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Planning to try Intermittent fasting? Here’s What You Need to Understand

  • Thread starter MuscleMecca Crew
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MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Intermittent fasting comes to your mind when you want to shed some weight. It has been a proven practice for many people, including celebrities. Though forgetting about food in a specific period may seem challenging, t is the easiest way to manage weight and improve overall health.

You wouldn’t need a strict diet or only have selected foods. You only need to follow the fasting schedule and check back on your body’s progress. When you are outside of your fasting schedule, you can eat anything you want. However, you should only consume water, coffee, or tea when you are on your fasting schedule.

Usually, you should stop munching within twelve hours of your fasting schedule. It can be easy since you may include your sleeping schedule in this 12-hour time frame. Other types of fasting may suit your lifestyle if you think the 12-hour fasting won’t work for you.

Different Types of Intermittent Fasting​

Time-Restricted Feeding​

Time-restricted fasting applies the basic principles of fasting–avoiding eating for several hours. Ideally, this type of fasting goes within 14 to 16 hours of the fasting period. Females are recommended to use the 14 hours because of hormonal changes.

If you are just trying out fasting, this is the best type for you. You only have to adjust your eating habits. You need to avoid having late or midnight snacks and have your breakfast later and dinner earlier. In this type, you will not miss any meals. But you need to be disciplined in following the fasting schedule.

You may also adjust the fasting schedule gradually by decreasing your fasting widow. In this case, you can maximize the weight-loss benefits of fasting by consuming fewer calories.

Alternate-Day Fasting​

As its name suggests, alternate-day fasting requires incorporating eating and fasting days in your week. Its difference from time-restricted feeding is it involves an allowable amount of calories to be consumed on the fasting day. Regular eating days allow you to take a rest from the fasting days. The resting days also give time for the benefits of the fasting days to apply.

It may be challenging for some to use this type of fasting. You may need to adjust your diet since you only need to consume low-calorie foods to feel stuffed. It means consuming more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

If you always feel hungry or concerned about eating, this fasting may not suit you. It may take weeks before your body starts to adjust to hunger. You may need more time to get serious about fasting.

Modified-Calorie Fasting​

The modified-calorie fasting combines the principles of time-restricted and alternate-day fasting. You need to apply a fasting window daily, but you cannot eat any food you want. You can only consume foods of about 500 to 600 calories daily.

You can apply this diet week-long or five days a week. It is a more advanced intermittent fasting and may only apply to those who have already adjusted to a specified eating schedule and limited calorie intake.

How Intermittent Fasting Works​

Calorie deficit makes you lose weight. Because you consume less food within a time frame, your fasting time allows you to burn the calories from your food without adding more calories. When you have used up your energy from glucose and carbohydrates, your body will use fats to give you the power to function for the whole day.

Your body will produce ketones, the energy you will use. It will not only help you convert your fats into energy, but it may also benefit your general well-being. It may improve your memory and heart health and prevent obesity.

You will not add calories while fasting if you only consume water, black coffee, or unsweetened tea. However, you must ensure that the foods you consume in your eating window are healthy and have the nutrition you need for the day.

Tips for Incorporating Intermittent Fasting​

Know Which Type of Intermittent Fasting is Good For You​

With many types of intermittent fasting available, not all of these may suit your lifestyle and body type. Try a shorter fasting window first to help your body adjust to eating habits and schedule. There is no specific time for the fasting window, but ensure that you follow the total hours to maximize its benefits.

Stay Hydrated​

Because you don’t consume any food, water can help you manage your hunger. It can reduce your cravings and still make you feel full. Avoid drinking sugary drinks like sodas or energy drinks. Alcohol is also not recommended for someone who is on intermittent fasting. Drinking adequate water ensures your body has enough sodium and electrolytes for the day.

Don’t Think About Food​

Avoid looking at food photos or watching cooking videos. It will not help you achieve your fasting goals, especially if you are still adjusting to new eating habits. Instead, make yourself busy, like walking around a park, reading a book, or watching movies. Aside from following the fasting schedule, thinking about food is another challenging part of intermittent fasting.

Make Your Meals Tasty​

During your eating window, incorporate healthy herbs in your meals. It will not only make your food tasty, but it may also add more nutrients to the food you eat. Herbs are also low in calories but still provide full flavor in your meals.

You may also create various meals as long as your meals contain the right amount of protein so you will not lose your muscle mass. Avoid having processed foods. Instead, have fiber-rich fruits and vegetables during snacks.

Have a Good Sleep​

You still burn calories while you sleep. In addition, good sleep also helps you avoid stress, which may lead to stress eating. It may also provide the energy you need throughout the day, even under intermittent fasting.

Potential Risks and Considerations Associated With Intermittent Fasting​

When you are used to eating and suddenly change into intermittent fasting, your cravings are most likely to spike because of the changes in your hormones. Beginners may also feel nausea and irritability, especially during the few weeks of intermittent fasting.

Some people may also experience digestive issues. Because your body starts to adjust without any foods when you feel hungry, sudden eating after your fasting window may lead to constipation. Diet changes may also cause bloating.

You need to understand your body condition first before trying intermittent fasting. Consult a health physician first to know the possibilities of how your body will react to dietary changes. Additionally, people with a history of eating disorders or diabetes should avoid intermittent fasting.

The Bottomline​

Intermittent is the easiest way to lose weight, especially if you are a beginner. You may include your sleeping time in your fasting window and adjust your eating times. There are also different types of intermittent fasting available for beginners. While intermittent fasting is suitable for people who want to lose weight, it is not ideal for everyone. You need to consider your body condition first if it suits you.
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Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 30, 2020
I have ever done fluid fasting where I don't eat anything. I only drink water after few hours. I lost much weight in an instant. It was so fast. Just three days and I lost weight but I do not recommend it unless you are doing it for religious purposes.