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Just noticed on his IMDB page that he has never been nominated for an oscar. I thought The Machinist or American Psycho would of landed him at least a nomination. I guess being a jerk prevents you from winning or being nominated for an oscar.
While we are on the topic of actors that have never seen an oscar or a nomination. Heres a list of the top 20 Actors Never Nominated for an Oscar.
While we are on the topic of actors that have never seen an oscar or a nomination. Heres a list of the top 20 Actors Never Nominated for an Oscar.
1. Jim Carrey - A far better actor than the “one trick comedy actor” label that he is sometimes branded with. An amazing performance in The Truman Show went un-noticed, along with fine work in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Man on the Moon.
2. Meg Ryan - Actually, you know I’m not all that surprised by this one, I’ve never thought she was much of a dramatic actress.
3. Richard Gere - Much like Ryan, most of his famous work has been in romantic comedies meaning his Oscar roles have been limited. Surprisingly over-looked in Chicago, when everyone around him virtually was nominated.
4. Sandra Bullock - Great actress, but again romantic comedies have been all too frequent in her career. Recent dramatic performances in Crash and Infamous may have been over-looked, but they may possibly show her future intent?
5. Steve Martin - Wow, I nearly rolled off the chair with this one? He’s never been nominated, really? Again though, a career in comedy hasn’t been favourably looked upon by the academy.
6. Kevin Bacon - One of the most under-rated actors of the 90’s.
7. Jeff Daniels - Not surprised.
8. Bruce Willis - One of the biggest movie stars of all time, and IMO a very fine actor. The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and 12 Monkeys show how good his acting chops are and you know his performance in Die Hard was amazing. It truly was. I’m confident he will get his nomination at some point.
9. Martin Sheen - Apocalypse Now anyone?
10. Scarlett Johansson - I’m surprised by how anyone people call her talent less. Her performances in Lost in Translation and Match Point were fantastic and she’s still so very young. Long way to go in her career yet!
11. Matthew Broderick - Not surprised.
12. Jeffrey Wright - Not surprised, although he was impressive in Syriana.
13. Maria Bello - Great in A History of Violence, but probably not Oscar worthy.
14. Donald Sutherland - Great actor, extremely surprised by this one.
15. Ewan McGregor - Surprised by this one. Performances in Moulin Rouge and Big Fish must have been considered.
16. John Cusack - One of my favourite actors.
17. Isabella Rossellini - Great veteran actress. Amazing in Blue Velvet.
18. Dennis Quaid - Under-rated actor who doesn’t get enough meaty roles.
19. Steve Buscemi - Extremely surprised by this one. Brilliant actor who can transform himself completely into any role. Performances in Reservoir Dogs, Ghost World and Fargo shouldn’t have gone unnoticed.
20. Maggie Gyllenhaal - Like her quite a bit actually, great in Secretary and Mona Lisa Smile. Yet to see her in Sherrybaby, but I would be pleased if she got cast in The Dark Knight.
So that’s the list, any big surprises there for anyone?
Bruce Willis I was extremely shocked about.