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Desoxymethyltestosterone Decoded: Understanding Its Role in Bodybuilding



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
What is Desoxymethyltestosterone, and why is it a prevalent topic in the bodybuilding community? You've probably heard of this intriguing compound if you're a fitness enthusiast or closely following bodybuilding developments.

Desoxymethyltestosterone, commonly abbreviated as DMT, has caused a stir in the fitness community due to its potential performance-enhancing characteristics.

This comprehensive article will delve into Desoxymethyltestosterone, analyzing its characteristics, uses, legality, potential benefits, risks, and impact on the bodybuilding landscape.


Definition and Characteristics​

Desoxymethyltestosterone is an artificial compound derived from testosterone, the primary male sexual hormone. The methyl group at the C-2 position undergoes a significant alteration but retains the same 19-carbon structure as testosterone. DMT has the chemical structure of C20H32O2.

DMT is an anabolic steroid due to its structural and functional similarities to testosterone. While it is chemically distinct due to the modification of the methyl group, this similarity allows it to interact with the body's androgen receptors in the same way as natural testosterone. While primarily anabolic, it possesses some androgenic properties, although they are less pronounced than other steroids.

Its reduced propensity for aromatization distinguishes Desoxymethyltestosterone, converting the testosterone into estrogen. It has a high anabolic effect of 160% while having only 60% androgenic effects. Thus, the DMT becomes one of the highly effective anabolic steroids.

History and Development​

Max Huffman first synthesized Desoxymethyltestosterone in 1961. However, DMT never got into the market for medical use. It is likely due to its high potential for liver damage and other side effects.

In 2005, a chemist and bodybuilder, Patrick Arnold, rediscovered it through obscure journal articles. Arnold produced Desoxymethyltestosterone and supplied it to Victor Conte of the American nutritional supplement company Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative (BALCO) as a steroid.

Five years after its rediscovery, it became a controlled anabolic steroid. In some of its studies, researchers found its availability in several bodybuilding supplements.

Medical Uses​

In the United States, the FDA disapproves Desoxymethyltestosterone for medical use. In the past, its legitimate use was for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in men with hypogonadism, a condition in which the body produces insufficient testosterone.

A Center for Preventive Doping Research study states that DMT use can increase cardiac weight and liver toxicity. Additionally, it can increase blood clotting and high cholesterol levels.

Bodybuilding and Sports​

Desoxymethyltestosterone can promote rapid muscle growth and strength gains. It increases the body's production of testosterone and other anabolic hormones. These hormones stimulate the synthesis of new muscle proteins and reduce the breakdown of existing muscle proteins. As a result, DMT can help users gain muscle mass and strength more quickly than they would naturally.

Aside from muscle mass and strength, it also increases endurance by improving an athlete or bodybuilder’s cardiovascular function. Due to this effect, Athletes and bodybuilders can push themselves harder and more frequently, potentially leading to improved training outcomes.

Desoxymethyltestosterone has acquired popularity in both amateur and professional sports in recent years. Athletes from various sports have experimented with it to enhance their performance. The allure of Desoxymethyltestosterone lies in its potential to deliver that edge, drawing athletes to consider its use.

Anabolic man

Side Effects and Risks​

The potential impact on the cardiovascular system is one of the most severe side effects of Desoxymethyltestosterone use. Users may experience high blood pressure, an increased risk of cardiac disease, and a possible thickening of the heart's left ventricular walls, also known as left ventricular hypertrophy.

Like other anabolic steroids, it may cause mood swings, increased aggression, and potential psychiatric symptoms. Improper dosage and use of DMT may also lead to doping addiction.
If you are considering using DMT, it is essential to do so responsibly. It is a potent drug, so it is necessary to begin with a low dose and use it for the shortest duration feasible. The longer one uses DMT, the greater the risk of experiencing adverse effects.

You must monitor your health while using DMT. Watch for signs of liver damage, cardiovascular issues, and hormonal imbalance. Stop using DMT and consult your doctor immediately if you experience any adverse effects.

Legality and Regulations​

The legal status of Desoxymethyltestosterone is not uniform across the globe. Varying laws in different nations govern and regulate DMT use, sale, and possession.

Desoxymethyltestosterone belongs to the Schedule III controlled substance in the United States. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) enforces these regulations to curb its non-medical use.

The UK also categorizes Desoxymethyltestosterone as a controlled substance under the Misuse of Drugs Act, while it falls under Schedule 4 of the Controlled Substances Act in Canada. Its government prohibits possession, sale, or distribution without a valid prescription for both countries.

Regarding the use of substances such as Desoxymethyltestosterone in sports, various organizations have their regulations. These rules are stringent and have severe repercussions for violators. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the global anti-doping authority, has designated DMT as a banned substance. Athletes who test positive for even trace quantities of drugs are subject to sanctions, including disqualification and suspension.

