Mecca V.I.P.
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seems somewhat contradictive.
you say we (the US) are ruining their governments by getting involved, yet you seem to think we should get involved by educating them?
maybe it's just me, but I believe the US government should only concern itself with US affairs.....mainly because when we involve ourselves in other countries, we tend to completely fuck it up.
No. Just there is a lot of hypocrisy and ulterior motives used when help is offered or enacted. So what I'm saying is that the good work that is done is largely subverted or overshaddowed.
And while I understand your point it kinda assumes that the rest of the world's problems don't affect you. Not exactly realistic. Immigration alone from war ravaged countries and hte lack of arms sales would cause all sorts of problems to America's economy :gaysign:
Not true. See my above points.True.
IMO we need to worry about educating our own. we have TOO many problems to be helping others we really we arent helping ourselves. schools in the US are a joke, i had a teacher tell me when he went to a teachers conference, that they are trying to promote kids to drop out cause the schools have too many students, half of my class droped out. they dont help kids get into college, they dont care. i didnt do shit in high school to be honest with you and when i would ask questions they would completely ignore me so i never got the help i needed, i even took a shit load of afternoon and night school classes and nothing they dont motivate kids to get an education, why should we care about other countries? i think we should help other countrys and promote education but after we fix our situation. i never had a teacher/counselor talk to me about college or anything or give me any advice or direction, which is why society is so fucked. which results into crimes/drugs and so on.
sorry if i may have stirred away from the topic.
And yes the general education system in America sucks ballz. But the higher education institutes are regarded very highly. Plus motivation to learn isn't just the responsibility of the teacher, the students have to have the desire to learn. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink".