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Bill Maher's final comment from Religulous



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
before everyone goes on rants about the video i would like to say a few words as i am a Christian, and a philosopher. Religion is one entity. The followers are another entity. The gentleman in the video combines the two then makes comments about them as though they were one. You must critically think about what religion is and what the followers are then come to theories about the topics. The problem is not religion the problem is ignorant people who are fearful and are easily molded into doing what others want them to do. I am Christian and i do not agree with the qutoes that the woman talking about riding on a white horse is talking about. She is misquoting scripture. She was wrong about the theology of Christianity, but she was confidant in her ignorance. THAT IS THE PROBLEM along with the inability to control a persons emotions is an extremely dangerous combination.

What we do not need in this day and age is ignorance and the inability to critically think about the realities we face in our global society. I have nothing against anyone who has a religion. I dont like like that people adopt a religion and do not critically think about what it is they are adopting. What worries me more than anything is the inability of any individual that cannot control their emotions rather they be religious or otherwise. What I find mind blowing is that people perform violent acts and think they will be rewarded for destroying life. Every religion on this earth has in some for or another the golden rule as one of their great commandments that must be followed. The golden rule being treat others as though they were you.

With that said it is not religion that society should hate, blame, condemn, it is ignorance that should be condemned. If we lived in a society that had wisdom and had knowledge violance would not exist because man/woman would be able to think beyond themselves and see the result their actions had on society rather than how their actions make them feel.

As a Christian i apologize for nothing about Christianity as Christ gave it to the world from His Father as it is perfect. As a philosopher and someone who sees the importance of knowledge(facts about our worlds laws/science all the ologies/ and philosophy) and wisdom(the way a man will act based off of his/her emotional state) i do think that the world owes itself an apology for its own ignorance. The gentleman in the video does not dislike religion he dislikes ignorance which are as i have clearly posted two entorely different things.

God Bless


I am god.
Dec 23, 2007
I have nothing against people who need some sort faith. I, for the most part don't really care if people are religious... as long as they don't force it onto me. I do however feel that a large amount of the worlds problems past, present and probably the future are purely the fault of religion. I agree when he says that the world would be a better place without religion... not faith, but religion. The blind following of people that populate the world (within all religions) makes it very hard to respect religions and what they try to preach. Religions are wrong because of the people within them, who distort and mangle the good message that is essentially being conveyed.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jan 21, 2007
Thanks for posting Vic.

I see what your saying Ben but still religion is always going to be a problem as it is based on a fairy tale the has been altered over thousands of years. Religion forces people to be ignorant because in the face of sound facts and science, religious people have to turn their head because it is not congruent with what their holy scripture says. I mean its absolute bullshit and it angers me so much when I see retards forcing their kids to believe this planet is 6000 years old as that's what god's word's say. It is absolutely sickening that children are being forced to believe these lies, forced away from basic sound fact to be brought up in a world of stupidity.

But at the same time I would like to say I do not in any way hate religious people, its just sad to see what people force themselves into believing.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jan 21, 2007
This is the absolute crap I'm talking about.

These parents/teachers should be arrested, this should not be legal.
