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Ron Paul getting pissed off!!



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006

please delete the thread if its a repost :linedrunk:


Ron Paul FTW
Jul 12, 2006
"If you wanna put the drug dealer out of business overnight, you legalize drugs."

I wish more people could understand that concept.

If you take away the drug dealers product, they can't make money. Drug related violence would go way down. The gangsters and druglords would be put out of business, since the market could be opened up to competition. Competition leads to lower prices. Lower prices is a win win for everyone. (even the government who could tax the drugs and create new revenue)


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
He's right 100%,,


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
"If you wanna put the drug dealer out of business overnight, you legalize drugs."

I wish more people could understand that concept.

If you take away the drug dealers product, they can't make money. Drug related violence would go way down. The gangsters and druglords would be put out of business, since the market could be opened up to competition. Competition leads to lower prices. Lower prices is a win win for everyone. (even the government who could tax the drugs and create new revenue)

Tech for President in 2020. He had his eyes fixed so he can see it, now everyone else can see his vision too.



Well-known member
Jan 12, 2007
this is bizzare and a outragous concept it would never work


Ron Paul FTW
Jul 12, 2006
this is bizzare and a outragous concept it would never work
the concept has worked in the past.

read about the prohibition of alcohol. alcohol was banned in the US for 13 years. during the ban, the demand of alcohol never went down so people had to illegally buy alcohol from gangsters. the gangsters and bootleggers got rich. they bought guns and gained power. then in 1933 the government made alcohol legal again and all the gangsters lost their source of income.


Many social problems have been attributed to the Prohibition era. A profitable, often violent, black market for alcohol flourished. Racketeering happened when powerful gangs corrupted law enforcement agencies. Stronger liquor surged in popularity because its potency made it more profitable to smuggle. The cost of enforcing Prohibition was high, and the lack of tax revenues on alcohol (some $500 million annually nationwide) affected government coffers. When repeal of Prohibition occurred in 1933, organized crime lost nearly all of its black market alcohol profits in most states (states still had the right to enforce their own laws concerning alcohol consumption), because of competition with low-priced alcohol sales at legal liquor stores.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
It's so simple it's stupid.

How could our government be missing this? Something to do with money, jobs?



I am god.
Dec 23, 2007
"If you wanna put the drug dealer out of business overnight, you legalize drugs."

I wish more people could understand that concept.

If you take away the drug dealers product, they can't make money. Drug related violence would go way down. The gangsters and druglords would be put out of business, since the market could be opened up to competition. Competition leads to lower prices. Lower prices is a win win for everyone. (even the government who could tax the drugs and create new revenue)

I agree completely... but its something that the government would have to be careful about.
The Creator

The Creator

Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 29, 2006
the concept has worked in the past.

read about the prohibition of alcohol. alcohol was banned in the US for 13 years. during the ban, the demand of alcohol never went down so people had to illegally buy alcohol from gangsters. the gangsters and bootleggers got rich. they bought guns and gained power. then in 1933 the government made alcohol legal again and all the gangsters lost their source of income.


I believe this is because it went from being legal to illegal. As I have said before, I think this would show weakness on the part of the government. Of course crime would go down if it werent ILLEGAL to posess or do drugs but from my own personal ethical standpoint, I dont think this would be the right thing to do. I say this not to bash because I think it simply comes down to one's personal beliefs.
If drugs were legal, far more people would use them. The effects of many drugs are associated with domestic violence and abuse. As long as drugs are illegal, less people will use them. Fact.


Ron Paul FTW
Jul 12, 2006
I believe this is because it went from being legal to illegal. As I have said before, I think this would show weakness on the part of the government. Of course crime would go down if it werent ILLEGAL to posess or do drugs but from my own personal ethical standpoint, I dont think this would be the right thing to do. I say this not to bash because I think it simply comes down to one's personal beliefs.
If drugs were legal, far more people would use them. The effects of many drugs are associated with domestic violence and abuse.
legal to illegal? I'm pretty sure the majority of mainstream recreational drugs have been legal at some point in America history. In fact, the majority were used for legit medicinal reasons.

It's not the government's responsibility to be your moral adviser and decide whats good and bad for you. All Americans should have the right to personal choice.
As long as drugs are illegal, less people will use them. Fact.
I disagree. If someone has a desire to use drugs, they are using them right now regardless of the laws. You assume there are people sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for drugs to become legal so they can rush out and pound some heroin into their veins?

You have to accept the fact that the drug laws in this country have done more harm than good.

