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"Capitalism is evil" new Michael Moore film



Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 22, 2006
This sounds great on paper. Human nature will interfere. You guys are just as delusional as those who think communism is achievable.




Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
get rid of all the fast food rests to help the obese, aka Moore.
also, i sometimes do hear people occasionally at work talking about politics, even older people, and they sound so stupid. i over hear stuff about how Obama is the second coming, or hes the anti-christ cus he has Hussein in his name, also the health care reform, people always compare it to Canada over here, not many Canadian lovers....i think hes just using this movie (doc?) to get money cus' hes out of it.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
No regulations or governance would be chaos. For example the only phone company would be verizon in America and we would all get rapped. Took regulation to finally start competitive practices there.

huh? That makes no sense... the whole point of capitalism is to allow the market freedom and let those with a business plan try it, and for consumers to judge if it's valuable. Furthermore, human society advanced the way it did because of capitalism! There was no original central planning, people just started coming up with ideas and worked on inventing them. (light bulbs, cars, etc etc)

What do you think would happen if the government decided to run production on cell phones, computers, and TV's? Easy, supply would plummet, price would sky rocket. Capitalism has given rise to companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Sony, and many others which can keep putting out better products for lower prices. Sony just released the PS3 slim for a cheaper price and sales jumped 300%. Ironically, the price of the PS3 slim is $299, which is the exact same as the original Playstation originally sold for! (and look how much the technology has advanced).

What about cable companies and all the issues that caused in the past with no regulation.

such as?...

Libraries, elementary to highschool, 911 would be ran by corporations and would cost us the consumers money other than just the small taxes we pay for those services.

When the government runs something, it's always more expensive overall. They don't care if their programs run at a deficit, they'll just tax more of someone else's money to make up for it. The only reason why so many corporations can charge so much for certain services is because they're in bed with the government anyways, and through absurd tax codes/subsidies.

Would you like to pay monthly fees to have the service of firemen in case your house caught on fire?

No i wouldn't, but I don't see what this has to do with Capitalism, I do it now through taxes.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
This sounds great on paper. Human nature will interfere. You guys are just as delusional as those who think communism is achievable.


It's not delusional at all to advocate it. To think that's it's going to happen? Of course, the chances of that are slim to none. It's like advocating a society in which there are no violent crimes. I can advocate and promote it all I want, but human nature says that people will still commit these, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't still promote it.

Health care used to work great in the US before all the regulations came in... nobody was left in the street to die. Can anybody honestly tell me, that there are doctors out there who would watch a person die after being brought into the hospital after a serious car accident? Does anybody think an emergency room doctor would look up the person's health coverage first, and then treat? It would never happen. I know that as someone who does eventually want to work as a physician, if I worked in a pure capitalist system, and I treated an emergency patient, and later found out that the person was homeless and had zero money to pay me, I would eat the cost of the treatment. I'll be making a 6 figure salary anyways, so it wouldn't bother me to treat those who need it through my own charity.
(this is the best argument to mention to doctors who lobby for universal health care, rag on them about being heartless and not helping people out of the goodness of their heart).


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
what enormeous natural resources does sweden sleep on may i ask?

alot of countries have enormeous resources(saudi arabia, china, russia) that doesent automatically make them prosperous and successful. its a question of prioritizing and political will.

maybe not sweden, but countries like saudi arabia are governed by a king, and china and russia are/were communist countries, and the only reason they're growing at such a fast rate right now is because they're in some cases are better capitalists than the US.

I done a quick google search on sweden and this is what I came across (not basing my whole argument on this article but it was an interesting read)

Stockholm, Sweden. Do you think America would be better off with a Swedish-type welfare state?

This question tends to evoke strong reactions from both the left and right, yet few understand Sweden's economic history and the revisions it has been making to its welfare-state model in recent years. Sweden was a very poor country for most of the 19th century. The poverty of those years caused many to emigrate from the country, mostly to the U.S. Upper Midwest.

Beginning in the 1870s, however, Sweden created the conditions for developing a high-growth, free-market economy with a slowly growing government sector. As a result, Sweden for many years had the world's fastest-growing economy, ultimately producing the third-highest per capita income, almost equaling that in the United States by the late 1960s. Sweden became a rich country before becoming a welfare state.

Sweden began its movement toward a welfare state in the 1960s, when its government sector was about equal to that in the United States. By the late 1980s, government spending grew from 30 percent of gross domestic product to more than 60 percent of GDP.

Most full-time employees faced marginal tax rates of 65 percent to 75 percent, as contrasted with 40 percent in 1960. Labor-market regulations were introduced to make it very difficult to fire workers. Business profits were taxed heavily, and financial markets were regulated heavily.

By 1993, the government budget deficit was 13 percent of GDP and total government debt was about 71 percent of GDP, which led to a rapid fall in the value of the currency and a rise in inflation.

These policies and outcomes greatly diminished the incentives to work, save and invest. Economic growth slowed to a crawl. Other countries that avoided the excess spending, taxing and regulation of Sweden grew more rapidly, leaving Sweden in the dust. Sweden is still a prosperous country, but far from the top, and its per capita income has fallen to just about 80 percent of that in the United States.
