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EPO is not advisable. Do you know what the fuck you are doing?
Recently I was given an opportunity to ...
Dallas McCarver Collapses and the BB’ing Industry Loses its Mind!
So, uh, I guess it is no ...
Can a 110lb woman use Tri-Trenabol safely?
Can a women 110lb use Tri-Trenabol to ...
More Tren questions abound!
Whats a good intake a week on ...
Same question, new person. Please for the love of Pete… Gimme more info!
What would be a nice mild mass ...
Arnold weekend perspectives
I have just two words to describe ...
Dumbasses. The lot uh ‘ya!
http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article134261519.html BY ALEX HARRIS Federal agents raided a popular ...
The U.S. Department of Defense and DMAA – USA Today
This article in the USA Today is ...
Two orals anabolics taken together? Ty
Do you think winstrol and anadrol would ...
M4 with a new website url, but still all the great service and prices.
As many of you know, M4 asked ...
Omnadren and Sustanon are high on the Guru likability list
I would like to do a 3 ...
GH/IGF for short duration for big gains?
Hi Guru. I am a national bodybuilder ...
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Here, at SteroidsGuru.net we aim to bring you the most up to date information on products, dosing, schedules and science to answer all of your questions. Whether this is your first rodeo or you've been around the block more than once, we aim to bring you the answers you need to utilize Performance Enhancing Drugs in an informed and educated manner. Sometimes it is Science based. Sometimes it's BroScience based. Sometimes, it's BroScience that leads to new discoveries in bench based science and we intend to bring it all to you.
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GH education
I have never understood how to use GH properly and now thanks to you Guru, I finally get it! Thanks!
Guru is the best
Thanks for answering so quickly. I have sent all of my friends here to read your articles! This site kicks ass!
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