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NapsGear AMA - Evan Centopani : Episode 50: What is a good cutting cycle?



MuscleMecca Sponsors
Jan 13, 2021
CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

In this episode, Evan Centopani answers the following questions:

1. I'm coming up to my 12 week of test E I was wonder when to use The HCG injections and start the pct like novadex and another one I got I forgot the name.first time doing a cycle I'm nearing the end of my cycle and and I wanna make sure I'm going to end the right way thanks.

2. Hey brother, I have enjoyed listening to your advice, given to other people. I have absolutely been using gear the improper way, and would like advice on how to correct my usage, so that I can start again at a later date. I'm currently using Cyp 750/wk, and Deca 400/wk......for almost a year without any breaks. My bloodwork is good, and I don't have any side effects. BUT, I know this is not how to cycle, and need to come off this, for a break. The only issue I have is it's the beginning of summer, and I don't want to lose any size. What do recommend for coming off this LONG improper cycle; how should I go about doing that? Thank you, and yes, I realize now, I'm a bonehead

3. HI Evan how are you doing? question :- i am 5'8 male 220 lbs 20% bf. will i be able to cut with winstrol and anavar only cycle for 10weeks?

4. Hi Evan. What does a big guy like you eat for breakfast?I like to eat 4 soft boiled eggs,bacon,milk juice and peanut butter toast. I have a pretty slim waist and I know the six pack is in there but I have this little sack of flab near my belly button that never seems to go away. Any suggestions?

5. I have never watched 1 if your videos until now, but I'm hooked, I just wanna say bravo , I just started using tes about a year ago, and I wish I would have watched you before, it could have saved me alit of time and money, thank you for spending the time to give people some of the detrimental tips , I feel like everyone is so gung ho on just blasting to the top in a few weeks, it's just not gonna happen, good things take time,and hard work, it'll happen guys just keep it up, thank you again Evan

6. Hey even, huge fan of yours I remember walking into the gym in 2012 and your picture front page on muscular development magazine and was immediately inspired. Long story short I'm a 29 year old male, been on trt sence 21 , at 25 I ran my first "cycle" 500 deca weekly 50mg dbol every day got up to 252 pounds visible abs , ran another cycle at 26 trt and eq 400 weekly and was 239 pounds 10-12% body fat(best I ever looked) . From 26-28 I took 0 drugs only trt, I lost some muscle (about 6-8 pounds) I run 3 businesses I'm sure that had a little to do with it. I've been back on gear on and off for 12 months now with little to no luck. Bad gear? Am I getting old? Insulin resistance? Is it harder to build muscle once you hit 30/ get close to 30? My current stack is still trt as a base with 3 shots of npp a week. My protein consists of 2 pounds of meat a day , carbs 200-600g a day(some days high some days low) , veges can be inconsistent at times but usually do them eod. I watched your last video and trying to go on a straight one year bulk to gain and HOLD some muscle and I'm going to take your advice and only taking bulking ped's and consuming higher calorie bulking food. What tips could you give me. Specs : Caucasian , bw 240 , 5.8 height, age 29 .

CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

About NapsGear IFBB Pro AMA

NapsGear’s IFBB Pro AMA (Ask Me Anything) offers our customers the opportunity to ask the hard questions and actually receive a credentialed and qualified answer. Who better to get your bodybuilding and fitness advice from than an IFBB Pro?! NapsGear is proud to introduce our IFBB Pro leaders: Evan Centopani, Chris Tuttle, Milos Sarcev!

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