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Steroid Profiles



Active member
Jul 15, 2006
The receptors to which steroid hormones bind classify them into five groups: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens, estrogens, and progestogens.

Here is an extensive list of steroid profiles. There are more in this thread below too.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006
Just a little side note. Guys remember when you are researching profile that, the same drug could have a half dozen different names depending on the manufacturer and the country where you live. Some have very similar names but are way different, so always double check when looking at steroid profiles.

free form

New member
Sep 22, 2006
PUMBA said:
Just a little side note. Guys remember when you are researching profile that, the same drug could have a half dozen different names depending on the manufacturer and the country where you live. Some have very similar names but are way different, so always double check when looking at steroid profiles.

THATS right sol

oils aint oils


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006
free form said:
THATS right sol

oils aint oils
That's an old advert bro, your really showing your age now.


New member
Mar 1, 2007
What you think about Dianabol


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006
a few more This will be divided into several parts.

This contains some Australian information, therefore it may not be applicable to other countries in terms of substance, such as pricing, but it should be fascinating nonetheless.


Anaplex is an Australian veterinary steroid that comes in a blue (occasionally yellow) sugar coated tablet with Norethandrolone and a combination of vitamins and minerals.

In the United States, norethandrolone was marketed as 'Nilevar' until it was superseded by the less androgenic Anavar in the 1970s.

'Nor,' which has never been popular among bodybuilders, is the most potent inhibitor of endogenous testosterone of any currently available steroid.

Because of its strong estrogen conversion and some DHT conversion, this medicine has often been utilized as a strength drug in conjunction with testosterone.

A common dosage of 20-40 mg once daily is used in short cycles.


Anapolon, also known as Anadrol 50, shares the distinction of'most potent steroid' with Finaject.

Originally created to treat anaemia, its genuine medicinal usage has waned in recent years due to the emergence of less harmful medication classes.

Anapolon is the most potent oral steroid on the market. It increases size and strength dramatically. First-time users may gain 5kgs or more in the first two weeks, and increases of 20kgs in 8 weeks have been reported (though this is not normal).

The majority of consumers claim that when using Anapolon, they do not feel good. Anapolon is very androgenic, resulting in headaches, nausea, aggressiveness, mood changes, and sleeplessness.

Gynecomastia and water retention are issues for up to 90% of users who have significant estrogen conversion. Anapolon also has a high DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) conversion rate, which causes hair loss in many users and visible prostate enlargement in others.

Another issue to deal with when using Anapolon is testicular atrophy. Because Anaplex (Norethandrolone) is more anti-gonadotropic than any other steroid, many users will have impotence or other sexual difficulties.

Finally, Anapolon is extremely harmful to the liver. During an Anapolon cycle, a liver tonic including St Mary's Thistle or Body Ripped's Liver Repair is strongly advised.

Syntex's suggested dosage of 1-5mg/kg daily for long-term therapy is clearly inappropriate for physique builders. Most bodybuilders should be able to get away with one to two 50mg pills per day, with four being the absolute maximum.

Many people have reported good outcomes from taking 1/2 pill daily.

Anapolon works nicely with the majority of other anabolics. Anavar (Lonavar) and testosterone are two of the most used anabolic steroids for power lifting.

Several (unbottled) pills are currently being offered as 'Anapolon' or the generic 'oxmetholone.' The green Thai 'Anapolons,' according to popular opinion, are the best currently available. On the illegal market, expect to spend $5-6 each pill. For advice on preventing hair loss and water retention, see the topic under 'Side Effects.'


A very popular steroid in Australia, owing to its widespread availability as well as its efficacy. Boldenone, first released in 1949 as Equipoise, was briefly accessible for human use in Europe, but is currently produced only for veterinary use in various countries.


Is a highly anabolic, somewhat androgenic steroid that is comparable to Deca-Durabolin in certain ways. Boldenone's onset is sluggish, but quality muscle is built over time, making it ideal for usage in a longer cycle.

On dosages less than 300 mg/wk, side effects are normally minimal, however water retention and gynecomastia might develop.

