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A good one would be Mozzarella Pork Chops and to ketofy your pork chops- you could start with seasoning each side of the pork chop, after that add both olive oil and butter to your skillet after it heats up, then sear for 2 to 3 minutes on both sides. Then place the pork chops on a baking tray, and top each pork chop with two tomato slices and a slice of mozzarella cheese- then place under broiler at 375F in the oven till cheese is melted, which is about 5 minutes.
I don't know about Keto diet but in cooking pork it is broiled or roasted. That is the best pork dish for me - barbecued over charcoal. The roasting or broiling removes the dirt and other unsavory elements to make the pork a cleaner and healthier food. Pork has a bad reputation regarding health because some people do not cook it very well.
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