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Prostaglandin PGF2A
PGCL Is a synthetic prostaglandin agonist. It i supposed to cause rapid fat loss. When i say rapid, i mean RAPID along the lines of 20 lbs in 3 weeks thats 20 lbs of fat!!!. Apparently it offers the pumps of IGF and fat loss of DNP.
PGF2A Lutalyse
Lutalyse is a veterinary drug that's coming into vogue with serious hardcore bodybuilders who'll stop at nothing to gain an "advantage" (even if it's not a real advantage). utalyse is made by Upjohn and is a prostaglandin (PGF2Aa).
PGF2a possibly mediates the endogenous insulin levels and is also a de facto thermogenic, as body temperature is increased after the administration of exogenous PGF2a. Unlike other fat burners, which only decrease the size of fat cells, PGF2a actually destroys them. Fat cells die when exposed to PGF2a.
Side effects associated with PGF2a use are an elevation in body temperature, vomiting, labored breathing and severe abdominal pain/cramping. As PGF2a vasoconstricts the blood vessels in the lungs, the user will feel a tightening in the chest. If you're an asthmatic, use of PGFa could very well put you into full respiratory arrest followed by death. Because PGF2a increases insulinogenic effects, hypoglycemia is a potential side effect.
PGF2a has a very short half-life in the body (only minutes) and most of it is metabolized in the lungs, thus making frequent injections necessary. PGF2a will almost always cause a very strong contraction of the intestine and bladder, emptying the stomach and intestines of all its contents. That's a nice way of saying you'll have explosive diarrhea.
Rumor has it that PGF2a will make training near impossible because of the pump that is created from this drug alone. One of the logistical drawbacks of PGF2a is the difficulty of administration. As it has such a short half-life, injections will be needed quite frequently. Lutalyse comes in a 5 ml (5 mg/ml) multi-dose vial. A single aspirin can render the effects of Lutalyse nonexistent, so most people who use this drug avoid aspirin and aspirin analogs.
Legit use of Lutalyse is by cattle farmers and ranchers. Farmers and ranchers will use this drug to induce abortions in barnyard animals. One-hundred percent of the idiots, uh, I mean, users, I spoke with told me that Lutalyse made them feel terrible. In short, this stuff could kill you, a lot faster that steroids ever could. I wouldn't suggest anyone try this stuff.
Is PGF2A for me?
Is PGF2A for everyone? Clearly not! Will it work? Yes! In this information, I will try to cover as much as possible about this drug. What I have put together here is based much upon personal experiences?. I feel no report can accurately prepare you for everything?. PGF2A is no exception!
PGF2A and Anabolism
Many studies have demonstrated an anabolic effect of PGF2A in skeletal muscles of both humans and animals. Paradoxically, PGF2A usage is still reserved to a bodybuilding elite and no one is willing to divulge the precious secret edge. One of the most remarkable effects of PGF2A is that it mediates the major part of the anabolic effects of insulin. By using PGF2A, you can use far less insulin and get a far stronger muscle building effect.
Is PGF2A safe?
The answer is clearly no, but neither is the use of steroids, insulin, clenbuterol, etc. By the way, PGF2A is invisible at any drug test. What kind of side effects to expect? The first ones -- if we except the elevation of temperature -- are that it will empty your guts of whatever they contain. So make sure you have unrestricted use of a bathroom. This is going to last around 20 minutes. What you do not want is to inject PGF2A into a vein! Learn to do the aspiration test. PGF2A is to be injected intramuscularly with an insulin needle if you are lean enough. This is going to hurt like hell and for a very long time (up to an hour) if you inject into a vein. You also may feel as if you had some kind of cold in your throat. It is due to the vasoconstriction effect PGF2A has in your lungs. Vomiting is a reported side effect but I have never heard of it in men.
