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Matt Morsia vs Thor Bjornsson!

Bodybuilding News

Bodybuilding News

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2013
Bodybuilder and fitness vlogger Matt Morsia, better known to his followers as MattDoesFitness, has worked out with some of the strongest athletes in the world, including strength sports champions Tom Stoltman, Eddie Hall, and Donna Moore. Morsia's channel is called MattDoesFitness. In his most recent video, Matt Morsia competes against Hafthor Bjornsson, also known as "The Mountain," who was once the World's Strongest Man and won the Arnold Classic. The competition consists of a series of challenges meant to evaluate each competitor's strength.

Bjornsson recently announced that he will be returning to the world of strength sports, specifically powerlifting, and strongman, to pursue new goals. Before this, Bjornsson left the world of competitive strongmen and lost more than 100 pounds over two years to retrain as a professional boxer. This small competition with Morsia in the Gymshark Lifting Club will serve as a good preparation for the next competition.

The first obstacle is a climb up a rope. Bjornsson has a height advantage, which gives him the ability to reach almost halfway up the rope while he is still standing on the ground. On the other hand, Bjornsson has an edge in terms of his agility. Morsia, on the other hand, would have to drag a lot less weight up the rope to reach the top, so to make things more equal, he straps some more weight to his waist. Both of these individuals have admitted that they have never prepared for this specific competition before — "I don't even know whether I can," adds Bjornsson — which means that they are starting on a very even playing field. Morsia manages to climb in 4 seconds, but Bjornsson beats him by a hair and does it in 3.9 seconds.

The next exercise is called a bodyweight squat. Literally. In other words, Bjornsson will squat Morsia's bodyweight, and then Morsia will try to squat Bjornsson's bodyweight for an unlimited number of repetitions. Morsia then attempts the much more difficult feat of lifting the 330-pound strongman... and proudly executes 5 reps, winning this round. Bjornsson completes 4 reps with Morsia—and the additional plate—on his shoulders. Morsia then attempts the far more difficult feat of lifting the 330-pound strongman.

The final competition is called the sled pull, and much like the previous round, each guy is responsible for pulling the other one along on the sled from one end of the gym to the other. Morsia says, "He's a large person, so I'm not holding out much hope," which is an indication of his pessimism. "Furthermore, the title of World's Strongest Man is at stake here, therefore... I believe we are all aware of the conclusion." It turns out that he was right: it only takes Bjornsson ten seconds to drag him across the room, but it takes Morsia 29 seconds.

But, by the fourth and fifth rounds, Bjornsson's body weight will be a disadvantage for him, and it will be time for dips and dead hangs. After 16 repetitions of the dips, Bjornsson reaches his limit, whereas Morsia can finish 17. The next round is a tiebreaker, and both men can hang for 1 minute and 38 seconds before the referee calls it. Morsia once again has the weight attached to his waist.

"You beast," Bjornsson yells at him. "I have to confess that I was having a hard time; all I did was put on a poker face."

Who Is Thor Bjornsson?

The world of professional strength athletics has a new shining star – Thor Bjornsson. This incredible athlete is the first ever to hold both World’s Strongest Man and Europe's Strongest Man titles at the same time in 2020. But who is this impressive athlete?

Born in 1988, Thor hails from Iceland and his accomplishments have earned him an international fan base among those hooked on strongman competitions. His career started with traditional sports such as basketball, but it wasn't until he discovered competitive weightlifting that things began to take off for him. He won several Icelandic national championships before taking part in some of the most important international events - winning awards along the way.

Thor's meteoric rise to fame was cemented when he became known as "The Mountain" after starring as Gregor Clegane in HBO’s popular series Game Of Thrones. It's fair to say that his success knows no bounds! So let us delve further into the life and achievements of this extraordinary man - Who Is Thor Bjornsson?

Thor Bjornsson The Actor

Thor Bjornsson is an actor, best known for his role as 'The Mountain' in the hit HBO series Game of Thrones. He's also a professional strongman and holds several world records for lifting heavy weights - something he puts down to hard work and dedication. His impressive strength has made him one of the most recognizable faces on television.

He was born in Reykjavik, Iceland, where he still lives today with his wife and children. In addition to acting and strongman competitions, Thor loves spending time with his family and exploring nature. As part of his training regimen, he often engages in outdoor activities such as running marathons or cycling long distances.

