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bodybuilding Ebooks

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
22. Author:William Llewlyn
This is a concise guide to steroids use for the purpose of bodybuilding. Included are dozens of example cycles. The book looks at the history of steroids and their effects and results. Theres a chapter on how to minimize 'bitch tits' and other steroids ill effect. The aim is to guide the bodybuilder on the proper and safe way to utilize steroids.

23. author: Jeff Anderson
As you’ll learn, there are SEVERAL elements that MUST be addressed if you’re EVER going to surpass your genetic growth potential. Skip any ONE of these elements and you’ll find yourself on the fast track to frustration. I’ve written this manual in a very “no nonsense” approach in order to avoid wasting any of your time with a bunch of fancy scientific words.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
24. Author: Skip La Cour
NPC Team Universe & Musclemania Champion author of the book believes many of us make the process of bodybuilding far more complicated than it needs to be. This is especially true when it comes to nutrition. I’ve come to this conclusion after answering literally thousands of questions from bodybuilders for more than a decade. Through seminars, appearances, letters, phone consultations, and contact through the Internet, the same questions we’re asked and the same challenges were encountered over and over again. They are answered in this ebook.


25. This book is a priceless companion for the teenage and high school jock that aims to excel at wrestling and other strength sports. It is written in a no nonsense approach to help the user to reach peak performance.



Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
26. Author: Pete Sisco
This program involves a systematic progression of muscular overload that can lead to lifting very heavy weights. This e-book is concise. You probably already know that I co-authored seven books and edited five other bodybuilding nooks for IRONMAN magazine. Those books make a stack of paper about two feet high. But when people ask me what to do in the gym to quickly add some muscle to their bodies, they don’t want to read 1,000 pages. They just want the “core” of y knowledge.


27. Nothing can stop you from achieving your physical goals! Put your heart and desire into your training and nothing can stop you from success. You will improve! It is a scientific fact that the body responds to progressive exercise and correct eating habits, it would be impossible not to improve while following this unique course! Our thousands of satisfied students prove the effectiveness of our famous course. We have yet to see one person who follows this course not gain!



Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
28. Author: Stuart McRobert
This book is not just for novices. It can save you years of wasted toil regardless of your level of training experience, It will propel you into the detailed practical know-how needed to turn you into an expertly informed bodybuilder or strength trainee. You can learn all of this from just a few weeks of serious study. Then apply what you learn and you’ll develop a degree of muscle and might that will make a mockery of what you would have achieved had you stayed with other training methods.


29. Author: Stuart McRobert
You can have a great training program, the best equipment, a perfect nutritional plan, an ideal rest and sleep schedule, and the most positive attitude in the world, but it will all be largely if not totally wasted if you do not use good exercise technique. In order of priority, exercise technique comes BEFORE program design. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, have been forced to give up weight training because of pain and injuries caused by using faulty exercise form. But apply what you learn from this book and you will be able to train safely for a lifetime. Though it may seem unbelievable, gyms are usually terrible places for learning about good exercise form. You need to be knowledgeable enough so that you can take full responsibility for your training. hat is where this book comes in.
Read – Grasp – Apply – Persist – AC H I E V E !



Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
30. Muscle Revolution

What is Muscle Revolution? Introducing Chad Waterbury's long-awaited book! Most of my programs focus on delivering what most of my readers want; the biggest possible muscles, obtained as fast and efficiently as possible without the need for anabolic drugs.

Muscle Revolution: There’s more to building bigger muscles than walking into a gym and lifting heavy weights. In Muscle Revolution Chad Waterbury explores the hidden keys to a better physique. The first is performance—training your body to improve strength and function as a direct path to improving appearance. The second is recovery—managing the amount of fatigue you induce and then making sure your body had enough time between workouts to get the benefits you want from each session. But that’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll find in Muscle Revolution.

Muscle Revolution - Improving strength and overall conditioning are important aspects of my programs, but to many readers, they're side effects. The real purpose is bigger muscles



Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
31. starting strength

This is, without question, a superb book. Guys, where were you when I was fumbling through the squat and the deadlift ten years ago, falling over and smashing the bar into my shins?