PGF2A is not to be confused with steroids
You've probably realized by now that PGF2A produces growth in a radically different way from steroids -- although I do not exclude that part of the anabolic actions of androgens are mediated by a local release of PGF2A. The way PGF2A should be used is therefore radically different from that of androgens. Steroid use is rather comfortable. You inject or swallow them occasionally and wait for the growth to occur. This is not the case with PGF2A. Their main drawback is precisely their difficulty of administration. Steroids once injected survive several days in your body. PGF2A will last only several minutes though their stimulatory actions on anabolism will be far longer lasting (hours). It means that frequent injections are compulsory. Ideally, this would be five times per day, 30 minutes after meals.
You will also notice that once you have injected PGF2A, the muscle, which received it, gets sore almost immediately. If the muscle was already sore from training, that painful sensation may become very intense. You definitely do not want to repeat injections at the very same location, hence the necessity for rotation. Similarly, you will notice that you cannot inject in a muscle and then train this muscle. PGF2A is algesic (a pain mediator). Therefore, the timing of injections is key. You should wait for at least 2 to 3 days after you have trained a muscle to inject it. Then you will have to wait for 24 hours before training this muscle. If your muscle is already sore, I advise against using it as a site of injection as long as it hurts.
You will also learn that it is more comfortable to hit the outer part of the muscle than the inner part. For example, it is less painful to hit the outer head of the triceps than the inner head that touches your lats. Some bodyparts such as the biceps, the back, etc. are especially sensitive to the pain sensation PGF2A will induce.
PGF2A and Weak Bodyparts
The cardinal rule of PGF2A is to inject as far away as possible from the Intestine. You see, PGF2A induces a very strong contraction of the Intestine and the bladder (both smooth muscles). The major candidate as a site of injection was the front shoulder. But by repeating injections in the shoulders, bodybuilders soon ended up with grossly overdeveloped
Front delt's. They looked like walking monkeys. The rest of their body was growing too, but not as fast as the muscles closest to the sites of injections.
What this means is that if you want to develop a weak muscle, just inject PGF2A locally and watch! The muscle grows. We are talking about a real muscle growth and not an artificial swelling like Synthol or Esiclene would induce. Calves are a muscle of choice. In fact, even if your calves failed To grow no matter how much training you administered, PGF2A will
solve your problem. After a single cycle of PGF2A, unresponsive calves start to respond, even if they never did before!
The localized growth induced by PGF2A may appear magical, but there is a simple explanation. The life cycle of the injected PGF2A is terribly short (minutes). Most of it will .Be destroyed in your lungs. If you hit your right calf for example, this muscle will be exposed to a maximal concentration of PGF2A. As the prostaglandin rapidly leaks out of the calf and passes into the blood, it will quickly reach the lungs where most of it will be destroyed. What is left of the PGF2A will be dispatched evenly though you're whole body. It means that the other muscles will be exposed to far less of the anabolic effects of PGF2A. So unless you want to make a weak point grow, you should rotate the sites of injections frequently which is not a problem.
Some info from someone who has used PGCL:
PGCL by Dr daemon:
Fat loss is extreme... like DNP... have lost 3lbs fat (that was like in 3 days)..diuretic effect pronounced. Site growth incredible, but also systemic growth notable too. It will kill fat cells, and inhibit adipogenesis whilst on it My major concern about fat loss is I want to lose fat around the midsection and sides, and the gastric side effects are extreme-you can spend an hour on the toilet every time you inject Growth is notable, and has been commented on by 15 different people ! I have been on it for less than a week and it is extreme. I would market it to people as the fat killer, but dont advise them to inject around midsection as it will make them never touch the stuff again. It may be worth you selling them Meberevine to combat it. Im using a superclen a day- also, advise not to use ECA as the aspirin will counteract the prostaglandin activity. No doubt about it, it will kill fat and increase defintition on sites, but you cannot inject around midsection-But it is easily as strong as DNP but with added muscular benefits, and not just local. "Protein synthesis - PGs are known to be regulators of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle. PGE2 and PGF2a being involved in protein breakdown and protein synthesis rates respectively. Stretch induced hypertrophy of skeletal muscle is in part regulated by prostaglandins. More on the role of PGs in protein synthesis in later sections.
