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Nov 17, 2010
What role has the gh in thyroid function? and slin?
either hgh or slin cause a T3 reduction ,right?
Well the point is this: i've got blood tests and seems i've a vit. D 25 deficiency.
it appeared since i used hgh administrations alone after a t3 & t4 cycle.
Now i'm on ghrp-6+cjc and a thyroid supplement.
but the point is: i continue to have that vitamin D deficiency.
I own also some slin pens. currently i use just glucophage even if last month i ran 9ius of slin.
What hell should i do in order to recover my thyroid? my hair lost, are so thin, lifeless, don't grow up and look a mess!


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
You should go to an M.D. who specializes in endocrinology for your hormonal function and you should see a Registered Dietitian for your vitamin problems. Both professionals are more than qualified to deal with the issue. You are talking about very potent chemicals that can strongly effect your health. Taking advice about specific dosages of drugs from random people over the internet is foolish.
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Nov 17, 2010
You should go to an M.D. who specializes in endocrinology for your hormonal function
i gone to 6 different endocrinologists yet. They continue repeat and tell me that hgh deficiency i had till last year is gone. my hgh deficiency was born in March/April of 2008, when i used a messely synthethic hgh cycle alone together some synthetic thyroid hormones. the hgh was 0.6mg Genotropin Mini-Quick. I used just 14 shots in 14 days. So,i got a hgh deficiency and igf-1 deficiency too. Only last summer i startd using GHRPs as GHRP-6 , sermorelin,cjc-1295 (w/ and w/o DAC). Last month other endocrynologists submitted me on 9iUs of insulin (insulin-induced hypoglycemia test) and kept me on a hypoglycemia way/condition in 2 hours. Now, my values are better. Igf-1 is between mid-range, and Docs tell my hgh deficiency (is/has) disappeared. (sorry i don't know which auxiliar verb to use).
But the point is: i continue to feel not well. Why do people use hgh without get any issues, while i've got a hgh deficiency? ..and what hell should i do to get healing myself? Docs and endocrinologists don't know.

Taking advice about specific dosages of drugs from random people over the internet is foolish.
i know bro. but the point is: BBs know sides and know how get to heal theirselves 'cause they use hgh and slin and thyroid hormones,etc. while my Docs and my endocrinologists don't know how to heal and restore a right own hgh production at pituitary once u run synthetic hgh,usee.
Here's the why i ask to BBs forums. I hope to find someone who can help me. Some BBs told me: "use peps,use peps". Other ones told me: "insulin is the 'key' ". Well bro, i've used either peps or slin. My values are between mid-range,yes, but i feel like the whiles i suffered from hgh deficiency: cortisol too high, hairloss,nausea, head ache, a strange sensation into thyroid.......and the whole sides u can read into this link:
can u have hgh deficiency even if your igf-1 is between the mid-range? yes,i assume. so, who can help me? my endos don't wanna understand..they don't know. Only BBs who use hgh and slin and thyroid hormones too can help me,u see


Nov 17, 2010
You should go to an M.D. who specializes in endocrinology for your hormonal function
i gone to 6 different endocrinologists yet. They continue repeat and tell me that hgh deficiency i had till last year is gone. my hgh deficiency was born in March/April of 2008, when i used a messely synthethic hgh cycle alone together some synthetic thyroid hormones. the hgh was 0.6mg Genotropin Mini-Quick. I used just 14 shots in 14 days. So,i got a hgh deficiency and igf-1 deficiency too. Only last summer i startd using GHRPs as GHRP-6 , sermorelin,cjc-1295 (w/ and w/o DAC). Last month other endocrynologists submitted me on 9iUs of insulin (insulin-induced hypoglycemia test) and kept me on a hypoglycemia way/condition in 2 hours. Now, my values are better. Igf-1 is between mid-range, and Docs tell my hgh deficiency (is/has) disappeared. (sorry i don't know which auxiliar verb to use).
But the point is: i continue to feel not well. Why do people use hgh without get any issues, while i've got a hgh deficiency? ..and what hell should i do to get healing myself? Docs and endocrinologists don't know.

Taking advice about specific dosages of drugs from random people over the internet is foolish.
i know bro. but the point is: BBs know sides and know how get to heal theirselves 'cause they use hgh and slin and thyroid hormones,etc. while my Docs and my endocrinologists don't know how to heal and restore a right own hgh production at pituitary once u run synthetic hgh,usee.
Here's the why i ask to BBs forums. I hope to find someone who can help me. Some BBs told me: "use peps,use peps". Other ones told me: "insulin is the 'key' ". Well bro, i've used either peps or slin. My values are between mid-range,yes, but i feel like the whiles i suffered from hgh deficiency: cortisol too high, hairloss,nausea, head ache, a strange sensation into thyroid.......and the whole sides u can read into this link:
kefei-hgh.com/hgh-use-deficiency-assesment-test.htm (put three w and the dot at the beginning of this link, i cannot because i have not permission)
can u have hgh deficiency even if your igf-1 is between the mid-range? yes,i assume. so, who can help me? my endos don't wanna understand..they don't know. Only BBs who use hgh and slin and thyroid hormones too can help me,u see


