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Monster Walk Exercise: The Ultimate Guide for Lower Body Strength



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
The Monster Walk Exercise has attained widespread recognition in the fitness community for developing lower-body strength and stability. This essential yet highly effective exercise has the potential to revolutionize your workout routine. With a resistance band, you can improve your lower body, making it an effective measure against potential injuries.


Benefits of Monster Walk Exercise​

The Monster Walk Exercise strengthens specific lower-body muscles essential for maintaining balance and strength. It targets your hip abductors and external rotators–muscles that are frequently neglected but are necessary for lower body strength and hip stability. This holistic approach to fitness extends to balanced muscle development and ensures harmonious muscle contraction.

With strengthened muscles around the hip joint, you can reduce the risk of injuries such as hip bursitis and labral tears and improve your balance and coordination.

Muscle Groups Targeted​

Despite its simplicity, the Monster Walk Exercise targets muscles crucial to our daily movements and overall health. It strengthens and engages a variety of muscle groups, including:

  • Hip Flexors: The hip flexors are a group of muscles in front of the hips responsible for flexing the hip joint and pulling the thigh towards the trunk. This motion is necessary for walking, sprinting, and even sitting.
Hip flexors

  • Glutes: These gluteal muscles are pivotal in various lower body movements, stability, and overall posture. They stabilize the pelvis, control lateral movements, and help extend the hip and thigh.

  • Hamstrings: These are a group of muscles in the back of the thigh that help flex the knee and extend the hip.

  • Core Muscles: These muscles support the spine and pelvis, making them essential for maintaining good posture and preventing injuries.

Equipment Needed​

You can do the monster walk exercise with a resistance band only. These rubber bands provide a distinct benefit by adding external resistance to bodyweight exercises. They are available in various resistance levels, from light to heavy. It should be tight enough to provide some resistance but not so tight that it is uncomfortable.

As you take lateral steps while performing the Monster Walk, the band is positioned just above the knees, creating tension. This additional resistance requires your muscles to exert more effort to overcome the band's resistance.

Step-By-Step Instructions​

To get the most out of this effective exercise, performing it with precision and correct form is essential. Here is the proper approach to perform the Monster Walk Exercise:

  • Position the resistance band around your thighs or lower legs, just above the knees, with your ankles shoulder-width apart.

  • Ensure that your knees are not stiff by bending them slightly and ensuring that they are not locked.

  • Start by stepping laterally with one foot while keeping the resistance band stretched. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the opposite leg.

  • Maintain constant tension in the resistance band. The band should feel tight without being excessively stretched.

Common Mistakes Done When Performing the Exercise​

Mastering the Monster Walk Exercise involves recognizing potential errors and taking proactive steps to avoid them to ensure you reap the maximum benefits from this exercise.

  • Not Engaging Your Core: Failure to engage your core muscles can result in poor posture and diminished performance. Ensure your core muscles are engaged by contracting your abdominal muscles and bringing your belly button towards your spine.

  • Using the Wrong Resistance Band Level: A resistance band that is either too light or too heavy can reduce the efficacy of an exercise. Choose a band that offers sufficient difficulty without compromising your form. Start with a light resistance band if you are a beginner, and progressively increase the resistance as you gain strength.

  • Incorrect Posture: Poor posture can result in discomfort, weakened muscle engagement, and stress on the knees and hips. To avoid this, maintain an upright torso and distribute your weight evenly between your feet.

  • Rushing Reps: Performing the repetitions too quickly can compromise your form and diminish the benefits of the exercise. Do each step deliberately, accentuating the use of muscles in each movement.

Modifications and Variations of Monster Walk Exercise​

If you're new to the Monster Walk Exercise, allow your muscles to adapt to the movement. Start with a few sets and concentrate on mastering the correct form and technique before increasing the intensity progressively.

As your strength and familiarity with the exercise increase, consider incorporating resistance bands with higher tension levels. This progressive approach challenges your muscles and encourages ongoing improvement. You may also increase the difficulty of the exercise by doing it for an extended duration.

