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Intermittent Fasting for Bodybuilding: Unlocking Muscle Growth and Fat Loss



Mecca V.I.P.
Dec 2, 2023
Intermittent Fasting (IF) has gained significant traction recently, emerging as a popular dietary strategy within the bodybuilding community. It is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of eating and fasting. It does not specify which foods to eat but rather when individuals should eat them. Bodybuilders are particularly interested in this approach because it can help them lose weight and build muscle.

This article briefly overviews intermittent fasting, exploring its principles, potential benefits, and growing popularity among bodybuilders.


Understanding Intermittent Fasting (IF)​

Intermittent fasting can be an effective tool for weight loss by creating a calorie deficit and promoting fat burning. It is relatively easy to follow, and its flexible nature allows individuals to choose the fasting pattern that fits their lifestyle. There are several different ways to practice intermittent fasting, but some of the most popular methods include:

  • The 16/8 method involves fasting for 16 hours daily and restricting eating to an 8-hour window. It is practical for many people as it aligns with the natural overnight fast.

  • The 5:2 diet involves eating normally five days a week and restricting calories to 500-600 on the other two days. This method allows for flexibility in choosing fasting days, providing a break from continuous calorie restriction.


  • Warrior Diet: It involves eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables daily and consuming one large meal at night within a 4-hour eating window.

  • The 12-Hour Fast: This method is a more accessible form of intermittent fasting, where individuals fast for 12 hours overnight.

On intermittent fasting, the body goes into a state of catabolism, breaking down muscle tissue for energy. However, when an individual breaks the fasting phase, the body enters anabolism, which builds muscle tissue. This cycle of catabolism and anabolism can help bodybuilders build muscle while losing fat.

Intermittent Fasting and Bodybuilding​

This strategy is embraced by many in the bodybuilding community seeking to optimize their physique and performance. The relationship between IF and bodybuilding is multifaceted, focusing on muscle gain, fat loss, and strength enhancement.

IF may promote muscle growth by increasing the release of growth hormones, a critical factor in muscle development. This effect is significant during the post-workout period when muscles are most receptive to growth.

During fasting, the body taps into stored energy reserves, primarily fat, to fuel its functions. It leads to a reduction in body fat percentage and a leaner physique.

It also allows for strategic nutrient timing, enabling individuals to schedule their eating window around their workout sessions. While in a calorie deficit, intermittent fasting may help preserve lean muscle mass, preventing the strength loss that can sometimes accompany traditional weight loss diets.

Nutritional Guidelines for IF in Bodybuilding​

For bodybuilders practicing IF, maintaining a balance of macronutrients is crucial for achieving their desired results. Protein should be 40-50% of calories, essential for muscle growth and repair. Distributing protein intake evenly across the feeding window maximizes its anabolic effects.

Carbohydrates provide the primary energy source for workouts. Bodybuilders may consume 30-40% carbohydrates of total calories. Some individuals adjust their daily carbohydrate intake based on energy demands, ensuring an appropriate balance for individual goals.

Healthy fats are vital for hormone production, nutrient absorption, and overall health. When on intermittent fasting, bodybuilders may consume 20-30% fats of total calories.

Ensure a slight caloric surplus during feeding to support lean muscle mass growth. Consume a moderate-sized meal approximately 1-2 hours before your workout. Focus on complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats for sustained energy. Bodybuilders may adjust the timing of their fasting phase to suit their training schedule and preferences.

Benefits of IF in Bodybuilding​

Intermittent fasting may promote muscle growth by increasing the release of growth hormone (GH), a critical factor in muscle development. Studies have shown that IF can elevate GH levels by up to fivefold. It is crucial during the post-workout period when muscles are most receptive to growth.

The calorie deficit created by fasting burns more calories than the body consumes. During fasting periods, the body promotes metabolic flexibility, training the body to switch to ketosis for energy. It can lead to a reduction in body fat percentage and a leaner physique. Sometimes, the body activates autophagy to remove damaged cellular components and recycle them for energy.

It may also improve insulin sensitivity. Enhanced insulin sensitivity allows for more adequate blood sugar regulation, reducing the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Proper nutrient intake and hormonal balance during the feeding window may contribute to optimizing testosterone levels.

IF and Workout Routines​

The impact of IF on training intensity and duration depends on individual factors, training experience, and the specific IF protocol followed. Some individuals may experience a slight decrease in energy levels during fasting periods, necessitating workout intensity or duration adjustments.

Shorter workouts during fasting periods help conserve energy and prevent fatigue. Circuit training, incorporating short bursts of activity followed by rest periods, can be effective during fasting.

Aside from proper nutrition, maintaining proper hydration is crucial during IF, especially when engaging in physical activity. Water intake becomes even more critical as dehydration can impact exercise performance and recovery.