Although liver toxicity is not a concern, Boldenone does have one uncommon adverse effect. Most first-time users have 'Steroid Fever,' which includes flu-like symptoms that continue several days to a week following the initial injection.

This phony 'fever' seldom returns, even when starting a new Boldenone cycle after several years of abstinence.

Another issue with Boldenone is sex desire suppression. Not all users experience this issue, but a significant proportion suffer erectile dysfunction whenever they begin a Boldenone cycle; typically, this adverse effect resolves within 2 weeks of discontinuation.

Weekly doses for muscle growth range from 150-300mg per week (typically in conjunction with other steroids) for 8-14 weeks or longer.

On the Australian black market, several vet forms of Boldenone are still accessible. Depending on the brand, prices range from $80-150+. Boldebal-H (ILIUM) with a concentration of 50mg/ml is our favorite, although Drive(RWR), which mixes Boldenone with Methandriol and is more commonly accessible, is also useful.


The most common injectable anabolic, nandrolone decanoate, or 'Deca,' is an excellent muscle-building agent.

Deca is a protein anabolic with long lasting (2 weeks) effects that is somewhat androgenic and has low liver toxicity. Deca stacks well with most orals and is especially synergistic with Dianabol, providing long-lasting muscular gains with fairly moderate side effects for the majority of users.

Favored stacks that combine well with testosterone or other injectable anabolics include Deca/Lonavar, Deca/Dianabol, Deca/Dianabol/Testosterone, and practically any other combination you can think of.

Despite the fact that Deca cannot aromatize, it will convert to estrogen via another route. Furthermore, because it is a progesterone-based (rather than testosterone-based) steroid, water retention and gynecomastia can occur in sensitive people, especially at higher dosages.

The typical muscle growth dosage is 200-400 mg per week, while some athletes have been known to utilize up to 4-5 times this amount (not recommended).

Deca has the additional benefit (as do other nandrolones) of reducing joint discomfort.

The most prevalent type on the Australian black market is Deca 50 (RWR), however it is widely counterfeited. Organon's Deca-Durabolin is infrequently encountered, with 3 x 1 ml, 50mg/ml amps per box, but at $80+ per box, it is only for the rich.

However, one intriguing 'duplicate' has just surfaced: an unlabeled 10ml container containing a very viscous carrier oil with a reported potency of 300mg/ml. The fact that just 200mg of nandrolone may be dissolved in one milliliter of oil is very problematic.

Normally, we would not recommend items from unknown producers, but enough bodybuilders have tried this Australian-made product and reported great results for us to take note. Even at 200mg/ml - assuming that's what it is - this product has the potential to be quite successful. Of course, with no label, this counterfeit/copy goods is readily counterfeited. Only purchase from a reputable vendor.
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Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006
Part 2 continues.


The most popular and well-known steroid of all time. It was designed by John Ziegler for American weight lifters and power athletes who were struggling to compete against their testosterone-assisted eastern European colleagues. It was first offered by Ciba-Geigy in 1960.

Dianabol is a highly powerful steroid that increases size and strength in virtually everyone who uses it. Despite being 17-Alpha Alkylated, the liver damage is modest, and the other adverse effects are minor. Although Dianabol rapidly converts to Estrogen and DHT, few users report Gynecomastia or water retention.

Acne is prevalent, and hair loss and prostate enlargement can be issues with extended periods. The sensation of well-being and additional energy that Dianabol provides is one of its distinguishing features. This, paired with the inexpensive price and practically continual improvements in size and strength, had many bodybuilders in the early 1980s utilizing the original Dianabol all year.

Typical doses vary from 10 to 50 mg per day for 4 to 10 or 12 weeks. Though it was not uncommon for bodybuilders 20 years ago to consume a whole bottle of tabs (at the time, $5) in a single week, with cycles occasionally lasting up to 6 months. We strongly advise against using this strategy.

Despite the fact that Dianabol was ceased in 1982 (due to US government pressure – it was claimed that 90% or more of Ciba's Dianabol manufacturing was utilized by athletes), 'Methandrostenelone' and 'Methandienone' are still manufactured by various producers across the world.

