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Bush given "International Medal of Peace"



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
I am aware of it being a retrovirus and the complications that comes with that, however, the MD that teaches my Muscle Bio Colloquium seems to think this about the drug companies. We discussed AIDS, she didn't say what I said.. but I still think that considering the majority of the people that have AIDS are in Africa and have do not have money there is no profit to be made. You could cure everyone in the US and the developed countries but there are not that many.
In microbiology we learned about the difficulty we face curing AIDS... but somehow I cannot get that off my mind that there is another reason as well. ya know?

There's no profit to curing AIDS? I'd sincerely disagree with that. Maybe not as much in poverty stricken countries, but just think of the person who does come up with a cure for AIDS. I'm HIV-positive that if a PhD microbiologist is able to do this, he'd be a billionaire. There's no chance in hell he'd just sit back and not pursue this and cash in. I do get the point, and I hear this a lot, but just think though that the big drug companies might make more off treatments than cures, sure.... but the group of individuals who discover the "cure" don't give a shit, they want to be billionaires, which they would be.

Again, look into the H-pylori antibiotic as a great example of this. It is a "cure" that came out and was much cheaper than management for ulcers.


Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 5, 2008
^^ True enough but you cannot deny the possibility corpoations and our gov't had been fucking for years now and it is possible some corporateion is sitting on a cure right now and will release it as soon as another company "begin" to develop a cure.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
^^ True enough but you cannot deny the possibility corpoations and our gov't had been fucking for years now and it is possible some corporateion is sitting on a cure right now and will release it as soon as another company "begin" to develop a cure.

Sincerely doubtful. Again, if I was the immune/microbiologist who had developed a cure, that I had worked my ass off for years/decades and would become a billionaire from, there's absolutely no chance it would be sat on. I'm HIV-positive about this.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
again i am baffled here as to how this is justification to you for their wanton sexual behavior! it's ritualistic? ok they have a different "understanding" of sex......and? i don't care if that's your freaking "ritual" it's killing your people. either wise the fuck up or die of as a people. it's their call. again, i absolutely do not pity stupidity.

but nothing will change. "save the world and dump money on them" nations like us will continue to enable their habits.

What you are not comprehending is that telling people to change is NOT CUT AND DRY! Your dumbing shit down by saying i dont care about this or that, but they very much do. It is not stupidity if they have not brouught their thinking up to the western worlds. They simply do not have what we have. Shit you would still be living in a log cabin living off of the land if it werent for the thinkers that came befor eyou that enabled you to be born into the lifestyle that you were born into. It is a GIFT that you were bron where u were at. Say you were bron in Africa and knew nothing else but wat was around you. And of course hatred for non aficans is part of your cultrue. So when an non african comes over and tells you you have to change because they said so and its for the better of your society why would you listen. Its like Bin laden coming over here and telling you to praise allah bc he said so bc he believs you will have 77 virgins when u die. You would tell bin laden to go fuck himself.

How are you confused by sociology? Its not justification, it is how it is. point simple point blank. None of your ideas or feelings of what or how this should be handled have any education on sociology behind them. It's dualitys way because duality says so. That does not fly in the world of debate. Their are the way things exist in society and in the world and that is how they must be delt with. Things dont exist as we wish them to they exist as they do. You cant just make an entire population of people change over night. It takes YEARS and education and intervention on OTHER COUNTRIES part to help the weaker on the scale. Change is NEVER simple! When one culture deals with another you are not just dealing with the mind you are dealing with strong sociological and habitual factors that the culture itself might not feel they have the right to change so who are you to come over and make change happen?

Its through the education of the poorer society by the wealthier ones that this change becomes possible. It is through treatment and understanding of why they need the treatment that change becomes possible.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
ben, it's not that it's "duality's way or no way" or any other thing like that. it's my complete lack of pity for a group of people ignoring a very simple way to help curb this disease. the US would send untold amount of condoms if the people actually requested them and would use them. i don't pity someone ignoring a perfectly good way to help stop an epidemic, than turning around and begging for help. the help is right there.


Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 5, 2008
Wait wait.... we are going off course here lol, how the fuck did bush get a god damn peace medal.

I mean who in thier right mind, who could be "sane" enough to even nominate or consider BUSH for a medal of peace.