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What is the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank? Exploring its Benefits and Techniques



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
We have witnessed fitness trends come and go over the years. Innovative routines have garnered significant attention due to the desire to maintain physical fitness and health.

The Ballistic Copenhagen Plank stands out as a game-changer among these trends. This strenuous exercise targets your core, adductors, and hip flexors while enhancing your balance and stability. It's a relatively new exercise, so there's a lot of interest in it from fitness enthusiasts.

Ballistic Copenhagen Plank

Definition and Origin​

The Ballistic Copenhagen Plank is a dynamic variation on the traditional plank. It combines the traditional isometric plank position with explosive, dynamic movements to create a total-body exercise emphasizing core strength, stability, and agility.

Fitness professionals acknowledge the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank's potential to revolutionize core exercises. They recommend it to individuals who wish to disrupt their fitness routine and advance to the next level.

The term "ballistic" refers to the exercise's explosive movement. A few possible explanations exist for why the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank may have gotten its name from Copenhagen, Denmark. One possibility is that a Danish fitness trainer created the exercise. However, there is no conclusive evidence to support this claim.

Technique and Form​

The Ballistic Copenhagen Plank is an excellent exercise for all levels of fitness. It is a more challenging exercise than the conventional plank. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it effectively:

  • Start in a side plank position with your top leg on a bench and your bottom leg under the bench. Maintain a straight line from your head to your heels, ensuring proper alignment.
  • Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel toward your spine. It is essential for core stability.
  • Explosively raise your hips off the bench, lifting your leg away from the bench. Make sure to keep your hips level throughout the movement to maintain alignment.
  • The isometric challenge comes once your leg falls back to the bench. Keep the side plank position before raising your hips once more.

Maintaining proper form during exercise will help you achieve the intended results and stay safe. It's better to do fewer reps with perfect form than many reps with poor form. Poor form can lead to muscle imbalances and, in some cases, chronic pain.

Targeted Muscle Groups​

The abdominal muscles serve to support and stabilize the spine and pelvis. The Ballistic Copenhagen Plank helps to improve spinal alignment by engaging the core muscles. It engages all core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques.

The hip flexors are the muscles at the front of the hip. They are responsible for raising the thigh towards the torso. The Ballistic Copenhagen Plank helps to improve hip stabilization by engaging the adductor and hip flexor muscles.

It also engages the biceps and triceps, the muscles that flex the elbow in the upper arm. The deltoid muscles on the shoulder's top also work during the exercise.

Planks muscle

Benefits of the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank​

The physical benefits of the exercise are numerous, making it a versatile and valuable addition to your fitness routine. These benefits extend to your body's strength, flexibility, and balance. The core, adductors, and hip flexors are essential for various sports and activities, and they can also help improve your overall posture and alignment.

It is also an exceptional exercise for improving hip and hamstring flexibility. It requires you to stretch your limbs while maintaining stability, which enhances overall flexibility. Increased flexibility is crucial for everyday movements and can reduce the risk of injury.

The dynamic nature of the exercise forces you to engage your core and other muscle groups to prevent wobbling or falling. It is essential for preventing falls and injuries and can help improve your athletic performance.

While the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank focuses primarily on physical strength and agility, it also provides remarkable mental benefits that can positively affect your overall health. As you engage your core and execute precise movements, you become more attuned to your body's signals and develop a stronger mind-body connection. The challenge of the exercise can help to take your mind off your stress and focus on your body.

Modifications and Variations​

You can do the knee-down variation if you're new to the fitness world or looking for a gentler introduction to the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank. This variation reduces the intensity and allows you to focus on proper form and core engagement. It is easier than the standard Copenhagen Plank and is a good option for beginners or people with injuries.

Once you've built some core strength and feel comfortable with the basic Ballistic Copenhagen Plank, you can level up with intermediate and advanced variations. You can use a resistance band around your top thigh. Explosively raise your hips off the bench while maintaining the thigh tension. You may also wrap foot weights on your ankles to challenge your muscles as you raise your hip and leg.

Equipment and Setting​

The Ballistic Copenhagen Plank is a bodyweight exercise, so no special equipment is needed. You only need a bench for elevating your leg and an exercise mat to cushion your forearms. The exercise mat also prevents your elbows from slipping during the exercise, ensuring a secure grip.

You can also perform it in any setting, including the gym, at home, or outdoors. However, finding a level surface to perform the exercise on is essential. If you want to do an advanced variation, the gym may be the best place since equipment to intensify your routine is available.

Safety Precautions​

This exercise focuses on the abdominal muscles. Ensure that your core muscles are continuously engaged. It helps to prevent lower back strain, improves stability, and prevents form breakdown. Additionally, ensure your head, neck, and spine are aligned. Avoid letting your lower back sag or your hips pike upwards.

If you start to feel fatigued, stop the exercise immediately. Don't push yourself too hard, as this can lead to injury. Take a short break when you feel your form is breaking down due to fatigue. It's better to pause than continue with poor form.

Maintain steady and controlled breathing throughout the exercise. Avoid holding your breath. Doing this can lead to increased intra-abdominal pressure and potential discomfort.

Like other exercises, a proper warm-up and cool-down are crucial for injury prevention. Before you begin your plank, perform a dynamic warm-up with exercises like arm circles, leg swings, and light jogging. After completing your Ballistic Copenhagen Plank, perform static stretches for your core, back, and hip flexors. This routine helps to alleviate any muscle tension and enhances flexibility.

Comparison to Other Exercises​

Unlike static planks, where you maintain a fixed position, the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank involves a dynamic movement. It is performed with a rapid burst of power, making it very effective for developing strength and power. Additionally, the exercise's emphasis on balance and coordination extends to real-world applications, improving your ability to perform daily activities more efficiently.

If you plan to use it in your warm-up routine, you can perform 2-3 sets of 5-10 repetitions on each side to warm up your core and other muscle groups. If you include it on your strength training days, perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions on each side. You may also use it as a finisher exercise. Perform 1-2 sets on each side to challenge yourself at the end of your workout.

Testimonials and Real-world Applications​

According to Jonathan Wilkerson, a competitive runner, the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank has helped him to improve his running time. After watching it on YouTube and incorporating it into his routine, he could maintain a stronger core for extended periods. The strong core helped him to run faster and more efficiently.

In a Reddit forum, an individual also shared that the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank has improved his posture since he sits at a desk for hours. The exercise improved his core strength and reduced the risk of back pains.


The Ballistic Copenhagen Plank is not just an exercise. It's a revolutionary fitness game-changer. It targets multiple muscle groups, making it a very efficient exercise for improving overall fitness. The exercise challenges your body and mind, ensuring a holistic approach to your well-being. Whether you're an athlete seeking a competitive edge or an individual aiming to lead a more active, pain-free life, this exercise can make a tangible difference.

If you want to challenge yourself and improve your overall fitness, the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank is a great option. It is a dynamic and intense exercise that can help you to achieve your fitness goals.

Frequently Asked Questions​

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when doing the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank?

Overextending during the dynamic movement is a frequent error. It's critical to retain control and refrain from extending your range of motion. Rushing through repetitions can also lead to poor form and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Prioritize quality over quantity.

Can the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank help with weight loss or muscle toning?

Yes, the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank can aid muscle building and weight loss. It is a challenging exercise that increases muscular mass and burns calories.

How is the Ballistic Copenhagen Plank different from a regular plank?

It is a ballistic exercise. You have to perform it with a rapid burst of power. Additionally, it is more challenging than a regular plank because it requires you to generate more power. It also targets more muscle groups.
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