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Roland Kickinger's arms are still fairly impressive!
Was that 25 pull-ups? That's pretty decent from a normal trainers point of view but to be honest I was expecting something a tad more impressive than that!
must say i had expected alot more, but whatever, who cares about pullups anyway?! pushups and pullups= brag stories from skinny kids( i only say that cuz i suck at em atm:/ )
i remember in 11th or 12th grade PE (yes 12th grade PE as well, i was with freshmen....)
I couldn't even do half a rep
now i do pushups on the porch on the brick arch with my hands on the top of the overheard bricks, wide grip, fucking hurts like a bitch, but i love it. usually do 8-11
or till palms turn red
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