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new split



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
ive come back for layoff and hav been doin upper lower split training just to get ma body back used to it but now i fink i have doen enough soo i thinkin of trying a new routine, what do you think

day 1 - legs
squats 4 x 10-15
leg press 4 x 10-15
lunges 2 x 20-30 steps

SLDL 4 x 10-15
standing leg curls 4 x 10-15
1-2 calf excercises 4 x 20-25

day 2 - Chest, Tri
Incline bnch 3 x 6-8
Inclien fly 3 x 10-12
Dumbell flat bench 3 x 6-8
Decline bench 3 x 6-8

Dips bw 3 x as much as i can doo
skull crusher/cg bench 3 x 6-8
overhead single arm db extention 3 x 6-8

day 3 - back, shoulders
Pullovers 4 x 10-12
Pullups bw 4 x as much as i can do
CG Pulldowns 4 x 10-12

Military Press 3 x 6-8
Side lateral Raises 3 x 10-12
Bent over Raises 3 x 10-12

day 4 - back biceps
bb rows 4 x 10-12
cable rows 3 x 10-12
deadlift 3 x 4-6
shrugs bb/db 4 x 6-8

bb curls 3 x 6-8
hammers curls 3 x 6-8
preachers 3 x 6-8

overall i think this one of best splits (on paper) that i have done for myself everything is spread out nicely, but until i actually start it i wont no. any suggestions let me no, and i noo alot of ppl will say get rid of incline fly, but please say replacement excercise because my uper/ inner chest is veri lagging.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Imo there are far better ways to train than with a split like this. Why did you stopped doing ub/lb? Did it stop working, did you not make progress? The point is if you were still makeing progress why would you change your routine to something less effective.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
to b honest it wasnt doin anything for me, and i was spending way to much time in the gym cos am a student d most i got is an hour free for gym like 3-4 days a week, thats including getting there n coming bak an hour, cos of work and uni and otha commitments

ive done somethin close to this split befor and it realli worked well for me, i was seeing the changes alot moree, the only thing i noticed in ub/lb was that i was getting stronger in certain excercises, i noticed size gains in body part splits


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
^^Peopel with high test levels tend to react better to split training than other peopel. Most poepel though will perform better, grow better and gain more strength during more frequent training like FB or UB/LB. But there an other part to it as well, you have to like what you do so you can always give it a try. The only thing I would change is day 4

Your doing 2 days of back in a row. I see what your trying to do but the overlap is gonna be to big imo. So or change day 4 with day 1-2


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
so mayb put legs in between them or ?? umm is high test levels got to do with steroid?? because soo far am natural, alot of people hav been telling me splits work really well for them more than the average trainer as they recover faster


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
so mayb put legs in between them or ?? umm is high test levels got to do with steroid?? because soo far am natural, alot of people hav been telling me splits work really well for them more than the average trainer as they recover faster

Just do back/schoulders on day 1 and legs on day 3

No it has nothing to do with steroids. Some peopel have high test levels of there own. Those peopel tend to react better to split/hit type training. For all other peopel, which is the majority, more frequent stimulation is needed for optimal growth. I want to make clear I'm not against split training but I think there are better ways to build a routine for a natural trained athlete.


Mecca V.I.P.
Mar 22, 2008
Firstly, let's make something clear from the start, building on what Philo said:

Trying to stimulate your lats/teres major on a single day will not be very beneficial, no matter what the circumstances (load, distance, strain, etc). A quick anatomical lesson for ya;

The lats are recruited through strict shoulder adduction, while retracting the scapula. This is illustrated during a pulldown, chin/pull up, and so on. The teres major and minor are also recruited as supporters/secondary functionaries as well.

Now, when you perform a barbell row, the strain placed on the lats is most definitely there but not as focused upon. The traps (which are worked through rows) have 3 distinct movements (elevation, extension, and adduction). Any retraction of the shoulder blades will recruit a certain portion of the traps depending on angle.

As the traps are recruited through shoulder blade adduction, they have synergists. That being the lats and teres major. The back is the largest muscle group of the upper body so generally, back movements seem to be the most complex.

So, we now demonstrate that both are worked upon each days. I've realized you're trying to do a day for width and thickness, and that's fine, but with 0 days of recovery in between there's no point. In addition, being that the back is the largest muscle group of the upper musculature, it needs more time to recover, especially the lower back.

You might as well conjunct the 2 workouts.

Now secondly, you are somewhat all over the place with your exericses. If you'd like you can PM and I can get on top of that, but I can't really go into to much detail in this post or it will be too large and no one will read it lol :)

overall i think this one of best splits (on paper) that i have done for myself everything is spread out nicely, but until i actually start it i wont no. any suggestions let me no, and i noo alot of ppl will say get rid of incline fly, but please say replacement excercise because my uper/ inner chest is veri lagging.

Focus on the presses. Flys are fine. Your chest day looks fine now that you said your upper chest is lagging, so nice work placing the incline presses first!


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
^^ I hate it when people refer to this as width and thickness training :angrydude:

If you are dominant in one muscle group relative to another then you will primarily use that muscle for the lift, regardless of what your width or thickness routine is meant to do. Most BBers are actually weak in the lower and middle traps (the former especially).

So "thickness" work will actually use the lats and upper traps more as you can handle more load than the lower and middle traps can retract. Whilst "width" work tends to encourage people to do wide grip pullups, which actually recruit the teres major and minor more than the lats. So the way most people train these terms should be reversed.

Don't get me wrong, I like the sentiment behind them, and the extra training is good, but you have to actually understand what you are actually doing. Planes of motion is much more relevant to back training than "width" and "thickness" days.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
Firstly, let's make something clear from the start, building on what Philo said:

Trying to stimulate your lats/teres major on a single day will not be very beneficial, no matter what the circumstances (load, distance, strain, etc). A quick anatomical lesson for ya;

The lats are recruited through strict shoulder adduction, while retracting the scapula. This is illustrated during a pulldown, chin/pull up, and so on. The teres major and minor are also recruited as supporters/secondary functionaries as well.

Now, when you perform a barbell row, the strain placed on the lats is most definitely there but not as focused upon. The traps (which are worked through rows) have 3 distinct movements (elevation, extension, and adduction). Any retraction of the shoulder blades will recruit a certain portion of the traps depending on angle.

As the traps are recruited through shoulder blade adduction, they have synergists. That being the lats and teres major. The back is the largest muscle group of the upper body so generally, back movements seem to be the most complex.

So, we now demonstrate that both are worked upon each days. I've realized you're trying to do a day for width and thickness, and that's fine, but with 0 days of recovery in between there's no point. In addition, being that the back is the largest muscle group of the upper musculature, it needs more time to recover, especially the lower back.

You might as well conjunct the 2 workouts.

Now secondly, you are somewhat all over the place with your exericses. If you'd like you can PM and I can get on top of that, but I can't really go into to much detail in this post or it will be too large and no one will read it lol :)

Focus on the presses. Flys are fine. Your chest day looks fine now that you said your upper chest is lagging, so nice work placing the incline presses first!

yeahh thanks for the advice, yeah if you dont mind i would really appreciate that:xyxthumbs:

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