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Senate Considers Federal Tax On Soda



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
I like how nobody gives a shit about what i have to say anymore, lol.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 12, 2007
Ironslave, you need to remember that Bulkboy is from one of the most liberal countries in the world (Norway). Everything is taxed very high to pay for their social reforms. Since that is how he was brought up and exposed to I can see why he thinks the way he does about this.


Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 22, 2006
It won't "ruin" them, but it will hurt them, and will cost people their jobs, fact.

aha, and creating a nation of fatties aint gonna cost people their jobs and hurt society in the long run? u gotta look at it from a broader perspective. in the end, everyone is better off with a overally healthier nation, that includes companies who will have healthier, more motivated workers.

Government steer them in the right direction? :49:... when does government ever steer anything in the right direction? It's not their job to produce healthy products, it's their jobs to run a profitable business. There are tons of healthy alternatives already for people to choose.

heard of corporate responsibility? we just head on disagree here, its just not about running a profitable business, its about realizing that ones products harms society, and taking steps to avoid a future health disaster. yes there are healthy alternatives, but theyre often more expensive, and the public aint aware of them. and ure not surrounded by them everywhere u turn. i say, we have atleast 100 mcdonals per health shop.

How about people take care of themselves and their health? If they don't, they should have to suffer the repercussions of their actions, and have to pay for their medical bills, be less likely to get the best jobs due to being less productive, and so on.

IS, i dont think anyone would disagree that everyone have a personal responsibility for their own health, but in todays america where 70% of the population are overweight, can u blame it all on peoples lacking will power, or are there more fundamental problems the US is facing? a poor black single mother, with no college education, who has to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet in an already tough economy, little time to cook healthy meals, no time to exercise etc. do we have a responsibility to maybe make it alittle easier for her to live a healthier life, by making healthy food cheaper, and crap food more expensive. i think that is an area where the government could and should interfere.

There are more elderly, but what's your point on the economic crisis and overseas wars? The wars are the most wasteful spending there is and need to be cut ASAP. Furthermore, the economic crisis is even more of a reason for the government to cut spending and cut taxes to get out of it, NOT spend/tax more
right now, when the taliban is on the rise in pakistan, a country with nuclear weapons, we should cut it ASAP? see, ure obviously not sacrificing a thought for all the civillians who will suffer more than ever if nato widthdraws. i think ure one of the only one i know who completely writes off ANY global responsibility to the oppressed people of this world.

and the point of this is what? to prove that lower taxation means less economic turmoil? cuz in that case, the US should be doing great, seeing as taxes are lower than in europe. but that aint the case, here in my country we havent noticed the financial crisis much at all compared to many other, and taxes here are alot higher than in the US. the countries with the least regulation in the financial markets( the US, Iceland, England) was struck hardest. thats what unregulated capitalism gives u.
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Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 22, 2006
Ironslave, you need to remember that Bulkboy is from one of the most liberal countries in the world (Norway). Everything is taxed very high to pay for their social reforms. Since that is how he was brought up and exposed to I can see why he thinks the way he does about this.

thing is, im not even far to the left or anything, well compared to IS i am. but IS isnt really a conservative, hes a liberalist(no harm meant by this) and that type of ideology just clashes with my views in alot of issues. im conserned with personal freedom, but not to the extent that IS is, and we have differng views of what freedom really means. while i think about workers right to be able to survive with one job, IS is more conserned with the companys right to do as they please with their workers and profits. all in all, its just different ways to be conserned with freedom.