug, causing allergic reactions in some users and neutralization of the drug in others.
Some people have great results on 192aa to.

Some hgh blood test show low gh serum ( less than 15 ) and high IGF and others show over 30 blood serum and over 400 igf levels .

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Mecca V.I.P.
May 6, 2013
Freeeeak!!! :)

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Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 10, 2014
Too long. Burn out like that and turn to shit.

I am using the MuscleMecca Bodybuilding Mobile App!


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2021
Lauren Dannenmiller Posing Practice

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2020
in my case I really don't have a choice. I was a top level national NPC could better as a middleweight I placed top three in several NPC national shows as a middleweight and I actually won a few shows as a light heavyweight but a very light light heavyweight that were smaller contests. why I say I don't have a choice is I have a very small frame. my ankle is my wrists my elbows everything is tiny small my waist is super small. which works as an advantage when I compete against middleweights because small joints makes you look so much bigger on stage but having a slight frame like that it's not conducive to carrying a tremendous amount of muscle like you're talking about so I really never could do that even if I chose to. I pretty much knew I was stuck in the middle weights or as a so so light heavyweight if I wanted to push it. but I was never going to be a heavyweight or some gigantic dude but I was happy with that because I like my look I was more of an ecstatic look I was always in shape during the year I never didn't look like a bodybuilder never got out of shape and bloated you know what I really don't like that freak look it's not what I was looking for so I was kind of happy with my situation honestly.

also when you start talking about freaks you start talking about health problems. because guys like Dorian and Ronnie and flex they all had to take so much anabolics to maintain the size that they carried the ridiculous size that they carried. Ronnie can't even walk, Flex had kidney problems that almost killed him and I'm not sure about Dorian but he's like a recluse you never hear anything about him. so at my size I never had a take a whole bunch of drugs I never had a totally bang everything. so health wise it was a better position to be an also.

look at a guy like Sean Ray who plays second at the Mr Olympia several times he used to compete about 196 of course he took so much less drugs than these other guys did like Nasser etc who probably took double the triple the amounts shawn did. I have to believe this is going to show up later in life is showing a probably live a longer life than these guys. below I posted a picture for my last contest it was a USA I came in six.th, long time ago.
Screenshot 20220421 203551 Photos
Screenshot 20220423 020254 Photos

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2020
My first bodybuilding contest was in 1989 when I was 17 years old. I came in second at a 17 guys. After that I competed every single year to the year 2000. I placed top five in every single show I did other than the last one which was the NPC USA I came in 6th. However, I was just about always the smallest guy in my class but I would always beat these bigger guys. At the Junior Nationals I took second and probably the guy's third through fifth were way bigger than I was They just didn't look better. Same thing with other shows so to answer your question hell no I don't want to be a freak and walk around with a gut hanging out and everybody wonder why does that guy have no body fat but it looks like he's pregnant? I always had this idea my heroes growing up was guys like lee labrada, Sean Ray, Dexter Jackson to a point because I knew Dexter I trained with him once in Jacksonville before anybody knew who the hell he was. I like Dexter's look but I think he got too big at one point I mean he's a legend and I would love to see him go against Sean Ray at his best talk about a drag out fight I still think Sean would win

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2020
My first bodybuilding contest was in 1989 when I was 17 years old. I came in second at a 17 guys. After that I competed every single year to the year 2000. I placed top five in every single show I did other than the last one which was the NPC USA I came in 6th. However, I was just about always the smallest guy in my class but I would always beat these bigger guys. At the Junior Nationals I took second and probably the guy's third through fifth were way bigger than I was They just didn't look better. Same thing with other shows so to answer your question hell no I don't want to be a freak and walk around with a gut hanging out and everybody wonder why does that guy have no body fat but it looks like he's pregnant? I always had this idea my heroes growing up was guys like lee labrada, Sean Ray, Dexter Jackson to a point because I knew Dexter I trained with him once in Jacksonville before anybody knew who the hell he was. I like Dexter's look but I think he got too big at one point I mean he's a legend and I would love to see him go against Sean Ray at his best talk about a drag out fight I still think Sean would win

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On top of it it's the so-called freak you're talking about who are dropping dead. Do you ever see a middleweight bodybuilder and read that he had a heart attack and drop dead at 45? I never read anything like that It's always these heavyweights and super heavyweights who shove themselves with gallons of drugs to keep up. You can do steroids safely there's no doubt about it but it's a slippery slope just because you take more it doesn't mean you're going to get better results but a lot of people don't realize that.

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