It is worth mentioning, however, that most of the 'Dianabols' now available on the Australian illegal market are produced in 'underground' or 'backyard' labs. In our experience, the quality of these items ranges from decent to bad, thus 'Buyer Beware.'

Water retention, renal problems, headaches, gynecomastia, and other adverse effects are common in lower-quality versions. Many consumers continue to take these drugs, partially because there are no other options and partly because some muscular gains are visible.

As with all oral steroids, we strongly advise using a liver tonic. Body Ripped's 'Liver Repair' is perfect for preserving liver function when using steroids or other drugs.

Any product that contains a standardized extract of St Mary's Thistle (Silybum Marianum) would be beneficial as well. For further information, see the debate on 'Side Effects.'

50 Dynabol​

Dynabol 50, not to be confused with Dianabol, is an Australian veterinary steroid.

Dynabol 50, which contains Nandrolone Cypionate, is the shorter-acting sibling of Decca-Durabolin.

Dynabol 50, which was heavily counterfeited in the 1990s, is still a dangerous buy on the black market. We've heard that it's been discontinued, which would make any authentic bottles pretty valuable.

It works similarly to Deca, but users get more strength as well as better hydration retention. A nice size and strength medication that requires weekly injections.

The typical weekly dose varies from 200 to 400 mg. Dynabol 50 works well with practically any other steroid, but it also works well on its own for steroid beginners and intermediates.


Methandriol and Boldenone veterinary stack from Australia. For further information, see the individual talks on Boldenone and Methandriol.


Organon created the first nandrolone medication, Durabolin, in 1959. Despite being three years older than Deca-Durabolin, it has never reached the same level of popularity among athletes as its "big brother." Many of its benefits are comparable - protein anabolism, minor strength improvements, and better recovery - but the adverse effects appear to be less.

When utilizing Durabolin, the water retention that some Deca users experience is greatly decreased. (Of course, with so many counterfeit Deca-50 purportedly containing testosterone, an increasing number of 'Deca' users are experiencing water retention and gynecomastia.)

The frequent injections (every 3 days) are one disadvantage of Durabolin, as is the product's relative scarcity. We think that two veterinary forms of Durabolin (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) are still manufactured in Australia, however, they are rarely encountered on the illicit market.

However, one intriguing 'duplicate' has just surfaced: an unlabeled 10ml container containing a very viscous carrier oil with a reported potency of 300mg/ml. Normally, we would not recommend items from unknown producers, but enough bodybuilders have tried this Australian-made product and reported great results for us to take note. Of course, with no label, this counterfeit/copy goods will readily be counterfeited. Only purchase from a reputable vendor.


A one-of-a-kind short-acting steroid from Italy. It has no anabolic action but is utilized in local injections to raise the growth of tiny muscular areas before competition, notably the biceps and triceps.

1-2ml into each muscle daily for up to 14 days is a typical dosage. Some users claim increases of 1 to 1.5 inches on their arms as a result of the transient swelling of the muscle.

Though it is now difficult to obtain, interested parties might try Synthol for comparable but longer-lasting outcomes.


Nandrolone Decanoate and Methandriol Diproprionate from Australia. Available in multi-dose vials of 10 and 20 mL. Nandralone Decanoate and Methandriol are discussed separately.


Despite being discontinued in 1987, Finaject is worth mentioning owing to the large amount of counterfeit copies accessible.

The original Finaject included Trenbolone Acetate 30mg/ml, making it an extremely strong and dangerous steroid. Most users observed rapid growth in size and strength. However, like with any potent medicines, the muscular gains did not come cheap. High blood pressure (but no water retention), hostility or moodiness, acne, greasy skin, and hair loss were all common and severe adverse effects.

Trenbolone was/is very harmful to the kidneys. Many people reported having renal trouble.

Athletes who were prepared to pay this price were rewarded with exceptional gains. Finaject alone boosted muscle growth and hardness, with much larger strength gains. The quickest muscle gains of any steroid array were attainable when combined with Dianabol or Anapolon (with or without Testosterone).

Finaject was also effective as a pre-contest steroid when combined with Winstrol. It provided sportsmen with exceptional muscular density. Similar effects were obtained when stacked with any other non-aromatizing steroid.

