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Hi all. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis a month ago and currently take a fancy aspirin that helps keep the inflamation down. Also when I began bodybuilding 7 years ago I incorporated a diet high protein, moderate fats and carbs and high fibre as that is what the magazines and articles said to do to keep your digestive system and colon healthy. Well obviously the metamucil and fibre supps and raw veggies didn't help in that regard, and according to a website I came across http://www.biblelife.org/fiber.htm I may have caused this myself.
According to the info on that site, although I am unsure of its authenticity as Red Flags go up in my head when I see a web name that is related to religion - "high fibre in the colon causes pathogenic bacteria growth," because they feed on fibre and in turn wear away the lining in the colon. Like I said... Maybe all of that info is just B.S. but it also refers to the fact that Eskimos/Native American Indians, and Africans in the past ate diets rich in fats and proteins and low fibre and had perfectly health bowels. While the English who imported all of there crappy processed foods had a higher % of bowel diseases. A doctor who was comparing Africans to his English counter parts came to the false conclusion that Africans had healthy colons because they ate barley bread and high fibre intake. Also they didn't eat any processed foods. Also it is a false hood that Africans at that time were vegetarians as veggans claim.
I did more searches on google and there seems to be more studies that come to the conclusion that fibre intake does not prevenet colon diseases. There is also another link http://www.biblelife.org/bowel.htm which has more info as well and thik that it would be good to read through it thoroughly. It pretty much promotes a bodybuilding diet. They would like people with conditions like mine to try a 70% fat, 27% protien and 3% carb diet of which 3 grams or less is fibre. I on the other hand will go on a high protein moderate fat diet with veggies that have less fibre in them and maybe try to avoid breads, and grains completely, as they just seem to make my condition worse. The causes for ulceratiive colitis are stress, autoimmune, or passed on from your family. I have no history of it in my family so I am guessing that a combo of stress, autoimmune and if what that website says about fibre is true, a high fibre intake may have caused my condition this past 7 seven years. Before I started eating a bodybuilding diet with high fibre intake I never had any bowel problems, but also ate too much crappy processed foods we have all come to love.
Anyways I hope that someone on the forum whether it be a doctor, a person in a similar situation as I, or anyone that will read my post replies. I appreciate any and all info you can send my way or just advice or opinions. Take care all.
According to the info on that site, although I am unsure of its authenticity as Red Flags go up in my head when I see a web name that is related to religion - "high fibre in the colon causes pathogenic bacteria growth," because they feed on fibre and in turn wear away the lining in the colon. Like I said... Maybe all of that info is just B.S. but it also refers to the fact that Eskimos/Native American Indians, and Africans in the past ate diets rich in fats and proteins and low fibre and had perfectly health bowels. While the English who imported all of there crappy processed foods had a higher % of bowel diseases. A doctor who was comparing Africans to his English counter parts came to the false conclusion that Africans had healthy colons because they ate barley bread and high fibre intake. Also they didn't eat any processed foods. Also it is a false hood that Africans at that time were vegetarians as veggans claim.
I did more searches on google and there seems to be more studies that come to the conclusion that fibre intake does not prevenet colon diseases. There is also another link http://www.biblelife.org/bowel.htm which has more info as well and thik that it would be good to read through it thoroughly. It pretty much promotes a bodybuilding diet. They would like people with conditions like mine to try a 70% fat, 27% protien and 3% carb diet of which 3 grams or less is fibre. I on the other hand will go on a high protein moderate fat diet with veggies that have less fibre in them and maybe try to avoid breads, and grains completely, as they just seem to make my condition worse. The causes for ulceratiive colitis are stress, autoimmune, or passed on from your family. I have no history of it in my family so I am guessing that a combo of stress, autoimmune and if what that website says about fibre is true, a high fibre intake may have caused my condition this past 7 seven years. Before I started eating a bodybuilding diet with high fibre intake I never had any bowel problems, but also ate too much crappy processed foods we have all come to love.
Anyways I hope that someone on the forum whether it be a doctor, a person in a similar situation as I, or anyone that will read my post replies. I appreciate any and all info you can send my way or just advice or opinions. Take care all.
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