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Plus if its Legal there'd be more awareness.
more knowledgeably, bout it. besides the net, or talking to the dealers etc
books, maybe TV commercials etc..
sooner or later if it was/is legal.. it wouldn't be as bad, just think deep.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
I believe this is because it went from being legal to illegal. As I have said before, I think this would show weakness on the part of the government. Of course crime would go down if it werent ILLEGAL to posess or do drugs but from my own personal ethical standpoint, I dont think this would be the right thing to do. I say this not to bash because I think it simply comes down to one's personal beliefs.
If drugs were legal, far more people would use them. The effects of many drugs are associated with domestic violence and abuse. As long as drugs are illegal, less people will use them. Fact.

The people in government are humans like us, and just because they have power to do things it shouldn't mean that they should tell us how to behave, what not to eat or take and how to live our lives, because they ain't better or smarter than most of us.

I belive government should only place someone in jail if they're a danger to those around them. If someone wants to do harm to them selves theres a thousand and one ways to do it, for example humans can get high by sniffing glue, so according to your logic the government should ban that too? and lets say the vid IS posted about people mixing shit and piss together and enhaling the gas released (even though it turned out to be bullshit, but lets say it was true), should the government tell people not to go to shit or piss anymore?

we all know that alot of people enjoy breaking the law, and they get a buzz from doing it. i belive if drugs were legal there would be less young people getting sucked into taking these things because of peer pressure, so that they look cool by breaking the law.

the only reason i belive these drugs are illegal is because legalising them would drive down the prices immensely, and since the CIA is involved in the trafficing of these drugs, why would they want the price to go down?


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
The people in government are humans like us, and just because they have power to do things it shouldn't mean that they should tell us how to behave, what not to eat or take and how to live our lives, because they ain't better or smarter than most of us.

I belive government should only place someone in jail if they're a danger to those around them. If someone wants to do harm to them selves theres a thousand and one ways to do it, for example humans can get high by sniffing glue, so according to your logic the government should ban that too? and lets say the vid IS posted about people mixing shit and piss together and enhaling the gas released (even though it turned out to be bullshit, but lets say it was true), should the government tell people not to go to shit or piss anymore?

we all know that alot of people enjoy breaking the law, and they get a buzz from doing it. i belive if drugs were legal there would be less young people getting sucked into taking these things because of peer pressure, so that they look cool by breaking the law.

the only reason i belive these drugs are illegal is because legalising them would drive down the prices immensely, and since the CIA is involved in the trafficing of these drugs, why would they want the price to go down?

i like the line of thought your using in coming to these conclusions/opinions, but ultimately i believe you have too much faith in the american people. Tech is right when he says if someone wants to get high....shit, there gonna get high. but in increasing the availabilty and access tenfold your going to open the floodgates for more and more useage amongst people who wouldn't regularly do so.

i'm not adressing the politics of it, just the fact your going to make all these highly addicting, life destroying drugs even more available. people should have freedom of choice, but sometimes....well people are just idiots and need some form of protection from themselves even if they don't know it.

kind of the same way i feel on the legality of steroids. do i like the fact their illegal and somewhat overpriced to obtain, hell no. but i feel the Gov. is right in their illegalization of it. if it was made available locally with just an ID, do you know how many more uneducated idiots we would have juicing? not to mention every highschooler on the football team. they should be illegal, just at the bottom of the DEA's enforcement list.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 12, 2007
He was not as good of a speaker as he is today, he comes off way better and more thought out.


Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 22, 2006
legal to illegal? I'm pretty sure the majority of mainstream recreational drugs have been legal at some point in America history. In fact, the majority were used for legit medicinal reasons.

It's not the government's responsibility to be your moral adviser and decide whats good and bad for you. All Americans should have the right to personal choice.
I disagree. If someone has a desire to use drugs, they are using them right now regardless of the laws. You assume there are people sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for drugs to become legal so they can rush out and pound some heroin into their veins?

You have to accept the fact that the drug laws in this country have done more harm than good.

No you are right, the governments responsibility is not to be anyones moral advicer and decide what is good or bad for you, hence, why smoking and greasy/sugary fast food is perfectly legal. however, when something represent a threat towards society as a whole, and lets face it, someone taking amphetamine does that, then its the governments responsibility to protect the society from that person, not just by waiting until he gets high, but trying to prevent him from getting hold on the drugs.

its basically the same as not being allowed to drive as fast as you want too or drinking and driving, i could feel like doing that, but that does not give me the right to endanger someone elses life just because i feel like being irresponsible. laws are there for a reason, to protect the people. and if drugs were to become legal, consumption would increase, that is a given. they would be morally accepted, and for alot of people that would be an incentive to use them. for alot of teens, drug use would suddenly be alot more attractive, im damn sure. there is a reason why alchohol is more widespread than drugs, they are legal, drugs are not.

