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Trestolone Acetate: The Most Powerful Anabolic Steroid?



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
Because of the competitiveness of the bodybuilding industry, an athlete's quest for anabolic superiority is unending. Trestolone Acetate has emerged as a formidable competitor among the many compounds.

It is a topic of great interest due to its exceptional muscle-building potential and unique properties. This powerful steroid is estimated to be about ten times more anabolic than testosterone and about two times more androgenic.

This article explores Trestolone Acetate, unveiling its effects, benefits, risks, and place in the anabolic steroid landscape.


What is Trestolone Acetate?​

Trestolone Acetate, or MENT, is a synthetic androgenic-anabolic steroid that is derived from testosterone and has undergone a few modifications. A methyl group at the 7th carbon atom and an acetate ester group are distinguishing features. These modifications impact the compound's metabolism and bioavailability.

Its chemical structure not only affects its anabolic and androgenic properties but also contributes to its resistance to enzymatic degradation, resulting in a longer-lasting effect on the body.

It is also an androgen ester with an attached acetate molecule. Due to this, it is more oil-soluble and injectable into muscle tissue, ensuring its efficient absorption and distribution throughout the body.

Trestolone acetate

An Introduction to Anabolic Steroids

In the early 1930s, laboratories began synthesizing anabolic steroids for the first time. This research was motivated by a desire to develop substances that could treat various medical conditions, such as muscle atrophy, hormonal imbalances, and delayed puberty.

However, these substances did not take long to find their way into sports and athletic performance, resulting in their classification as performance-enhancing substances.

In the case of trestolone acetate, it has a unique place within the spectrum of anabolic steroids. It belongs to the family of 19-nor anabolic steroids, characterized by a structural modification at the 19th carbon position. Unlike some anabolic steroids primarily developed for medical applications, Trestolone Acetate was recognized early on for its potent anabolic effects.

Mechanism of Action of Trestolone Acetate​

Trestolone Acetate acts at the cellular level by interacting with androgen receptors in muscle cells. After administration, it enters the bloodstream and binds to these receptors, initiating a series of molecular processes contributing to its anabolic effects.

When Trestolone Acetate binds to these receptors, it triggers conformational changes that allow the complex to move into the cell nucleus. This motion initiates a sequence of events that affect gene expression.

Applications of Trestolone Acetate​

Trestolone Acetate has garnered attention in hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT is used to restore hormonal balance in people with low testosterone levels caused by aging or medical conditions.

Another prominent use of trestolone acetate is in bodybuilding. Athletes looking to push their physical limits may also explore the potential benefits of trestolone acetate.

Trestolone acetate's efficacy in various applications is the subject of ongoing research and discussion. Despite its unmistakable anabolic potency, individual responses can vary depending on genetics, dosage, and administration.

Benefits and Advantages of Trestolone Acetate​

One of the most notable benefits of Trestolone acetate is its unrivaled performance-enhancing properties. Athletes and bodybuilders seeking accelerated muscle growth, increased strength, and improved endurance may find their goals within reach.

It stimulates protein synthesis, thereby accelerating the development of new muscle tissue in the body. This benefit is most pronounced during fattening phases when gaining muscle is the primary objective. Its nitrogen retention benefits also extend to preserving lean muscle mass during cutting phases, making it a versatile option for athletes seeking to sculpt their bodies.

Trestolone acetate can restore hormonal homeostasis, alleviate symptoms associated with low testosterone levels, and enhance the quality of life in hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Additionally, it can improve bone density. This property can help compromise bone health, such as osteoporosis.

Dosage and Administration​

Trestolone Acetate dosages can vary significantly based on an individual's objectives, experience level, and tolerance. Starting with a low dose and progressively increasing it can help determine an individual's response and tolerance. During the bulking phases, bodybuilders and athletes pursuing muscle gain take 25 to 50 mg per day.

It is typically injected intramuscularly into the glutes, shoulders, or quadriceps. Oral formulations of Trestolone Acetate are also available, but they are less prevalent due to the potential for hepatic stress.

Its bioavailability is pivotal in influencing how the compound is absorbed, distributed, and metabolized within the body. When used orally, the compound enters the bloodstream after passing through the digestive system.

By avoiding the digestive system and entering the circulation directly via injection, these formulations make a more significant proportion of the active ingredient available for its intended effects.

Side Effects and Risks​

Trestolone Acetate holds promise for performance enhancement and other applications, but its use is associated with several common adverse effects, including androgenic effects, hormonal imbalance, and cardiovascular strain. At the same time, rare side effects such as gynecomastia and liver stress may also occur.

Before using trestolone acetate, individuals with a history of cardiovascular disease, liver disease, or kidney dysfunction should exercise caution and consult a healthcare professional. Additionally, individuals with a history of hormonal imbalances, such as reduced testosterone, should consider potential endocrine effects and seek medical advice.

Legal Status​

The Controlled Substances Act classifies Trestolone Acetate as an anabolic steroid, rendering its possession, distribution, and use without a prescription illegal in the United States. Similar laws exist in numerous other countries, with penalties ranging from fines to criminal prosecution.

Several international sports organizations, such as the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), prohibit athletes' use of Trestolone Acetate and other anabolic steroids. Violations can result in sanctions, suspensions, and disqualification from competitions.

It is a controlled drug since it can alter blood clotting factors and interact with anticoagulant medications, increasing the risk of bleeding. Trestolone acetate may also impact the effects of hypoglycemic agents on insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.

Comparison with Other Steroids​

The anabolic potency of Trestolone Acetate is significantly greater than that of traditional steroids such as testosterone. Compared to other anabolic steroids, it has less androgenic effects and is less likely to develop bloating from water retention.