Bioavailability and Dosage​

Desoxymethyltestosterone is an orally active anabolic steroid with approximately 40% oral bioavailability. When administered orally, nearly half of the drug enters the bloodstream to exert its effects. However, orally ingested DMT may undergo significant metabolism in the liver before entering the bloodstream, affecting its bioavailability.

The proper dosage of DMT will vary depending on the individual's goals and experience with AAS. Beginners should start with 10-15 mg daily and up to four weeks maximum.

Taking excessive DMT dosage can lead to an overdose, potentially causing life-threatening complications, including liver damage and cardiovascular issues. Additionally, combining it with other substances can increase the risk of adverse effects and health complications.

Chemical Structure and Metabolism​

DMT is a 17-methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which contains a methyl group at the 17-carbon position. The introduction of the methyl group affects its properties and effects significantly. It is chemically a 2-ene compound and does not have the 3-keto group found in most commercial AAS.

It is typically taken orally, either as a tablet or a capsule. Once consumed, it travels to the liver. The process of hydroxylation metabolizes the DMT in the liver and other tissues. Once the compound reaches the liver, the enzymes transform it into various metabolites. Some of these metabolites retain their anabolic properties.

Once the metabolism is complete, the body excretes the metabolites through urine. DMT has a half-life of approximately 8 hours. It indicates that it begins functioning rapidly and produces observable results in a brief amount of time.

Detection Methods​

Urine testing is one of the primary methods used to detect DMT. Athletes' urine samples are collected and analyzed for the presence of metabolites generated during the compound's metabolism. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is the most prevalent technique. It is a sensitive and specific method for detecting DMT in urine and blood samples.

Blood testing is another method used for detection. It can identify both the parent compound and its metabolites in the bloodstream.

Anti-doping organizations continuously develop new methods to detect DMT use among athletes. Technological advancements have enabled the development of biomarker profiling techniques. These methods emphasize the identification of unique biological markers associated with DMT use, thereby enhancing the detection process.

Another method is longitudinal monitoring, which entails observing an athlete's test results over time. Deviations from their established baseline can raise red flags and prompt a closer examination of their potential DMT use.

Alternatives and Future Outlook​

Like DMT, testosterone replacement therapy can provide similar benefits to individuals with insufficient testosterone levels. TRT can increase muscle growth, energy levels, and well-being. Peptide hormones such as human growth hormone (HGH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) can also promote muscle growth and recovery, making them viable alternatives for those seeking performance enhancement.

Since it is a powerful drug, it offers several potential medical applications. For example, medical professionals can use it to treat muscle wasting in patients with chronic diseases such as AIDS and cancer.

As for sports, DMT will likely remain a popular drug among athletes seeking a fast and straightforward way to gain muscle and increase their strength. However, anti-doping organizations are continually developing new DMT detection strategies. These organizations will strive to stay ahead of evolving doping methods. Detection methods may become even more sophisticated, making it increasingly challenging for athletes to evade testing.


Desoxymethyltestosterone, a compound with significant anabolic properties, has attracted the interest of researchers in sports and medicine. Its chemical structure, closely related to testosterone, influences its physiological effects. It is a compelling option for athletes and bodybuilders seeking an advantage in training and performance due to its unique properties. However, it is essential to realize that, as with any performance-enhancing drug, there are risks and legal considerations associated with its use.

Regardless of its potential benefits, informed and responsible decision-making is paramount. When considering its use, athletes, researchers, and medical professionals must prioritize safety, ethics, and fair competition, remaining vigilant in preserving the integrity of both sports and medicine.


Diel, P., Friedel, A., Geyer, H., Kamber, M., Laudenbach-Leschowsky, U., Schänzer, W., Thevis, M., Vollmer, G., & Zierau, O. (2007). Characterization of the Pharmacological Profile of Desoxymethyltestosterone (Madol), a Steroid Misused for Doping. Toxicology Letters. Retrieved from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17254722/

National Center for Biotechnology Information (2023). PubChem Compound Summary for CID 18651, Desoxymethyltestosterone. Retrieved from https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Desoxymethyltestosterone

Nishino, T., Schulz, T., Oberhoffer, R., Müller, R. K., & Horst, M. (2008). The So-Called “Designer steroids“ Nor-Bolethone, Desoxymethyltestosterone, and Tetrahydrogestrinone: Endocrine Pharmacological Characteristics and Side Effects in Regard to Doping. Retrieved from: https://gtfch.org/cms/images/stories/media/tb/tb2007/s542-550.pdf

Sobolevsky, T. and Rodchenkov, G. (2012), Mass Spectrometric Description of Novel Oxymetholone and Desoxymethyltestosterone Metabolites Identified in Human Urine and Their Importance for Doping Control. Drug Testing and Analysis. Retrieved from https://analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/dta.1407

Rodchenkov, G., Sobolevsky, T., & Sizoi, V. (2006, June). New Designer Anabolic Steroids From Internet. Retrieved from: https://www.bisp-surf.de/dokumente/Doping_Analysis/2006/articles/pp141-150.pdf