Adding variations to the Monster Walk can increase the difficulty for those with advanced fitness levels. Try integrating squats or lunges into the lateral steps to add a compound movement element. Experiment with various resistance band tensions to find a level that challenges you while allowing controlled movement.

Comparison With Other Exercises​

Although the monster walk, lunges, and squats all target the same lower-body muscle groups, there are significant distinctions between the three exercises.

Unlike the Muscle Walk Exercise, lunges are known for their functional movements, replicating real-world actions. It simultaneously engages multiple lower-body muscle groups, increasing leg strength and stability. The lunge position is created by stepping forward or backward and bending both legs.

Another similar exercise is squats, which are beneficial for strengthening lower-body muscles and enhancing balance and coordination. It involves bending the knees and hips while keeping the back straight, like sitting back in an imaginary chair.

Precautions and Contraindications​

The monster walk exercise is a low-impact exercise that people of all fitness levels can do. However, specific individuals should exercise caution or avoid this routine.

Individuals with knee conditions or recent injuries should approach the Monster Walk Exercise cautiously. Excessive lateral movement, mainly when using resistance bands, may trigger knee discomfort or strain the joint. The lateral stepping motion can place lateral tension on the knees, which can be problematic for those with ligament problems.

Those with hip issues, such as hip impingement or labral injuries, should be cautious when performing the Monster Walk Exercise. The hip abduction motion may exacerbate these conditions. Continuing despite the discomfort may worsen the situation and cause pain.

Testimonials and Case Studies​

Someone posted on Reddit that he struggled to do the Monster Walk Exercise. He didn't feel his glutes activated, even though he had watched many tutorial videos of the exercise. Through the thread, he discovered that he was bending his knees too much. Because of his improper posture, he could not activate the targeted muscles of the exercise.

A senior citizen also shared her experience with the exercise. According to her, the Monster Walk Exercise was her hope in returning to some muscular activity. Despite her age, this dynamic workout brought back her graceful movements. The resistance band's tension was helping her build the muscles in her legs and glutes. Today, she still includes the Monster Walk Exercise in her daily routine, even if it is just 30 steps each set.

Expert Opinions About Monster Walk Exercise​

According to Laura Williams Bustos, a fitness expert and an author, Monster Walk Exercise is an accessible routine that effectively targets the hip abductors. Compared to other lower body exercises, it can improve the stability of the hips. She shared that it is also the best workout for every age since it is low-risk.

Caroline Juster, a personal trainer and fitness coach, also shared the benefits of Monster Walk Exercise. She mentioned in her article that this exercise can improve balance and athletic performance. It also enhances walking and running mechanics with less effort.

Recommended Reps and Sets​

If you're new to the fitness world, starting with a foundation reflecting your current abilities is essential. A general rule of thumb for beginners is to begin with 1 to 2 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions per exercise. This range allows your muscles to adapt to the new tension without overworking.

You can experiment with various repetitions and set combinations as your body gets to the resistance band's tension. The standard count is 3 to 4 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions per exercise. This slightly increased intensity aids in the development of muscular endurance and strength.

Advanced levels require a shift in the repetition and set scheme for those who consistently engage in strength training and want to challenge their limits. Typically, an individual can do 4 to 5 sets of 20 to 25 repetitions to maximize muscle strength and hypertrophy.

Importance of Warm-Up and Cool-Down​

An effective warm-up can be simple. It can include moderate aerobic exercises such as in-place jogging, jumping jacks, and brisk walking. Dynamic stretches that replicate the movements you will perform during your workout can better prepare your muscles and joints for action. The objective is to gradually acclimate your body to the forthcoming demands, priming it for peak performance.

The cool-down phase is just as crucial as the warm-up phase. Cooling down enables a more gradual transition from intense exercise to a state of rest. It helps prevent dizziness, lightheadedness, and sudden decreases in blood pressure, which can result from abruptly stopping movement.

