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Jason Zuback Long Drive Champ



Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
This is Jason Zuback, he was a powerlifter for sometime, hes a pharamcist, and also a long drive champion for many years, can drive 460+ yards. Hes got a sick physique, and hes apparently natural.


2014 ms olympia scorecards

Fitness olympia scorecards

Here he talks about his training etc..

Although most of his competitors tower over him, 5-foot-10, 225-pound Jason Zuback has set the bar as high in long-driving competitions as Tiger Woods has on the Tour. It's not that the 30-year-old Zuback, who goes for a record fifth consecutive World Long Drive Championship Oct. 18-21 in Mesquite, Nev., is more powerful than his opponents. Last month, for example, Mike Moulton, of San Bernardino, Calif., hit three drives between 445 and 449 yards at a long-drive event in Fresno, while Zuback's career-best is 412 yards. His secret is a swing built for accuracy and consistency, and a knack for producing his best shots when the pressure is the greatest.

Sound familiar? "It's great to be compared to Tiger," says Zuback, whose ball speed has been measured at 210.4 mph on a launch monitor, while Woods clocks in at 184 mph. "I love everything about the guy, except when they say he's the longest driver in golf. He's not; I am."

Zuback, who lives in Calgary, is a former powerlifter. Despite neck and shoulder injuries, he can still bench-press 405 pounds. He pumps iron two hours a day, five days a week. His training regimen also includes five-hour sessions on the practice tee, where he launches high, left-to-right vapor trails with a driver that has 5 1/2 degrees of loft and a 47 1/2-inch graphite shaft with quintuple-extra-stiff flex.

Zuback looks more like a football player than a golfer, which is the trend among long drivers. "It's starting to look like the WWF out here," says Brian Pavlet, the '93 national champ who came in second to Zuback last year and holds the record drive in the World Championship, a poke of 435 yards. "We've got a new breed of guys who go straight from the practice range to the gym."

Moulton sees an added benefit from his workout regimen. "Jason is a physical specimen, but his big advantage is the way he can get in the zone under pressure," says Moulton. "That's how Tiger is, and it's no accident that both Jason and Tiger outwork everyone. That's where they get that extra mental toughness."

Long drivers, like Tour players, are not tested for drugs, and no performance-enhancing substances are banned. Pavlet, for one, thinks it's time to take some precautions. "I'm not accusing anyone, but as big and thick as some of these guys are, you have to wonder if there's been some use of steroids or human growth hormone," says the 32-year-old Pavlet, who at 6' 4" and 215 is on the lean side for a long driver.

Moulton and Zuback admit they have used creatine and other protein supplements but not performance-enhancing drugs. "I'd be fine with a banned substance list, but I don't think it's really needed in golf," says Zuback. "There are a lot more factors at work than raw strength, and getting a 60-inch chest and benching 550 pounds would actually slow down your swing."

Photos: http://golfzilla.ca/innerContent.aspx?id=266


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Heres one more...

Womensbb ms olympia scorecard


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
I just saw that Muscle and Fitness did a huge article on him, heres the key stuff about his weight training and his training..
check out the full thing at ..

Producing speed requires a level of physical strength, and Zuback has plenty of it. Some of his best lifts include a 405-pound three-rep max on the bench press, a 714-pound squat, a 680-pound deadlift, a 364-pound clean and jerk, and shoulder presses with 120-pound dumbbells for 12 reps. You don't get this strong by accident; it takes discipline and dedication. For Zuback, it took squeezing workouts into his busy schedule whenever he could, whether it meant driving around at 3 a.m. looking for a 24 Hour Fitness or Powerhouse Gym when traveling for corporate events in Japan, Los Angeles, New York or wherever he happened to find himself. Endurance is critical, too, but the real key is muscular power. You need it to generate speed.
You might say Zuback has no choice but to be freakishly strong and powerful. Look at some of his top compe-tition on the LDA circuit: Brooks "Big Country" Baldwin is 6'3", 240 pounds; 2007 World Champion Mike Dobbyn is 6'8", 296 pounds; Baden Waiwai, aka "The Bus," is 6'8", 299 pounds. When you're just 5'10" (in spikes) like Zuback, you've got to make up for that somewhere. He does it with power—his compact, power-producing frame holds 225 pounds. And conditioning—he consistently carries around 6% bodyfat.

"The golf ball doesn't know how big you are," Zuback says. "All it knows is the force that's applied to it."

In the end, it's not about power or distance or speed. At least not completely. It's not about being the all-time money leader in LDA history, with more than $700,000 in career earnings (not including appearance and endorsement revenue), or owning 38 career long-drive tournament titles or even proving wrong the long-drive skeptics who say, "You guys are just a bunch of gorillas who hit it long—you can't play golf." Golfzilla, so you know, shoots below par on a good day, just above it when he's off his game.

No, it's more about the journey, the experience that comes from being the best in the world at what you do. It's about absorbing the bumps and bruises along the road—which for Zuback have come in the form of 15 stress fractures, three herniated discs, 20 muscle tears and a sports-hernia procedure this past winter, in part from hitting the weights as hard as he hits the little white ball—and working through them with more than 5,000 hours of physical therapy in his career, 120 visits to sports-medicine physicians and 50 to orthopedic surgeons.

"I've faced a lot of challenges in my career, but this sport has given me the opportunity to go places I never would've gone, to meet so many different people—professional golfers, entertainers and successful people in different walks of life," he says. "It has been very enjoyable for me, minus all the injuries and things like that. It has been a very good ride." M&F

520 YARDS—Zuback's longest drive (witnessed) on a golf course


Exercise Sets1 Reps
Barbell Snatch (technique work) 10 1
Clean & Jerk (75%—80% 1RM) 10 1
Barbell Squat (70% 1RM) 6 4
Pull Snatch (85% 1RM) 6 3
Power Clean (70% 1RM) 6 3

Hang Snatch (70% 1RM) 6 4
Squat and Jerk (70% 1RM) 6 2+1 (2 squats + 1 jerk)
Clean from Plyo Box (70% 1RM) 6 2
Military Press (70% 1RM) 6 3
Box Jump 3 6
Tornado Ball Chop2 (side to side + overhead)

Power Snatch (75% 1RM) 6 2
Hang Clean (75% 1RM) 6 2
Front Squat (75% 1RM) 6 5
Push Press (75% 1RM) 6 3

Barbell Snatch(70%—80% 1RM) 6 2
Clean and Power Jerk (70% 1RM) 7 1+2 (1 clean + 2 jerks)
Pull Clean (85% 1RM) 8 4
Hang Snatch (70% 1RM) 6 3
Box Jump 3 6
Tornado Ball Chop2 (side to side + overhead)

Power Clean (70%—80% 1RM) 6 2
Jerk from Rack (75% 1RM) 6 2
Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch 5 6 (per arm)
Box Jump 3 6
Tornado Ball Chop2 (side to side + overhead)

1 Not including two warm-up sets of 3-4 reps per exercise
2 A tornado ball is a medicine ball attached to a rope

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