It also has a low propensity to aromatize, meaning it converts into estrogen less frequently. This property reduces the likelihood of estrogen-related adverse effects like gynecomastia.

The half-life of trestolone acetate varies depending on its administration. Two to three days is the half-life of the injectable formulation, which contributes to a relatively protracted duration of action. This prolonged half-life enables users to benefit from sustained steroid levels in their system, requiring less frequent administration than other steroids with shorter half-lives.


Once the bloodstream absorbs trestolone acetate, it goes throughout the body. Its lipophilic nature enables it to pass through cell membranes, granting it access to target tissues such as muscle cells. This distribution is essential for the compound to exert its anabolic and androgenic effects in the desired areas.

Trestolone Acetate undergoes metabolic transformations, mainly occurring in the liver. Enzymes modify the structure of the compound, influencing its activity and duration of action. These metabolic processes influence the anabolic and androgenic effects and their potential adverse effects.

The final step in the pharmacokinetic transition of trestolone acetate is excretion. The kidneys filtered the non-reabsorbed metabolites and excreted in the urine. This process contributes to the compound's elimination from the body.

Brand Names, Manufacturers, and Accessibility​

Understanding its brand names, reputable manufacturers, and costs is crucial for anyone considering Trestolone Acetate.

One of the most popular brands is Ment, manufactured by Innovagen, Human Pharmaceutical Labs, or Researchem. A 50mg vial costs around $110. Users can buy it from reputable suppliers, licensed pharmacies, and online platforms. Another famous brand is Superbolin, manufactured by Keifei Pharma Co. It comes in a 100mg vial that costs around $60. It is usually offered online and through authorized sources.

When purchasing Trestolone Acetate products, conducting thorough research and placing a premium on quality and safety is vital. Always ensure compliance with legal regulations and consult an expert when necessary.

MENT image

User Testimonials and Real-World Experiences​

Reviews of trestolone acetate are frequently contradictory, with some users reporting excellent outcomes and others reporting undesirable side effects such as bloating, mood fluctuations, and acne. The majority of positive Trestolone experiences, however, come from bodybuilders and athletes who have experienced significant gains in muscle mass and strength.

One of its users shared in a bodybuilding forum that he gained ten pounds of lean muscles within four weeks of use. Since it is a fast-acting anabolic steroid, he noticed the gains in a few days.

Another user reviewed trestolone acetate, sharing that he hesitated to try it initially because of its side effects. He is on the 10th cycle and is currently dosing it with Anastrozol. His energy levels and sharpness of mind became strong while using it. He said his gains don't feel watery, which made him feel incredible.

FAQs or Common Questions​

Does Trestolone Acetate Require Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)?

Trestolone Acetate, like other anabolic compounds, can inhibit natural testosterone production. Therefore, experts recommend implementing a post-cycle therapy (PCT) regimen after using Trestolone Acetate. PCT assists the body in restoring hormonal balance and mitigating adverse effects.

Can Trestolone Acetate Be Used by Women?

Due to its potent androgenic effects, experts do not recommend trestolone acetate for women. The risk of virilization, manifested by masculinizing side effects such as facial hair growth and voice modulation, is concerning. Women seeking alternatives to performance-enhancing drugs should investigate milder compounds.

Can Trestolone Acetate Be Purchased Easily?

The legal status of Trestolone Acetate differs by country. It is classified as a controlled substance in many locations, requiring a prescription for legal acquisition. Purchasing it without authorization may result in legal repercussions and exposure to counterfeit or substandard products.

Scientific Studies and Citations​

A clinical trial published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism investigated the effects of trestolone acetate on sperm production in men. The study found that trestolone acetate suppressed sperm production in men but that this suppression was reversible.

A study published in the Journal of Andrology investigated the pharmacokinetics of trestolone acetate. According to the study, average men experienced peak serum after three minutes of administration. This study proved that the body absorbs trestolone acetate faster than testosterone.


Trestolone Acetate is a highly anabolic and androgenic steroid. It exerts its effects by binding to androgen receptors, modulating gene expression, and encouraging protein synthesis. The benefits include increased muscle growth and strength and potential therapeutic uses.

However, its risks include androgenic effects, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular stress, and possible hepatic stress. If you consider adding Trestolone Acetate to your steroid cycle, you should prioritize reputable manufacturers, legality, and expert advice.


Anderson RA, Martin CW, Kung AW, Everington D, Pun TC, Tan KC, Bancroft J, Sundaram K, Moo-Young AJ, Baird DT. October 1999. 7-Alpha-Methyl-19-Nortestosterone Maintains Sexual Behavior and Mood in HypogonadalMen. Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10522995/

Kumar, N., Suvisaari, J., Tsong, Y., Aguillaume, C., Wayne, C. et al. 1997. Pharmacokinetics of 7-Alpha-Methyl-19-Nortestosterone in Men and Cynomolgus Monkeys. Journal of Andrology. Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9283946/

Trestolone Acetate (MENT): The Anabolic Steroid Index. 15 October 2019. Muscle Chemistry. Retrieved from https://www.musclechemistry.com/trestolone-acetate-ment-the-anabolic-steroid-index/

Trestolone – An Inside Look at MENT. Stratelabs. Retrieved from: https://www.stratelabs.com/trestolone-an-inside-look-at-ment/

Ultima-Ment 100. Ultima Pharmaceuticals. Retrieved from: https://www.ultimapharmaceuticals.com/product/ultima-ment-100-10-ml-x-100-mg-ml

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