Consider strategically supplementing BCAAs or whey protein around workouts to support muscle growth and recovery. BCAAs help reduce muscle breakdown during fasting periods, while whey protein can provide a readily available source of amino acids, supporting muscle growth and recovery, especially during the post-workout period.

Muscle Recovery and Growth​

Muscle protein synthesis is the body's process of building new muscle tissues. Intermittent fasting positively affects muscle protein synthesis because of increased HGH and reduced insulin levels. However, it is essential to note that IF can also lead to muscle breakdown if not done correctly.
Bodybuilders should have adequate calorie intake, balanced micronutrient ratios, and proper post-workout nutrition for optimal muscle recovery. Adjustment of the level of caloric deficit strikes a balance between fat loss goals and the energy demands of muscle recovery.

Scientific Research and Case Studies​

A review by Nutrients showed that intermittent fasting can improve lean muscle mass when combined with resistance training. The results reported reduced body fat mass in eight studies. However, more research should examine the long-term effects of this fasting method compared to other energy restriction practices.

In the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, research proved intermittent fasting enhances weight loss in individuals younger than 60. It decreases GLP-1 levels and improves health-related biomarkers.

Numerous bodybuilders and athletes have reported success with this approach. One notable example is Martin Berkhan, a professional bodybuilder who credits intermittent fasting with helping him achieve his physique. In one case study, a 30-year-old male bodybuilder who followed an IF diet experienced significant muscle mass and strength increases over 12 weeks.

Personalizing Your IF Plan​

Before embarking on any IF regimen, defining your goals and assessing your current physical condition is essential. Your training schedule plays a significant role in determining the timing of your eating windows. If you engage in early morning workouts, you may prefer a fasting method that allows for pre-workout meals. Conversely, a later eating window might be more suitable if you train in the evenings.

Glycogen, stored energy in the muscles and liver, is essential for high-intensity exercise. During fasting periods, glycogen stores deplete, which can impact workout performance. Strategically plan your carbohydrate intake to replenish glycogen levels before and after workouts.

Challenges and Considerations​

Hunger is a common challenge during fasting periods. Engage in mindfulness techniques like meditation or deep breathing to reduce hunger sensations. Start with shorter fasting periods and gradually increase the duration as your circadian rhythm adapts. If you experience excessive fatigue, take a break or shorten your fasting duration.

Consume a moderate-sized meal 1-2 hours before your workout to provide energy for exercise. A protein-rich meal within 30-60 minutes after your workout maximizes muscle protein synthesis. Divide your remaining meals into smaller portions throughout your eating window to avoid blood sugar spikes and crashes.

If you have diabetes, consult with your doctor to determine if it is safe and appropriate since it affects blood sugar levels. Monitor your blood pressure regularly and seek medical advice if necessary.

Expert Opinions and Tips​

According to Dr. Jason Fung, an expert in intermittent fasting and low-carb diets, this approach is a conventional solution to lose weight and prevent diabetes and kidney disease. He believes in the power of intermittent fasting in improving overall health.

Jon Anthony, a fitness expert, shared that fasting depends on the kind of bodybuilder an individual is. He does not recommend intermittent fasting for those who compete in professional bodybuilding since their bodies rely on nutrition to achieve maximum levels of muscle protein synthesis.

Consult a registered dietitian or sports nutritionist to develop a personalized IF plan tailored to your goals and needs. Track your body composition, strength levels, and overall well-being to assess its effectiveness.


Intermittent fasting offers bodybuilders a versatile approach to achieving their fitness goals. It allows for strategic nutrient timing, enabling bodybuilders to optimize training sessions during feeding windows and supporting overall body composition goals. Additionally, the potential benefits of hormonal responses and the preservation of lean muscle mass during fasting underscore the multifaceted advantages of incorporating this approach into a bodybuilding regimen.

Emphasizing a balanced and informed approach to intermittent fasting ensures that bodybuilders tailor the method to their unique needs and goals while remaining attentive to overall health and well-being. Consultation with fitness and nutrition professionals can provide personalized guidance, fostering a holistic and sustainable approach to Intermittent Fasting in bodybuilding.

Frequently Asked Questions​

How should I plan my meals around my workout schedule when practicing Intermittent fasting?

If you train during your eating window, consume a moderate-sized meal 1-2 hours before your workout and 30-60 minutes after training. Include complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, or vegetables, to provide sustained energy and replenish glycogen stores.

Can Intermittent fasting be combined with other diets, like Mediterranean, for bodybuilding?

You can incorporate intermittent fasting with other diets, such as the paleo or Mediterranean diet, as long as you adjust your eating windows and macronutrient intake accordingly.

Can Intermittent fasting improve workout performance and energy levels?

It may increase growth hormone levels, promoting muscle growth and recovery. It may also improve insulin sensitivity to improve muscle nutrient uptake and performance.

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