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NapsGear AMA - Chris Tuttle : Episode 61: What is the best beginner cycle?



Feb 3, 2021
CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

In this episode, Chris Tuttle answers the following questions:

1)Looking to start GH for an off-season mass phase. Is 4IU enough to make a difference and be worth the money? asked by taTnbSrF981

2)Leading into a show and being a week out is halo better or winny and why? asked by WvpikRi836

3)Best bulking cycle in your opinion? I know diet is important but what compounds would be best to get the most out of an off season? asked by fktPTjhA881

4)Ever use / experience negative side effects with clen? If so, how did you manage them? - asked by NydkRKTY767 05:07 Are EAAS intra needed if you have enough protein over the day? asked by nByHzuiE73

5)What are your thoughts on primo? Is it worth the money? I hear mixed things.- asked by WGBUNAZZ798

6)Running 100mg of tren E along with 375mg sust, effective and health wise is it detrimental? - asked by YjyLNgYw852

7)Safest gear options for a beginner? asked by eHHRMTZn503 07:30 If 1 lat is longer than the other, what do you suggest to make them more symmetrical?asked by uvfgebpk460

8)What are your personal opinion on Mk677 in combo with AAS for the benefits of increased GH/IGF-1? asked by pYidXbrf405

9)Outside of delts and glutes what are good areas to pin? asked by VRjepfEM909 10:06 How often do you see very high doses "30+ Curiosity stems from J3U podcast. - asked by egerVoc 615

10)Thoughts on lower test but higher mast and primo? For example running 200mg test per week and 700mg mast per week. ked by GABZZmMS699

11)1 got gyno knot on my last cycle a year ago. What should I take to keep it down if I start gear
again? asked by QHYsqg285

12)When using proviron do you split the dose in half? As in take 25mg am and 25mg pm? - asked
by ChFxYCnY149

13)Hip flexor sometimes hurts after heavy leg press? What stretches are good for this issue? -
asked by BFSHpzBm34

14)Why do so many people dislike deca but like NPP? Aren't they very much the same outside of ester length? Is masteron a good add in instead of nandrolone compounds if you want to add something more mild? asked by djbPkoPA515

15)Why is tren considered the most hated one? Test alone is always best. asked by qWeTPcey608 17:09 Which compounds at 20 weeks out from a show? asked by DAVESJc504

16)Would adding 200-300mg of nandrolone to a TRT program be enough to grow? asked by PckxMMCg377

17)Thoughts on 400mg of test per week by my DOCTOR? asked by GGswubQW483

18)Flat on prep? Should you be worried about that or should you embrace it and just do the refeeds
for energy? asked by sBiphZBC301

CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

About NapsGear IFBB Pro AMA

NapsGear’s IFBB Pro AMA (Ask Me Anything) offers our customers the opportunity to ask the hard questions and actually receive a credentialed and qualified answer. Who better to get your bodybuilding and fitness advice from than an IFBB Pro?! NapsGear is proud to introduce our IFBB Pro leaders: Evan Centopani, Chris Tuttle, Milos Sarcev, Lee Priest, Guy Cisternino, Antoine Vaillant!

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