This is not a steroid for the inexperienced or faint of heart. Will real Trenbolone ever appear on the Australian illicit market? We don't know; all we can say is that any steroid customer who is provided Ampoules labeled 'Finaject,' 'Trenbolone,' or 'Parabolan' should be extremely cautious of the real ingredients.


Halotestin, introduced by UpJohn in 1957 and currently available on prescription in Australia, is a potent and dangerous oral androgen. Its primary application in bodybuilding is as part of a pre-contest stack due to its mild anabolic action.

Halotestin has the same hardness and density as Parabolan and Masteron without aromatization.

It is also beneficial in power lifting since, when administered alone, it enhances strength building without increasing body weight. When taken with testosterone, it increases strength even more, however, it causes weight gain.

Because it is quite liver toxic and causes headaches, aggressiveness, and high irritability, this steroid should only be administered for brief (4-week) cycles. The typical daily dosage is 10-20mg. Price unknown. Occasionally encountered on the illegal market.


Nandralone Laurate is a long-acting Nandralone identical to Deca-Durabolin, but with a 3 to 4-week duration. The effects are comparable to 'Deca.' The typical weekly dosage is 150-400 mg. In Australia, 'Laurabol' is still available in a 50 mg/ml 10 ml veterinary multi-dose vial.


Oxandrolone, formerly known as Anavar in the United States until it was discontinued in 1989, and Lonavar in Australia, is currently manufactured under several trade names in multiple countries. Lonavar, which was recently reintroduced in the United States as a therapy for Aids-related wasting, deserves further consideration due to the vast number of generic/counterfeits accessible in Australia.

Lonavar is a 17-Alpha alkylated oral anabolic steroid that was designed to be used on mothers and children. Lonavar, which has no estrogen conversion, no testosterone inhibition, and almost no liver damage despite its alkylation, has been utilized by both male and female athletes for a number of objectives.

The most important effect of Lonavar for power athletes is an increase in Creatine Phosphate synthesis. This results in increased strength with minimal or no weight gain. Lonavar is also well-known as a pre-contest bodybuilding steroid. Those who utilize it report a discernible 'hardening' of the muscles.

The usual dose has been 10-20 mg daily for 4-8 weeks or longer. Lonavar works well when combined with other steroids. For size and strength increases, combine with testosterone cypionate or enanthate, or Anapolon, or combine with halotestin in a synergistic pre-contest cutting stack. Or, for that matter, with almost any anabolic or androgenic steroid for greater size and strength.

Unpacked pills are frequently referred to as 'Anavar/Lonavar' by Australian steroid buyers. Without utilizing them, it is frequently impossible to determine the true content of these 'mystery' tablets.

Keep in mind that real oxandrolone does not produce gynecomastia, water retention, or hostility. Unlabeled pills that cause these symptoms are either of low quality or include another steroid.

Prices for 2.5mg tablets have recently ranged from $1 to $2.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006

Drostanolone Propionate, sometimes known as 'Masteron,' is a synthetic DHT derivative. It is also marketed under a variety of brand names, including Drolban, Masterid, Permastril, and others.

Masteron's key selling point is the aesthetic hardness it adds to a physique with a low body fat percentage.

Masteron, as a DHT-based medication, does not aromatize and does not promote water retention. Furthermore, Masteron appears to burn more body fat than any other steroid.

The typical Masteron dosage is 100mg three times per week in conjunction with other non-aromatizing steroids for six to eight weeks.

On the illegal market, ampoules labeled Masteron are occasionally available.

Buyers should use extreme caution when acquiring any 'Masteron' for sale in Australia, since they are almost certainly a replica or a forgery. The average price per ampoule has been roughly $20.


Originally marketed as Durabolin-O (for Durabolin-Oral), this 19-nortestosterone is related to Nandrolones. It had a small following in its original form (a 2mg tablet) among female athletes and those looking for Nandrolone effects without injections. We believe it is still accessible in Europe, but we have never seen it on the Australian black market.