Adipogenesis - PGF2a directly inhibits adipogenesis. You should not be surprised to hear that yet another prostaglandin serves to induce adipogenesis," I dont know if youve read about Arachidonic Acid being released from the muscle and being the start of protein synthesis, and frankly theres a lot of info here that we dont need to go into- if you want to get really in depth go onto:
and have a look at the articles there, they are accurate for the most part. (The quote above is a cut and paste from it) You can trick your body into thinking it has been mechanically overloaded by using PG, which means growth like no other time. Ok- the basics: You come off steroids (you don't need them, your testicles will love you, and your muscles will be so pumped you will barely be able to move) This is the first benefit IMO as I have been on steroids for the last 10 years or so. You train a body part- then 3 days later (at the beginning of your cycle) you inject into the site. You inject IM using an insulin pin. Its not that scary, in fact, it hurts less than using gear for reasons you'll see at the end of the mail. Instantly, the part swells up (As if you've been hit with an iron bar, you get a lump come up instantly- thats prostaglandin's) Within 11 mins your body temp goes shooting up, comparable to DNP. Within 20 mins you'll need the toilet. Within an hour and a half, you'll be hungry as hell, and then its over. The half life is very short some say 20 mins, this is purely academic - you use it 3 times a day and you will feel it all day. The body part stays swollen up, you lose body water stronger than any diuretic and your body will change shape before your eyes. It is literally unbelievable. You do this for the next 2-3 days, then train another body part, and do the same again. I am using clen and T3, HMG and nolvadex, and my striations are pre-contest like but I am getting 3000 Cals a day from chocolate!. Use the synthetic version PGCL as you need to inject less, when you first read the articles you think "hmmmm,....Im going to inject 1ml-3-6 times a day" and its quite off putting. First shot I did, I used a ml. I was in bed with DNP fever for the rest of the day. I have fine tuned the dosage (I am 13 stone) and am using between a tenth, and a quarter of a 1ml insulin pin. 3 times a day, so thats less than 1ml a day so the cost is nothing, the results are noticeable by everyone, any lagging bodypart you have will just explode you can train light, and eat shit all day. It is the strongest drug I have ever used, and the most cost effective, and I've used a few!
Dr. James. S. Daemon
Anyone here use PGF2A? Or heard about it?
PGCL Is a synthetic prostaglandin agonist. It i supposed to cause rapid fat loss. When i say rapid, i mean RAPID along the lines of 20 lbs in 3 weeks thats 20 lbs of fat!!!. Apparently it offers the pumps of IGF and fat loss of DNP.
PGF2A Lutalyse
Lutalyse is a veterinary drug that's coming into vogue with serious hardcore bodybuilders who'll stop at nothing to gain an "advantage" (even if it's not a real advantage). utalyse is made by Upjohn and is a prostaglandin (PGF2Aa).
PGF2a possibly mediates the endogenous insulin levels and is also a de facto thermogenic, as body temperature is increased after the administration of exogenous PGF2a. Unlike other fat burners, which only decrease the size of fat cells, PGF2a actually destroys them. Fat cells die when exposed to PGF2a.
Side effects associated with PGF2a use are an elevation in body temperature, vomiting, labored breathing and severe abdominal pain/cramping. As PGF2a vasoconstricts the blood vessels in the lungs, the user will feel a tightening in the chest. If you're an asthmatic, use of PGFa could very well put you into full respiratory arrest followed by death. Because PGF2a increases insulinogenic effects, hypoglycemia is a potential side effect.
PGF2a has a very short half-life in the body (only minutes) and most of it is metabolized in the lungs, thus making frequent injections necessary. PGF2a will almost always cause a very strong contraction of the intestine and bladder, emptying the stomach and intestines of all its contents. That's a nice way of saying you'll have explosive diarrhea.
Rumor has it that PGF2a will make training near impossible because of the pump that is created from this drug alone. One of the logistical drawbacks of PGF2a is the difficulty of administration. As it has such a short half-life, injections will be needed quite frequently. Lutalyse comes in a 5 ml (5 mg/ml) multi-dose vial. A single aspirin can render the effects of Lutalyse nonexistent, so most people who use this drug avoid aspirin and aspirin analogs.