Nov 17, 2010
You should go to an M.D. who specializes in endocrinology for your hormonal function
i gone to 6 different endocrinologists yet. They continue repeat and tell me that hgh deficiency i had till last year is gone. my hgh deficiency was born in March/April of 2008, when i used a messely synthethic hgh cycle alone together some synthetic thyroid hormones. the hgh was 0.6mg Genotropin Mini-Quick. I used just 14 shots in 14 days. So,i got a hgh deficiency and igf-1 deficiency too. Only last summer i startd using GHRPs as GHRP-6 , sermorelin,cjc-1295 (w/ and w/o DAC). Last month other endocrynologists submitted me on 9iUs of insulin (insulin-induced hypoglycemia test) and kept me on a hypoglycemia way/condition in 2 hours. Now, my values are better. Igf-1 is between mid-range, and Docs tell my hgh deficiency (is/has) disappeared. (sorry i don't know which auxiliar verb to use).
But the point is: i continue to feel not well. Why do people use hgh without get any issues, while i've got a hgh deficiency? ..and what hell should i do to get healing myself? Docs and endocrinologists don't know.

Taking advice about specific dosages of drugs from random people over the internet is foolish.
i know bro. but the point is: BBs know sides and know how get to heal theirselves 'cause they use hgh and slin and thyroid hormones,etc. while my Docs and my endocrinologists don't know how to heal and restore a right own hgh production at pituitary once u run synthetic hgh,usee.
Here's the why i ask to BBs forums. I hope to find someone who can help me. Some BBs told me: "use peps,use peps". Other ones told me: "insulin is the 'key' ". Well bro, i've used either peps or slin. My values are between mid-range,yes, but i feel like the whiles i suffered from hgh deficiency: cortisol too high, hairloss,nausea, head ache, a strange sensation into thyroid.......and the whole sides u can read into this link:

can u have hgh deficiency even if your igf-1 is between the mid-range? yes,i assume. so, who can help me? my endos don't wanna understand..they don't know. Only BBs who use hgh and slin and thyroid hormones too can help me,u see


Mecca V.I.P.
Jan 28, 2008
man you shouldn't be taking supplements like t3 and t4...you already probably have a perfectly working thyroid/parathyroid..don't **** it up. Hypo/hyperthyroidism is no joke...you do NOT want to develop that. If you **** up your thyroid you will have serious problems. As for the vit d deficiency, do you get out much?? Just get some sun bro... parathyroid helps make vitamin d, and my guess is your thyroid is slightly ****ed up from all the t3 and 4 you are taking...and it cause some malfunction in your parathyroid and hence the deficiency of vit d. But, ofcourse you gotta ask a doc about it.


Nov 17, 2010
well,it's too late. i used synthetic some T3&T4 cycles in 2009 and 2009.
Yes, i got damaging my thyroid function. now i suffer from hypothyroidism and this condition is very hard to bear. my hair sucks and i feel a sort of lump/niusance in my throat.
The good point is i'm reached to heal my hgh deficiency. i used either ghrps or a insulin shot (in hospital through the insulin-induced hypoglycemia test...through a 9IU shot...a nightmare lol).
Now, i'll got to heal also my thyroid through/by a stuff called Thyrogen (it's a synthetic TSH or Thyreotropin). I've used also TRH (as Thyrel or Antepan or TRH Ferring)....but it wasn't able to start-jump my own fT4 production....jst jonly thyreotropin can,i assume.
By the way...i'll use a shot of Glucagon too (in order to recover/restore my right slin production in the case it's got a reduction).
By the way#2 in hospital i'm been able to ask doctors to submit me to a GnRH(Triptorelin) shot too. Years of AAS abuse caused in myself a LH and FSH reduction that clomid and SERMs can't recover.
So, soon , i get Thyrogen ....and finally (after 3 years [from April2008]...i 'll get to heal completally) :)


Jul 13, 2017
What role has the gh in thyroid function? and slin?
either hgh or slin cause a T3 reduction ,right?
Well the point is this: i've got blood tests and seems i've a vit. D 25 deficiency.
it appeared since i used hgh administrations alone after a t3 & t4 cycle.
Now i'm on ghrp-6+cjc and a thyroid supplement.
but the point is: i continue to have that vitamin D deficiency.
I own also some slin pens. currently i use just glucophage even if last month i ran 9ius of slin.
What hell should i do in order to recover my thyroid? my hair lost, are so thin, lifeless, don't grow up and look a mess!

Wish I could put up some graphics that would explain the but here it goes. ALl the hormones in our body work on a negative feedback loop, meaning too much and the body corrects itself. The problem lies when we age. As we all know, testosterone level start declining with some as early as 25 years old. The older we get the less we have. Testosterone is VERY important the the production of other hormones such as thyroid, GH, IGF-1 and insulin.