Maxibolin, on the other hand, has been revived in Australia as the veterinary steroid paste 'Nitrotain.' It is still available and contains (we believe) 2mg/gm ethylestrenol (though hard to find).

A normal Maxibolin (or Nitrotain) dose would be 10 - 20 mg daily, frequently in combination with other steroids. Winstrol (Stanazol) and Maxibolin were a highly successful combo. Anyone getting Nitrotain on the Australian black market may like to give it a shot and report back.


Methandriol Dipropionate is a moderately androgenic and weakly anabolic steroid. In Australia, it is offered in a 75mg/ml 10 ml vial or as part of many veterinary stacks (for example, with Nandrolone Decanoate in 'Filybol' or with Boldenone Undecylenate in 'Drive').

Methandriol has the undeserved reputation of 'cleaning' steroid receptors, which is obviously impossible. What it does is attach strongly to the steroid binding globules in the bloodstream, displacing more effective hormones and perhaps increasing their availability and activity.

Methandriol, according to bodybuilders, is not particularly effective as an anabolic on its own, but 'adds something' when combined with other steroids.

The typical weekly dosage is 100-200mg split into two doses.


Methyltestosterone is a 17-alpha methylated testosterone used orally. It has minimal utility in a bodybuilding steroid array since it is very androgenic and has a very short half life.

'Methyltest' users have reported concerns such as liver poisoning, water retention, acne, and gynecomastia.

Power lifters are the most likely candidates for this substance, as it increases strength and aggressiveness within an hour of use.

An average dosage of 20-50 mg daily would be utilized singularly (a one-off dose before a tough exercise or a power lifting competition) or in short cycles.


A veterinary steroid paste from Australia that contains 'Ethylestrenol,' a progesterone-based anabolic steroid. For further details, see the Maxibolin debate.


Negma Labs is the only genuine producer of a long acting ester of Trenbolone - Trenbolone Hexahydrobencylcarbonate - Parabolan.

Parabolan, like the now-defunct veterinary "Finaject," is a potent androgen capable of providing athletes with quick improvements in size and strength. A well-known pre-contest steroid. The high androgenic component results in muscular density and hardness without water retention.

Parabolan is also popular as a bulking agent and has been successfully paired with practically every oral or injectable steroid. 1-2 amps twice weekly for 6-8 weeks is a typical dosage.

Anyone in Australia who is offered "Trenbolone" or "Parabolan" ampoules should proceed with utmost caution. Trenbolone is a really potent medicine that the user may see and feel within days of the initial injection. All of the duplicates we've tried have fallen short of our expectations, feeling more like a moderate steroid or low dosage testosterone, or sometimes nothing at all.

Buyer Beware, as is typically the case when acquiring steroids.

Injectable Primobolan

Until 1993, two Primobolan injectables were available. The acetate (now discontinued) and the depot (methenelone enanthate), both of which are still accessible.

Primobolan injectables, like the tablets, were most popular with dieting physique builders, with the acetate variant in particular having a muscle sparing reputation.

Although Primobolan Acetate has been withdrawn, there are several copies/counterfeits available. A common dose for contest preparation would be one 20mg ampoule every other day, in conjunction with Masteron, Parabolan, or other non-aromatizing steroids.

Primobolan Depot is a significantly less popular anabolic steroid. Average weekly dose ranges from 150-300mg whether utilized as part of a bulk gaining stack or as a 'Deca Substitute.'

Neither of these medications are widely available on the Australian steroid illicit market.

Tablets of Primobolan

Once a popular pre-contest bodybuilding steroid, users claimed it saved muscular tissue while dieting.

While this is subjective, any steroid that does not aromatize will be beneficial for competition preparation.

Primobolan tablets (containing methenelone acetate 5mg) are still accessible by prescription in Australia, although South African 25mg tabs (or knockoffs) are more likely to be found on the black market.

Because primobolan tablets are 17 beta-alkylated, they are less harmful to the liver than alpha-alkylated steroids. They are also non-androgenic, non-aromatizable, and have few to no negative effects for the majority of users.

Because of the cost, the suggested daily dose of 1-5mg per pound of body weight (300mg for a 200lb body builder) is unlikely to be fulfilled. A usual male dosage is 50-150 mg per day, whereas women take a lower quantity of 25-50mg.