Pacing and Timing​

In the Monster Walk exercise, gradual and controlled motion is essential. Rushing through the routine reduces its effectiveness and increases the risk of injury. Focus on sustaining tension in the band throughout the entire movement while performing each step deliberately. Slower repetitions engage the muscles more intensely and guarantee proper form.

Generally, an individual may spend between 2 and 3 seconds on each step. While this may feel like a deliberate pace, remember that quality repetitions are preferable to quantity.

Proper Form and Technique​

Each exercise targets distinct muscle groups. Incorrect form may result in unintended muscle activation, diverting attention from the intended muscles. Improper form in doing the Monster Walk Exercise can put a strain on your lower back and increase your risk of having injuries.

Additionally, when you exercise the correct technique, you allow your muscles to work through their full range of motion, leading to better muscle activation and growth. It translates to improved performance and results over time.

Integrating Monster Walk Exercise to Workout Routines​

If you prefer to exercise at home, the Monster Walk is an adaptable addition to bodyweight routines. Create a home workout routine consisting of bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, lunges, and squats, and use Monster Walks to target your lower body.

On your designated days for training your legs and lower body, use it as a targeted activation exercise before your main lifts. It prepares your muscles for the impending workload and improves muscle recruitment and performance.

Calorie Burn Rates​

The intensity of exercise is a significant factor in determining calorie expenditure. The level of resistance the band provides plays a vital role in determining the intensity of the Monster Walk exercise. A thicker or tighter resistance band requires more effort to overcome the resistance, resulting in a more significant caloric expenditure.

Moreover, the Monster Walk primarily targets the hip, glute, and thigh muscles, among the largest muscles in the body. Working these muscles requires more energy, increasing caloric expenditure.

It is essential to note that calorie burn rates are approximations that can vary depending on various factors.

Ways of Progress Tracking​

Body measurements are an effective tool for tracking progress. Measure your waist, hips, chest, biceps, and thighs regularly. Changes in these measurements over time provide a distinct picture of your body's progress.

In the digital age, fitness applications and wearable trackers have become helpful tracking tools. These applications enable tracking workouts, nutrition, and weight and body measurement changes. Wearable fitness trackers can provide data on the number of steps taken, pulse rate, and even sleep patterns, providing a complete picture of your daily activity level.



Can I do Monster Walks every day?​

To prevent muscle fatigue, allocating a day of rest between Monster Walk sessions is best. Adapt the frequency of your workout to your body's needs.

How does the calorie burn of Monster Walks compare to other exercises?​

Due to their greater cardiovascular demands, jogging and cycling may burn more calories than other physical activities.

Is it normal to feel a burn in my glutes during Monster Walks?​

Yes, it is normal to experience a burn in your glutes and hips, as this indicates that the exercise effectively engages the targeted muscles.

Target Audience​

The Monster Walk is an excellent exercise for those beginning their fitness journey. Its simplicity and low impact make it accessible to those new to physical activity. Athletes and individuals who regularly engage in athletics or physical activity can also benefit from the exercise. It helps to strengthen the hip abductor muscles, which are crucial for stability and movement mechanics.

Seniors seeking to maintain functional mobility and prevent age-related muscle loss can find the Monster Walk exercise beneficial. Strengthening the hip abductor muscles can improve overall stability and balance, decreasing the likelihood of falling.


The Monster Walk is a beneficial addition to any lower-body exercise regimen. By focusing on the hip flexors, glutes, hamstrings, and core, this exercise provides various benefits, including enhanced strength and stability and injury prevention. Its simplicity and ability to target essential muscle groups make it an exceptional option.

By incorporating this exercise into your regimen, you will not only sculpt a stronger lower body, but you will also improve your stability, functional movement, and overall health.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 30, 2020
So many benefits!
I will also do the monster walk this week.
Thanks for sharing the YouTube link and for this informative article.

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