Once testosterone level start to drop there is a decreased LH (Leutinizing Hormone). Researchers have found that hypothyroid men have a "subnormal response of luteinizing hormone (LH) to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) administration." Of course, GnRH is produced by the hypothalamus, which then triggers LH. LH, in turn, stimulates the testes to produce testosterone. This means that hypothyrodism sabotages the first step in the testosterone production assembly line.

Thyroid, 2004, 14 Suppl 1:S17-25, "The interrelationships between thyroid dysfunction and hypogonadism in men and boys"

The drop in the production of testosterone also cause decreased free testosterone levels. The same study and others have noted that hypothyroid men tend to have lower free testosterone concentrations.

Horm Res, 1990, 34:215 218, "Reproductive Endocrine Functions in Men with Primary Hypothyroidism: Effect of Thyroxine Replacement"

So when we treat Hypothyroidism Often Increases Testosterone. A further sign of hypothyroidism's causal effect on low testosterone is the fact that treating men with thyroid medications can actually boost their testosterone back to normal. One study found that giving hypothryroid hypogonadal men thyroxine (T4) almost doubled their free testosterone levels.

Clinical Endocrinology, Feb 2000, 52(2):197 201, "Testicular dysfunction in men with primary hypothyroidism; reversal of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism with replacement thyroxine"

So treating thyroid problems with drugs causes an increase in testosterone there are also studies that show treating low T with testosterone increases thyroid hormone levels.

Y. HAGENFELDT · K. LINDE · H.-E. SJÖBERG · [...] · S. ARVER. Testosterone increases serum 1,25–dihydroxyvitamin D and insulin-like growth factor-I in hypogonadal men. International Journal of Andrology 15(2):93-102 · April 1992

The short-term metabolic effects of testosterone treatment on circulating levels of 1,25–dihydroxyvitamin D and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) were studied in 13 hypogonadal men. The study group included 11 men with Klinefelter's syndrome, with varying degree of androgen deficiency, and two men with secondary hypogonadism. Pretreatment levels of 1,25–dihydroxyvitamin D, vitamin D-binding protein and IGF-binding protein-I were all within the normal range. The levels of IGF-I were lower than normal in 5/11 of the Klinefelter patients and in one patient with GH-deficiency. Testosterone treatment increased circulating total 1,25–dihydroxyvitamin D significantly from 75 ± 4 pmol l-1 (mean ± SEM) to 86 ± 4 (P<0.01) and the free 1,25–dihydroxyvitamin D-index from 1.95 ± 0.11 to 2.39 ± 0.12 (P<0.01). Serum levels of IGF-I increased from 117 ± 22 ug/l to 143 ± 23 (P<0.01) during androgen treatment. No significant effects on levels of IGF-binding protein-I were seen. It is concluded that androgen therapy increases the availability of 1,25–dihydroxyvitamin D and the level of IGF-I, which may be important links in the action of testosterone.

So what else do low T levels effect?

Testosterone levels also affect GH pulses, thus IGF-1 production in the liver. So by increasing testosterone levels, GH levels increase as well as IGF-1 levels.

Muniyappa R, Sorkin JD, Veldhuis JD, Harman SM, Munzer T, Bhasin S et al. Long-term testosterone supplementation augments overnight growth hormone secretion in healthy older men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2007; 293: E769–E775.

In summary, increasing serum T concentrations to the midnormal range with low-dose T (100mg TE/wk) administration for 26 wk increases nocturnal, spontaneous, pulsatile GH secretion and morning IGF-I concentrations in healthy older men. These findings support the hypothesis that age-related reductions in T may contribute to the concurrent somatopause. Further studies are warranted to assess the neuroendocrine mechanisms and clinical consequences of prolonged T stimulation of the GH-IGF-I axis in older men.

Anything else we can have a problem with because of low T levels? How about insulin? As our T level gradual fall we become insulin resistant which is the start of Type II diabetes. This can be avoided by increasing T levels back to normal.

Nelly Pitteloud, MD, Vamsi K. Mootha, MD, Andrew A. Dwyer, BA, Megan Hardin, BA, Hang Lee, PHD, Karl-Fredrik Eriksson, MD, Devjit Tripathy, MD, DM, Maria Yialamas, MD, Leif Groop, MD, PHD, Dariush Elahi, PHD and Frances J. Hayes, MB, BCH, BAO. Relationship Between Testosterone Levels, Insulin Sensitivity, and Mitochondrial Function in Men. Diabetes Care. August 2017, 40(8).

CONCLUSIONS—These data indicate that low serum testosterone levels are associated with an adverse metabolic profile and suggest a novel unifying mechanism for the previously independent observations that low testosterone levels and impaired mitochondrial function promote insulin resistance in men.

Being that you were taking T3 and T4 supplements it is also highly possible that you has some thyroid shut down. Keep taking the supplements you are taking and give it time. It may take 1-6 months to get back to normal. It could also be possible that there was DHT buildup and you may solve this problem by taking an 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor like finasteride. I would definitely go visit a doctor who specializes in this area.
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May 27, 2010
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Better if you write a short summary instead of copying and pasting. In addition, copying formatted text directly into the forum makes those posts messed up in Tapatalk sometimes...

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