The French 50mg pills were phased out in 1993, but we believe at least one underground producer is still creating a 'Primobolan 50.'

Be exceedingly cautious if you come across these or any other unlabeled Primobolan tablets. What they truly contain is unknown.


Prescription only, although occasionally encountered on the illegal market. Primoteston is a Shering product that comes in three ampoules, each containing 250 mg of Testosterone Enanthate.

For further information, see Testosterone Enanthate.


Proviron (Mesterolone) is a mildly anabolic oral androgen that is occasionally spotted on the Australian black market (and accessible on prescription to a select few). Proviron, which is typically recommended for male impotence, is appealing to bodybuilders due to its anti-estrogenic effects. Proviron works by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone and steroids to estrogen via the cytochrome P450 receptors.

This makes Proviron effective in any stack with aromatizable steroids if the athlete wants to minimize water retention. Proviron also has a limited fan base among bodybuilders who use it alone, sometimes all year round, to keep firm and vascular.

For intervals of 4 weeks to 6 months or longer, typical dosages range from 1 25mg tablet daily to 1 tablet twice day. Excess Proviron can produce persistent penile erections and water retention, thus higher doses are not advised.

On the illegal market, expect to spend roughly $150.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006
Reepair is a rare veterinary steroid that combines Nandrolone Decanoate 80mg/ml with two female sex hormones, hydroxy progesterone and a kind of estradiol, for a total of 82 mg/ml.
Although this 'steroid' is likely to make users extremely overweight, puffy, and cause gynecomastia, it does have one intriguing use.
Bodybuilders have utilized Reepair to treat both chronic and acute injuries, as the name indicates. Many sportsmen who have been unable to bench press for months due to shoulder issues claim to be cured following just one injection of Reepair. Though we cannot back up these assertions with scientific evidence, we have heard them enough times to know they have some substance.
The usual dose is 1 ml, injected straight into the afflicted region once. Because of the thickness of the muscle tissue in the deltoid, this region lends itself well to intramuscular injections and, as a result, Reepair treatment. If anybody has tried to treat an injured knee by injecting Reepair into the muscle groups, we'd love to hear from them so we can pass on their comments.
Athletes had previously been advised to avoid practicing the damaged area since Reepair is 'tear down the wounded tissue.' We don't know if this is 100% correct, therefore we recommend avoiding the afflicted region for the course of the drug's action, which is around 2-2.5 weeks, just to be careful.
Stanazol is perhaps the most popular steroid in Australia today, thanks to its widespread availability, low toxicity, and large user base.
Stanazol is a mild androgenic medication that does not aromatize because it is based on DHT.
Water retention and gynecomastia are thus not an issue for everyone using Stanazol alone, with hair loss conceivable but not prevalent.
Contrary to popular assumption, Stanazol will reduce testosterone production. Several sportsmen who used 'Stana' alone for extended cycles had erectile dysfunction. While on the medicine, a modest quantity of test (50-100ml weekly) will assist overcome this difficulty, but the problem will reoccur at the conclusion of the cycle. For further information, see the 'Side Effects' section.
Stanazol is now used by bodybuilders in a variety of stacks. For growth and strength, use testosterone or an androgenic pill such as Anapolon, or for contest preparation, use non-aromatizing androgens such as Masteron or Parabolan.
And, of course, Stanazol has a sizable fan base of athletes who utilize the medication on its own to get a hard vascular appearance with minimal muscle gain.
Stanazol pills are occasionally available on the Australian market. Sellers generally refer to them as 'Winstrol' (after Winthrop's Winstrol brand Stanazolol.) It is sometimes hard to tell whether these pills are genuine or counterfeit.
The authentic pills are alpha-alkylated and come in 2 or 5mg strengths (hence causing stress to the liver). Dosages of 10-20mg daily have modest benefits.
The pills might occasionally induce stomach distress. Athletes have addressed this issue by taking them with meals, and cutting the daily dose in half (half before training, half before night) is popular.
The 'stanabolic' and 'stanazol' injectables by Ilium and 'RWR' are far more frequent than the pills. The stanabolic comes in a 20ml container with a 50mg/ml concentration and is in great demand for two reasons: first, the microfine suspension may be injected with a 25 gauge needle, and second, the substance has not been counterfeited.
The RWR product is available in 20 and 50 mL bottles (also 50mg/mL) and has been frequently counterfeited despite its popularity. The 50ml bottle in particular (circulating at approximately $150 - quite inexpensive) has been a target for black marketeers.
We exclusively propose the Ilium product; consumers of RWR Stanazol should use considerable caution.
The typical Stanazol dose is 1ml every other day, but due to its short half life and fast onset, we believe daily injections are more beneficial.
250 Sustanon
Organon created this 'timed release' testosterone injectable to distribute testosterone into the bloodstream evenly over the course of a month.
However, because the four distinct testosterones in Sustanon have half lives ranging from 2 days (or less for test Propionate) to 7 or 8 days (or more for test decanoate), most bodybuilders will inject Sustanon regularly.
This is an extremely popular product, with most users seeing significant growth in size and strength. Water retention and aromatization are issues for many people, as they are with Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate, although they differ from person to person. However, liver damage is not a problem.
Sustanon is suitable for both short and long cycles due to the early start of its shorter acting components. Bodybuilders in Australia have stacked it with every available steroid, typically with good results. Sustanon, on the other hand, is extremely anabolic and androgenic, therefore it will create good muscular growth when used alone.
If decent copies of Dianabol or Lonavar were available, we would stack it with these for size and strength. Sustanon stacked with the new 300mg Durabolin appears to be gaining appeal in the local market as well.
Typical weekly dosages are 250-500mg, although stronger users may require 1000mg or more.