Legit use of Lutalyse is by cattle farmers and ranchers. Farmers and ranchers will use this drug to induce abortions in barnyard animals. One-hundred percent of the idiots, uh, I mean, users, I spoke with told me that Lutalyse made them feel terrible. In short, this stuff could kill you, a lot faster that steroids ever could. I wouldn't suggest anyone try this stuff.
Is PGF2A for me?
Is PGF2A for everyone? Clearly not! Will it work? Yes! In this information, I will try to cover as much as possible about this drug. What I have put together here is based much upon personal experiences?. I feel no report can accurately prepare you for everything?. PGF2A is no exception!
PGF2A and Anabolism
Many studies have demonstrated an anabolic effect of PGF2A in skeletal muscles of both humans and animals. Paradoxically, PGF2A usage is still reserved to a bodybuilding elite and no one is willing to divulge the precious secret edge. One of the most remarkable effects of PGF2A is that it mediates the major part of the anabolic effects of insulin. By using PGF2A, you can use far less insulin and get a far stronger muscle building effect.
Is PGF2A safe?
The answer is clearly no, but neither is the use of steroids, insulin, clenbuterol, etc. By the way, PGF2A is invisible at any drug test. What kind of side effects to expect? The first ones -- if we except the elevation of temperature -- are that it will empty your guts of whatever they contain. So make sure you have unrestricted use of a bathroom. This is going to last around 20 minutes. What you do not want is to inject PGF2A into a vein! Learn to do the aspiration test. PGF2A is to be injected intramuscularly with an insulin needle if you are lean enough. This is going to hurt like hell and for a very long time (up to an hour) if you inject into a vein. You also may feel as if you had some kind of cold in your throat. It is due to the vasoconstriction effect PGF2A has in your lungs. Vomiting is a reported side effect but I have never heard of it in men.
PGF2A is not to be confused with steroids
You've probably realized by now that PGF2A produces growth in a radically different way from steroids -- although I do not exclude that part of the anabolic actions of androgens are mediated by a local release of PGF2A. The way PGF2A should be used is therefore radically different from that of androgens. Steroid use is rather comfortable. You inject or swallow them occasionally and wait for the growth to occur. This is not the case with PGF2A. Their main drawback is precisely their difficulty of administration. Steroids once injected survive several days in your body. PGF2A will last only several minutes though their stimulatory actions on anabolism will be far longer lasting (hours). It means that frequent injections are compulsory. Ideally, this would be five times per day, 30 minutes after meals.
You will also notice that once you have injected PGF2A, the muscle, which received it, gets sore almost immediately. If the muscle was already sore from training, that painful sensation may become very intense. You definitely do not want to repeat injections at the very same location, hence the necessity for rotation. Similarly, you will notice that you cannot inject in a muscle and then train this muscle. PGF2A is algesic (a pain mediator). Therefore, the timing of injections is key. You should wait for at least 2 to 3 days after you have trained a muscle to inject it. Then you will have to wait for 24 hours before training this muscle. If your muscle is already sore, I advise against using it as a site of injection as long as it hurts.
You will also learn that it is more comfortable to hit the outer part of the muscle than the inner part. For example, it is less painful to hit the outer head of the triceps than the inner head that touches your lats. Some bodyparts such as the biceps, the back, etc. are especially sensitive to the pain sensation PGF2A will induce.
PGF2A and Weak Bodyparts
The cardinal rule of PGF2A is to inject as far away as possible from the Intestine. You see, PGF2A induces a very strong contraction of the Intestine and the bladder (both smooth muscles). The major candidate as a site of injection was the front shoulder. But by repeating injections in the shoulders, bodybuilders soon ended up with grossly overdeveloped
Front delt's. They looked like walking monkeys. The rest of their body was growing too, but not as fast as the muscles closest to the sites of injections.
What this means is that if you want to develop a weak muscle, just inject PGF2A locally and watch! The muscle grows. We are talking about a real muscle growth and not an artificial swelling like Synthol or Esiclene would induce. Calves are a muscle of choice. In fact, even if your calves failed To grow no matter how much training you administered, PGF2A will
solve your problem. After a single cycle of PGF2A, unresponsive calves start to respond, even if they never did before!
