Mecca V.I.P.
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Help! I'm turning into a woman
Published: 02 Jul 2008
A DESPERATE dad last night begged medics for help – because he is turning naturally into a WOMAN.
Pub singer Terry Wright said: “I am a man, not a woman. And I do not want to be a woman.
“I just want to get my life back to normal.”
Father-of-five Terry, 60, started losing his hair and beard ten years ago.
Since then he has developed smooth skin, hot flushes – and boobs. And kids living nearby taunt him by calling him “She-Man”.
Blood tests have revealed Terry has abnormally high levels of the female hormone oestrogen. But doctors who have examined him say they have never seen such a case – and do not know what to do to reverse the process.
Wig-wearing Terry, of Birmingham, pleaded for an expert to come forward to get to the root of the problem.
He said: “Doctors call me an ‘interesting case’ and ‘unique’ but I just want to go back to being a proper man.
“I get mocked by kids where I live who call me She-Man and other names. Once a child bumped into me and its mother said, ‘Say sorry to the lady.’ My mates are shocked at my appearance but try to make light of it by saying I’m just a pretty-looking man.”
Terry’s 5ft 4in height and slim build make him look even more feminine. His GP suspected he was trying to change gender and even offered him a sex swap.
But Terry furiously rejected the suggestion.
A psychiatrist has judged him mentally sound and an MRI scan ruled out the oestrogen surge being caused by a tumour.
Specialist Professor Richard Ross said: “This case seems very unusual.”