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Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006

Cypionate of Testosterone

Testosterone Cypionate is a very effective anabolic that provides quick growth and strength development with weekly or twice weekly injections. Cypionate, also known as "Banrot" in the extremely cheap 75mg/ml 200ml bladder, was the most popular testosterone in Australia until 1998. "Testo LA" is now available in a 100mg/ml vial for the same price as a 200ml bladder used to be. Athletes are now utilizing far less. Currently, a dosage of 200-400 mg per week in combination with other steroids is increasingly common.

Cypionate side effects range from minor to severe, and will, as usual, vary from user to user. Most users will have water retention, aggressiveness, and acne / hair loss as a result of excessive DHT conversion, which will worsen as the dose is raised. Typical "Cyp" cycles might last anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks.

A really effective medicine, however it comes at a price for the heavy user.

Enanthate of Testosterone

Testosterone Enanthate is a long-acting testosterone ester that, like Cypionate, provides fast growth and strength improvements. However, same with "Cyp," Enanthate has negative effects that become more noticeable as the dosage is raised.

Many athletes who use Enanthate have water retention and gynecomastia as a result of estrogen conversion. Aromatase inhibitors and other anti-estrogens (if available) may relieve symptoms but lower the drug's anabolic activity. A natural diuretic, such as Body Ripped's "Water Rid," would significantly reduce water retention while not impeding muscle growth. For further information, see the section on "side effects."

Enanthate cycles are typically 6-12 weeks long, with once-weekly injections of 200-500mg.

Enanthate is still available (though seldom) on the Australian illicit market. A 200ml bladder will cost between $500 and $1000.

Propionate Testosterone

Testosterone Propionate is a short-acting testosterone that must be administered at least every three days. Athletes who seek the quick growth and strength benefits of testosterone but are concerned about the adverse effects of the longer acting esters. Although acne, hair loss, and other more serious side effects are possible with "Prop," they appear to affect fewer people and in a less severe manner than Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate. Most athletes who use this product report that water retention is clearly absent.

Although not as potent as its more powerful siblings, Test Prop is a preferred compromise for many, providing decent muscular development with little health hazards.

Dosages range from 100mg every three days to 150mg daily and more. The duration of usage might range from 2 to 12 weeks or more.

Testosterone Propionate is commonly available on the black market in Australia as "Tepro Hormone" 100mg/ml in a 10ml multi-use vial. Expect to pay between $80 and $120.