The localized growth induced by PGF2A may appear magical, but there is a simple explanation. The life cycle of the injected PGF2A is terribly short (minutes). Most of it will .Be destroyed in your lungs. If you hit your right calf for example, this muscle will be exposed to a maximal concentration of PGF2A. As the prostaglandin rapidly leaks out of the calf and passes into the blood, it will quickly reach the lungs where most of it will be destroyed. What is left of the PGF2A will be dispatched evenly though you're whole body. It means that the other muscles will be exposed to far less of the anabolic effects of PGF2A. So unless you want to make a weak point grow, you should rotate the sites of injections frequently which is not a problem.
Some info from someone who has used PGCL:
PGCL by Dr daemon:
Fat loss is extreme... like DNP... have lost 3lbs fat (that was like in 3 days)..diuretic effect pronounced. Site growth incredible, but also systemic growth notable too. It will kill fat cells, and inhibit adipogenesis whilst on it My major concern about fat loss is I want to lose fat around the midsection and sides, and the gastric side effects are extreme-you can spend an hour on the toilet every time you inject Growth is notable, and has been commented on by 15 different people ! I have been on it for less than a week and it is extreme. I would market it to people as the fat killer, but dont advise them to inject around midsection as it will make them never touch the stuff again. It may be worth you selling them Meberevine to combat it. Im using a superclen a day- also, advise not to use ECA as the aspirin will counteract the prostaglandin activity. No doubt about it, it will kill fat and increase defintition on sites, but you cannot inject around midsection-But it is easily as strong as DNP but with added muscular benefits, and not just local. "Protein synthesis - PGs are known to be regulators of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle. PGE2 and PGF2a being involved in protein breakdown and protein synthesis rates respectively. Stretch induced hypertrophy of skeletal muscle is in part regulated by prostaglandins. More on the role of PGs in protein synthesis in later sections.
Adipogenesis - PGF2a directly inhibits adipogenesis. You should not be surprised to hear that yet another prostaglandin serves to induce adipogenesis," I dont know if youve read about Arachidonic Acid being released from the muscle and being the start of protein synthesis, and frankly theres a lot of info here that we dont need to go into- if you want to get really in depth go onto:
and have a look at the articles there, they are accurate for the most part. (The quote above is a cut and paste from it) You can trick your body into thinking it has been mechanically overloaded by using PG, which means growth like no other time. Ok- the basics: You come off steroids (you don't need them, your testicles will love you, and your muscles will be so pumped you will barely be able to move) This is the first benefit IMO as I have been on steroids for the last 10 years or so. You train a body part- then 3 days later (at the beginning of your cycle) you inject into the site. You inject IM using an insulin pin. Its not that scary, in fact, it hurts less than using gear for reasons you'll see at the end of the mail. Instantly, the part swells up (As if you've been hit with an iron bar, you get a lump come up instantly- thats prostaglandin's) Within 11 mins your body temp goes shooting up, comparable to DNP. Within 20 mins you'll need the toilet. Within an hour and a half, you'll be hungry as hell, and then its over. The half life is very short some say 20 mins, this is purely academic - you use it 3 times a day and you will feel it all day. The body part stays swollen up, you lose body water stronger than any diuretic and your body will change shape before your eyes. It is literally unbelievable. You do this for the next 2-3 days, then train another body part, and do the same again. I am using clen and T3, HMG and nolvadex, and my striations are pre-contest like but I am getting 3000 Cals a day from chocolate!. Use the synthetic version PGCL as you need to inject less, when you first read the articles you think "hmmmm,....Im going to inject 1ml-3-6 times a day" and its quite off putting. First shot I did, I used a ml. I was in bed with DNP fever for the rest of the day. I have fine tuned the dosage (I am 13 stone) and am using between a tenth, and a quarter of a 1ml insulin pin. 3 times a day, so thats less than 1ml a day so the cost is nothing, the results are noticeable by everyone, any lagging bodypart you have will just explode you can train light, and eat shit all day. It is the strongest drug I have ever used, and the most cost effective, and I've used a few!
Dr. James. S. Daemon
Anyone here use PGF2A? Or heard about it?
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