This straightforward book contains an immense amount of practical information about several basic lifts: squat, bench and overhead presses, deadlift, and the power clean. Each chapter examines a different lift in great detail (the squat section alone is about 50 pages), explaining everything from the biomechanics of the movement to how to teach it to others.

I thought I knew just about all there was to know about these lifts, but I was mistaken. The authors' knowledge is encyclopedic and their treatment of the subject exhaustive. Lifts are literally explained from head (looking forward) to toe (curl them up and drive through heels).

Along with explaining correct exercise technique in meticulous detail, the book is full of handy little tips such as looking for shirt folds on the lifter's back to ensure that spinal extension has occurred, using strategically placed duct tape to get wrists into the proper position (no word, though, on how to get it off without some unpleasantness), or how to troubleshoot common form problems.

The book concludes with a chapter on training programming so that coaches and lifters can begin to develop training programs based on their own needs. I would call this book an absolute must for any beginner as well as any coach. The practical advice is excellent.



# I added another book in this zip file to confuse rapidshare because they keep deleting this ebook.

Skinny or chubby. But since I used to be a former ‘skinny guy’ myself, my inspiration to write this book is a result of want-ing to help as many skinny guys - I mean, hard gainers - as possible! This Step-By-Step Program is loaded with unconventional training methods and proven techniques that allow you to safely, quickly and effectively transform your body to any level of muscularity and any level of conditioning that you desire. a Fitness Model or Bodybuilding competition or to simply pack on 20, 30, 40 or even 50 pounds of new muscle to your frame, this program can help you achieve real results! And like I promise on my web site, you can do this without drugs, without spending a fortune on supplements and without wasting another second in the gym. All the information you need to be successful is within the pages of this book.

atomic strenght

atomic strenght

Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
thanks a lot man. repped.do u have it for download?


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009




Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
Bodybuilding A Layman's Guides To Steroids


"Mick Hart is a fully qualified BAWLA Olympic grade A Coaching Instructor who has been in professional bodybuilding now for about 25 years. He is the author ebooks on the subject of steroids "The Layman's Guides To Steroids I And II" and "The Chris Report" and He also publishes the monthly magazine "No Bull Collection". Mick Hart's Layman steroid drug Guide details how he took trained his 20 something year old Chris for 11 months, including giving him advice on how to use anabolic steroids. Looking at the before and after pictures, Chris made a very good transformation but, I don't feel this is anything that can't be done without the use of steroids. I have seen much better drug free changes made is shorter time with only hard training, good diet and legal supplements. Most books like this have excellent training and diet info and if you follow that without drugs you can make great gains. Books such at these are supposed to show the safe use of anabolic steroids, yet most of steroid experts (like Dan Duchaine, Paul Borresen, Trevor Smith, etc.) all died before the age of 50!"

Bodybuilding A Layman's Guides To Steroids II


There is no better guide to steroid use for the beginner to intermediate user anywhere, and Mick's "No Bull" writing style means that will be highly entertained as you get educated about safe and effective steroid use. Without question the most useful steroid guides ever published.

Forget about those various anabolic steroids reference guides. I guess the number of pages and all the medical terminology is supposed to impress us into forking over lots of cash (One Anabolic Steroids Reference Guide sells for $650 on Amazon. Seriously).

Mick's Layman Guides cuts right to the chase and gives you all the information you need for safe and effective anabolic steriods use. You don't need to have a PhD to understand anabolic steroids or to read this book.

Mick covers the gains that can be made with safe doses of steriods, orals vs. injectables, how to safely and effectively use injectables, including procedures, injection sites, and important points to watch out for.

He covers the methods of usage/steroid stacks, pyramiding and a variety of steroid cycles.

Bodybuilding A Layman's Guides To Steroids III


The newly released steroid resource from Mick Hart which proides you with an even more in depth look into steroids. Also in this guide Mick provides you with not only 8 of the most closely guarded and effective steroid cycles, but he also gives you a complete day by day nutrition plan, work out plan and post cycle care. In short you are given 8 proven blueprints to massive lean muscle mass that any teenager could understand.


MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
33. Bodybuilding The Dinosaur Strength Training Notebook


Once again America's favorite backyard strongman puts ink to paper with a handy desk reference type follow up to his enormously popular Dinosaur Training. Each of the 110 chapters can immediately be adapted to your training regimen providing information, motivation and as usual, awesome results.