Suspension of Testosterone

Test Suspension, also known as Testosterone Aqueous, is a crude short acting (few hours) androgen. Because of the extremely painful injection sites (which last 7-10 days) and the daily injections with big gauge needles, most athletes will only take Suspension for short cycles of less than 4 weeks.

Suspension usage has more adverse effects than any other easily accessible steroid. Most users will report aggression, hair loss, and water retention. Suspension is also to blame for 90% of infected injection sites and abscesses among Aussie Bodybuilders.

Those who are willing to utilize Testosterone Suspension despite the risks are generally rewarded with fast increases in size and strength, which are frequently followed by a rapid loss of the same.

The typical dose is 25-100mg each day for up to 4 weeks. Testosterone Suspension may still be purchased in 20ml x 100mg vials for approximately $100.

Undecanoate Testosterone

This is a one-of-a-kind oral testosterone sold by Organon under the brand name "Andriol." Each little rugby ball-shaped pill contains 40mg of testosterone dissolved in oil. This is absorbed by the lymphatic system via the small intestine, avoiding partial liver inactivation. The suggested dosage is one capsule four times a day.

Andriol, which is intended for complete oral testosterone replacement, appears promising on paper but has proven unreliable in vivo. Andriol appears to be the optimum alternative for people looking for testosterone outcomes without injections, with extremely minimal conversion to estrogen, no suppression of endogenous testosterone synthesis, and no liver damage.

However, customers have mixed feelings about this product. Some claim positive outcomes, while others say it is worthless. Some athletes may be confused by the convoluted dosage regimen, in which capsules are stored in the refrigerated but allowed to come to room temperature separately before the four daily doses.

60 capsules per bottle, spotted on the illegal market on occasion. Prices vary.
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MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


May 8, 2007
What are the safest sterroids that i can use. tell me the names and prices thanks


Jun 27, 2006
Groovy said:
pls what is the safest roids that i can use. tell me the names and prices thanks

Safest? go do some research.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006
Groovy said:
pls what is the safest roids that i can use. tell me the names and prices thanks

Here we go...:rolleyes:


May 8, 2007
you are helpless. if i wanna do research i wont ask. i gained 25pounds in just 4 months damn


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006
We aren't flaming you for asking but you shouldn't even be considering AAS. If you have gained 25 pounds in four months natural then good for you and you def. don't need AAS. I'm just telling you the same thing that everyone else will tell you. 1) Do your research, if you decide to do AAS and you mess up, it could be very detremental to your body. 2) Make sure your body is ready for AAS, if you haven't reached your natural peak yet then you are not ready and there is no need to take steroids because you can still achieve good gains naturally. 3) Make sure you are old enough. If you are under 24 I would reconsider taking them as your body is still producing more than enough Test to take care of muscle gains. No one is flaming you we are just trying to give you a heads up before you make a huge mistake and are forced out of the game for a while because of these mistakes.


Mecca V.I.P.
Nov 28, 2006
Groovy said:
you are helpless. if i wanna do research i wont ask. i gained 25pounds in just 4 months damn

250mgs of anadrol and you should continue your gains then at the same pace, hell even more :xyxthumbs: :hsughr:


New member
Jun 3, 2007
Why is prostate enlargment a side effect?? should seen as a positive thing...I mean it *well in my case.



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Groovy said:
if i wanna do research i wont ask.

If you aren't willing to put in the hours of research that needs to be done to perform a cycle correctly while not harming your body then you have no business even thinking about running a cycle. Not even knowing the names of drugs show the lack of research on your side. So, how are you suppose to know which sides certain drugs cause and how to keep those sides at bay or reverse them? When doing research, it's important to know what each drug is doing to your body, the sides that can occur, how they can reversed and how PCT should be laid out. 26 or not research needs to be done. I'm not flaming you so don't think I'm looking for an argument. Whenever someone hasn't done research I am looking out for their best interest because these are very powerful drugs.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
hi guys yes im a noobie so need some help.

i got handed a bunch of methandienone 10mg form a russain guy at my gym. i just wanted some info on this as i cant find any out there also has any one used it?