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The Nspire Sports League Of Bodybuilding

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012

We are living in a day and age that everyone wants to be healthy. Fitness buffs scramble to their cookbooks for healthy ideas, spend hours in the gym working on their physique, and spend many hours building their body to how they want their physique to be. Many athletes enjoy the hard work and dedication that comes with sculpting their bodies to an athletic perfection, for their fans to see and admire.

Bodybuilding has been around for many years, and is a popular mode of fitness for both men and women alike. Bodybuilding takes great strength, discipline and motivation to achieve an athlete’s perfect form. Athletes take the stage and showcase their impressive physiques that they work so hard to achieve. Sponsors and fans alike, all love watching the bodybuilders show their best they got!

A new league, built on the foundation of the principles of equality, opportunity and transparency, was launched on November 8, 2015, at Muscle Beach, California. The name of this foundation is the Nspire Sports League, formed for fan, athlete and sponsor alike.

The Nspire Sports League for bodybuilding is a community for bodybuilding athletes around the world, to come together in national competitions on stage and showcase their accomplishments and hard work. Bodybuilding athletes compete on stage in front of judges and audience, in the class and division that best suits their bodybuilding goals and abilities.

The Nspire Sports league encourages the open support of sponsors, to help support an athlete’s bodybuilding endeavors that show promise, strength, drive and ability to showcase their accomplishments in the bodybuilding community.

There are different divisions, based on physique, weight and age that vary between men and women. In addition, there are other guidelines that the athletes must follow in a competition. There are mandatory poses that they have to make to showcase their muscle, including front double bicep, side chest, rear double bicep, rear double bicep, abdominals and of course, their favorite classic pose.

There are three sub classes of weight that athletes compete in. They are Lightweight which is up to and including one-hundred and seventy-five pounds, middleweight which is considered one-hundred and seventy-five pounds up to two-hundred pounds and lastly, the heavyweight class that is over two-hundred pounds.

In addition to certain weight classes for amateur competitors (athletic and beach), there are also various height classes for the athletes: A-up to and including 5’6”, B- is over 5’6” and up to 5’10”, C-is over 5’10” up to and including 6’@” and lastly, D-over 6’2”. For the pro classes (athletic and beach), all of the height classes are combined.

Along with different weight class and poses that the bodybuilding athletes do, there are certain competition attire rules that must be followed. Depending on the competition, athletes must wear square cut spandex style swim shorts (available at the NSL online store) for athletic competition, or a contestant must wear board shorts, swimming shorts that sit one inch below the belly button and one inch above the knee.

Presentation is the biggest key to any Nspire Sports League Bodybuilding contest. Contestants hit the stage in their required attire, and pose the mandatory poses required to showcase their muscles in different ways. It is also important for the athletes to face the officials as directed while they do their poses.

For women, the attire and height classes vary a little from the men’s competition requirement. For one, the height classes are a bit different ranging from up to and including 5’1” and all the way up to over 5’7”. This is because generally, women are a bit shorter in statute than their male counterparts. Women also do what is known as cat-walk on the center stage in front of the judges. The cat walk is various poses for ten seconds. The cat-walk involves various stances with hands on hips and turns, to showcase their magnificent physique.

In addition to men’s and women’s competitions, the Nspire also has an array of competitions for Masters, Teen, and Adaptive categories. The Master’s category is for competitors beginning at age thirty-five, with no weight or height classes. The Teen category starts at the age of sixteen and it ends upon the athletes twentieth birthday, also with no weight or height classes. The Adaptive category is a special category for men or women, with no weight or height classes, that have a prosthetic device or have been diagnosed with a medical condition that impacts muscular control.

Along with the above named different competitions for men, women and teens, there is also what is known as the Transformation competition. This is a competition not for already established bodybuilders, but rather, those whom are looking to improve their life. The transformation competitors are judged on their personal story of their physical transformation of weight loss, of at least fifty pounds. In order to prove this, the competitor must show proof of their weight loss, such as their old driver’s license, any pictures with a timestamp that show the competitor at a bigger weight, or from a certified medical professional, trainer or nutritionist who provide a notarized letter about the contestant’s weight loss.

The Nspire Sports League for Bodybuilders is still in its inaugural year of existence, but it has already helped many bodybuilders compete in many competitions around the country. The Nspire Sports League strives to help its athletes do, be and showcase their best. They offer help and support that athletes need in the world of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding takes lots of hard work and dedication, and through the Nspire Sports League, the competitors can make their bodybuilding dreams come true!
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Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 10, 2014
Isn't this just the NPC rebranded?

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