Sample topics include: The Vertical Bar Lift; An Abbreviated Training Session; Does Dinosaur Training Work; The Steroid Mindset; The Exercise Police; Another No-Nonsense Training Session; A One Exercise Workout and Other Abbreviated Programs; A Twenty Minute Workout; More Things the Muscle Mags Never Tell You; etc. Spiral bound so it can be opened and laid flat to any chapter to get a mega dose of inspiration and instruction in your home gym! Another great addition to any strength training library from the man who has steered the common weight lifter back on course with successful home training!


34. Target Bodybuilding


Use high-tech training for high-definition sculpting! In Target Bodybuilding, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans show which muscles are used most in a variety of bodybuilding exercises.


35. The Complete Idiot's Guide To Weight Training

Getting into peak physical shape takes time and effort. That's bad news. The good news is that you have plenty of time to realize the strong and supple physique that you've always wanted.



Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
36. The Lean Mass Diet

A lot of bodybuilders just look like fat guys with really big forearms in the offseason. The quest for MASS has led many bodybuilders into the trap of gaining so much FAT that by the time they drop the fat to expose their newly developed muscle, they have been dieting so hard and so long that they LOSE most of that precious LEAN BODY MASS (LBM)! OH NO!

What do we do? How can we gain Lean Mass and keep fat gains to a minimum? Can we gain as much LBM without packing on slabs of bacon on our inner thighs? If these questions are running through your MASS-HUNGRY dome, stress no more. Team Scivation, led by the Cut Diet creator Chuck Rudolph, has devised a game plan to not only make you bigger and more muscular than you ever imagined possible, but they also will present in the very pages of this book a method that is scientifically backed and real-world proven to keep the fat gains to a bare minimum while fueling your body for one primary goal—EXTREME MUSCLE GROWTH!

Don’t wait any longer. Drop everything you’re doing right now and dive into this Holy Grail of Mass that not only will serve as a reference guide, or
bible for how to eat, but also make you big, hard, and jacked beyond belief. Grab a fork and put on your reading glasses, Team Scivation is about to take you on the mass gaining ride of your life!


37. Personal Trainer Program

Quote intro by author: This manual will teach you everything you must do to have a great body. But remember, only you have the power to use the information that you learn. I was prompted to write this because I am surrounded by so many people that are constantly seeking out weight loss information. I know exactly what needs to be done and I want to show others. It is impossible to know absolutely everything about fitness, and IÌm not saying I do. But, I do know how to lose weight and the information contained in this manual will teach you just that.


38. Weight Training for Dummies

Weight training has become very popular. Some 87 percent of all health clubs now offer personal training, compared to 66 percent in 1996. In the same period, four million women have started using weight machines. Health club memberships have more than doubled for people over age 55. One gym in Palm Springs, California, has even stopped playing rap music because of complaints from the gymís increasingly grayhaired membership.
However, just because weight training has become more popular doesn't mean it has become any less intimidating for novices. Itís only natural for a beginner to be baffled by the equipment and the lingo. You may look at a barbell and wonder how youíre going to lift the thing while remaining on good terms with your lower back muscles. You may stare at a weight machine and wonder which end the homemade pasta comes out of. You may wonder what it means when a trainer says, ìDo three sets of eight reps on the lat pulldown and then super set with the seated row.î
In this book, we give you the knowledge and confidence to start a weighttraining program, either at home or at the gym. We describe exercises suitable for rookies and veterans alike. We've added new information regarding how to train over a lifetime and feel comfortable around weight training equipment. Training tips for youth, teens, prenatal and postpartum moms, and older adults are included. Additional information for people who are larger sized is presented. And, the latest trends in fitness, core training, yoga, and Pilates are all demystified. Youíll find this edition packed with workouts for every circumstance; whether you are on vacation or only have ten minutes to spare, you can fit a weight training workout into your day. New equipment that enhances balance and stability training is introduced and an entire chapter is devoted to stability ball exercises.
In Weight Training For Dummies, we tell you about safe weight lifting techniques, steer you toward equipment bargains, entertain you with stories about fellow lifters, and inspire you to keep pumping iron when youíd rather pump a keg and fire up the backyard grill. In fact, we take care of just about
everything except lifting the weights. We saved that job for you.

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