i actually think that when people start sniffing poop and urine then that is a sign of successful drug policy:49:


Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 15, 2007
Ron Paul for king of the world.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
No you are right, the governments responsibility is not to be anyones moral advicer and decide what is good or bad for you, hence, why smoking and greasy/sugary fast food is perfectly legal. however, when something represent a threat towards society as a whole, and lets face it, someone taking amphetamine does that, then its the governments responsibility to protect the society from that person, not just by waiting until he gets high, but trying to prevent him from getting hold on the drugs.

its basically the same as not being allowed to drive as fast as you want too or drinking and driving, i could feel like doing that, but that does not give me the right to endanger someone elses life just because i feel like being irresponsible. laws are there for a reason, to protect the people. and if drugs were to become legal, consumption would increase, that is a given. they would be morally accepted, and for alot of people that would be an incentive to use them. for alot of teens, drug use would suddenly be alot more attractive, im damn sure. there is a reason why alchohol is more widespread than drugs, they are legal, drugs are not.

i actually think that when people start sniffing poop and urine then that is a sign of successful drug policy:49:

well said bro :xyxthumbs:


Ron Paul FTW
Jul 12, 2006
No you are right, the governments responsibility is not to be anyones moral advicer and decide what is good or bad for you, hence, why smoking and greasy/sugary fast food is perfectly legal. however, when something represent a threat towards society as a whole, and lets face it, someone taking amphetamine does that, then its the governments responsibility to protect the society from that person, not just by waiting until he gets high, but trying to prevent him from getting hold on the drugs.

its basically the same as not being allowed to drive as fast as you want too or drinking and driving, i could feel like doing that, but that does not give me the right to endanger someone elses life just because i feel like being irresponsible. laws are there for a reason, to protect the people. and if drugs were to become legal, consumption would increase, that is a given. they would be morally accepted, and for alot of people that would be an incentive to use them. for alot of teens, drug use would suddenly be alot more attractive, im damn sure. there is a reason why alchohol is more widespread than drugs, they are legal, drugs are not.

i actually think that when people start sniffing poop and urine then that is a sign of successful drug policy:49:
my problem with your logic is the fact that millions of people use very hard drugs every day. (both illegal and legal)......and the country has yet to implode with drug related chaos.

you assume all drug users are drug abusers. there is a large portion of people who can and do use drugs responsibly. they don't turn into child-molesting serial killers just because they smoke a joint, take ecstasy, or snort coke. if people can drink alcohol responsibly, they can use drugs responsibly.

As for your amphetamine example, I'd say amphetamine has helped more people than it's hurt. Millions of children and adults take a form of it everyday for ADD/ADHD.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
its basically the same as not being allowed to drive as fast as you want too or drinking and driving, i could feel like doing that, but that does not give me the right to endanger someone elses life just because i feel like being irresponsible

First, I agree with this. But going by the logic from a drug law supporter, wouldn't that mean that cars should be banned? After all, someone could take a few drinks and get in a car and hurt someone. Why not wage a "war on cars" ?

I think it was Creator who said that alcohol use was more common than other drugs because it was legal. Perhaps so, but I might argue that alcohol use is more common because it is mild as far as side effects, and going out for a drink is a socially accepted thing to do.

This is an issue that I can certainly see merit in arguing from both sides, but overall I'd think that more than usage statistics need to be considered when looking at the issue. If drugs were made legal, gangs/terrorists would have infinite times less resources to fund violent activities. Not only this, but think about the taxpayer money that is going to the whole "war on drugs", could the money be spent better (ie, I'd much rather the money for war on drugs went to health care, education, or in someone's pocket who earned it).


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
No you are right, the governments responsibility is not to be anyones moral advicer and decide what is good or bad for you, hence, why smoking and greasy/sugary fast food is perfectly legal. however, when something represent a threat towards society as a whole, and lets face it, someone taking amphetamine does that, then its the governments responsibility to protect the society from that person, not just by waiting until he gets high, but trying to prevent him from getting hold on the drugs.

doesn't the government have the right to stop people getting drunk and becoming a threat to the public? thus according to your logic alcohol should be banned!?

then again theres a big difference between alcohol and drugs! alot of people become violent when drunk, and really calm and chilled out when high. but like
tech said, theres responsible drinkers and theres the ones who are not, and there are those who use recreational drugs responsibly (i know many people
who do) and there are those who don't.

as for your example of the amphetamine, they should be treated like violent drunks, if someones a threat to those around them they should be arrested and separated from the society.