Overall, Thor Bjornsson is an incredible example of someone who strives for excellence in every area of their life: from athleticism to acting to being a loving husband and father. From redefining what it means to be strong to inspiring others through his commitment to excellence, Thor exemplifies how success can come from determination and hard work.

Thor Bjornsson The Strongman

Thor Bjornsson is a strongman from Iceland who has become famous for his incredible strength. He's competed in multiple World’s Strongest Man competitions, with his highest finish being second place in 2018. Thor holds several world records, including the title of 'World's Strongest Viking' and the record for the heaviest weight ever deadlifted by a human at 501 kg (1,104 lb).

In addition to competing as a professional athlete, Thor also works as an actor. He starred in the hit TV show Game of Thrones as Ser Gregor Clegane and appeared in other projects such as The Bad Apple and Vikings: Valhalla.

Outside of acting and strongman competitions, Thor promotes healthy living through his social media accounts where he shares videos of himself working out and eating healthy foods. His followers look up to him not only because of his physical accomplishments but also due to his inspiring attitude toward life.

Thor Bjornsson The Bodybuilder

Thor Bjornsson is a bodybuilder and strongman who has become well-known for his impressive feats of strength. He began competing in weightlifting competitions at the age of 18, and since then he has achieved remarkable success in both powerlifting and bodybuilding. His career highlights include winning three consecutive titles as Iceland's Strongest Man and becoming the first person to win Europe's Strongest Man four times.

Unlike many other professional athletes, Thor doesn't just focus on one sport: he also maintains an active interest in health and nutrition. In addition to regular training sessions with his coach, he often posts pictures of himself working out or eating healthy meals on social media platforms like Instagram. This demonstrates his commitment to staying fit and healthy, even when his schedule gets busy from the competition.

He has also made waves outside of sports due to his involvement in various projects that promote physical activity among young people. He regularly visits schools around the world to speak about the importance of being physically active, inspiring children to strive for their own fitness goals. Through this work, Thor shows how important it is for everyone – no matter what their background – to prioritize physical well-being in their lives.

Vlogger Matt Morsia​

Matt Morsia is a vlogger who has gained popularity through his YouTube channel, MattDoesFitness. He began his channel in 2011 and since then has amassed over one million subscribers. His videos focus on fitness tips and advice for people of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes. He also regularly posts about nutrition topics and general life advice. Matt’s content is lighthearted yet informative, making it easy to watch and learn something new each time you visit his page.

In addition to being an excellent source of knowledge on health and well-being, Matt has become a role model for many viewers due to his commitment to leading an active lifestyle while managing diabetes type 1. This makes him a relatable figure as he shows that despite having this medical condition, one can still lead a healthy life with the right diet and exercise plan.

Overall, Matt Morsia is an inspiring vlogger whose YouTube channel provides helpful information on fitness, nutrition, and living with diabetes type 1. His cheerful attitude coupled with genuine enthusiasm for helping others achieve their goals makes him stand out among other online personalities. With more than one million followers worldwide, there are no


In conclusion, Thor Bjornsson is an incredible athlete who has achieved success in three different areas. As an actor, he has been able to bring his character of 'The Mountain' to life on the world's biggest television show and become a household name. He has also excelled as a strongman, becoming the first man to win four consecutive World’s Strongest Man titles. Finally, through his work with bodybuilding, he has transformed himself into one of the fittest men alive today. His commitment and dedication to all aspects of fitness have made him one of the most inspiring athletes out there today. It's no wonder that Thor Bjornsson is so widely respected among fans around the world, whether they know him from Game Of Thrones or his feats in strength sports competitions. He truly exemplifies what it means to be a modern-day superhero!

Who is Matt Morsia?

Matt Morsia is a vlogger and internet influencer who goes by the name MattDoesFitness. He has become well known for his motivational content about fitness, nutrition, and self-improvement that he shares on YouTube and Instagram.

His videos are upbeat and inspiring, often featuring himself in various workout activities or speaking directly to the camera about how to stay motivated to reach personal goals. His message resonates with viewers around the world due to his positive outlook and practical advice. He also regularly collaborates with other YouTubers who have similar interests.

Not only does he share helpful tips on achieving physical health goals, but Matt also emphasizes mental health awareness in many of his posts. With an emphasis on staying true to yourself, he encourages people to strive for growth while being mindful of their mental state along the way. By combining effective fitness strategies with messages of positivity and resilience, Matt's energetic personality helps keep his followers engaged every step of their journey towards bettering themselves.
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