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Tribute to Jay Cutler, his top 6 best showings!

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Jul 17, 2013
Musclemecca Bodybuilding Feeds - Your source for Bodybuilding News in the Muscle world!

Hey people, This is just a simple idea that I had for a long time. Since the career of one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time is drawing to it's close, I just wanted to remind everybody how great he was by showcasing his top 6 greatest showings throughout his career. Jay Cutler, although...
Hey people,

This is just a simple idea that I had for a long time. Since the career of one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time is drawing to it's close, I just wanted to remind everybody how great he was by showcasing his top 6 greatest showings throughout his career. Jay Cutler, although he never was a favorite of mine, I always had great admiration to what he has accomplished and in what style he did so. In no disrespectful way but IMO Jay is not stepping on stage again, at least not at the big O. But he sure will leave/left a great mark in bodybuilding and he will always be rememberd as one of the toughest warriors in Bodybuilding.

Jay Cutler in my opinion is the coolest Mr Olympia ever, so to show how thankful I am for all the inspiration he's brought me throughout my short bodybuilding/lifting career I would like to display the top 6 of Jay's best showings. Please do keep in mind that this is opinion based.

6) 2002 Arnold Classic

The reason 02' Jay is 6th is simply because Jay wasn't as big as he became later years, he was very cut, but he had some weaknesses in back detail that for me pushed his showing at the 02' Arnold Classic (in which he was victorious..) to 6th

5) 2006 Mr Olympia

I would be pretty stupid if I didn't include Jay's first Olympia victory in 06'. Jay was the biggest I've ever seen him, but unfortunatly, not the sharpest I've seen him, BUT to be fair, neither was Ronnie. Jay came out to prejudging looking freakishly huge and thick, but he was slightly smooth thoughout the arms and the anterior torso. He did harden up to the finals though..

4) 2010 Mr Olympia

I know, I know, why is this on the list!?!? well, IMO, he was very close to topping his 2009 showing at this event and was the clear winner to me, of course, Phil (who wasn't as ultradeveloped as he is now) took 2nd place at that contest. Jay was dry in his arms and anterior torso unlike tha 06' showing and was dry(er) from the back.

3) 2001 Mr Olympia

Jay at this event took 2nd place to a smoother Ronnie (but bigger). He was in his what most people referr to as all time best condition, so why is this at third then? Well, he was very symmetrical and aestethic (for Jay) he was very detailed, had a christmas tree back superior to that of his 2010 showing. But he wasn't as big as the years later or as mature, he lacked slightly in vascularity and he was up against a freakin inhuman human.

2) 2009 Mr Olympia

One of the biggest surprises of all time, Jay walks out, Dan Solomon's voice cracks, the crowd goes absolutely NUTS, Jay was burning and took home his 3rd Mr Olympia after suffering defeat to a much smaller Bodybuilder the year prior and controversy the year before that. Jay lacked a lower back at this contest, he wasn't the 265lbs that was sweating on stage at the 08 Olympia and his lower back suffered from that weightloss. But his back double bicep was the best it's ever looked, and his abs and thighs shot will forever be rememberd as one of the sweetest sights in bodybuilding. Jay had shown up with vascularity that he's never showcased before, and with the fire and dominance that stunned every single one of us. I mean look at that quad feathering!

1) 2005 Mr Olympia

THIS IS Jay's absolut best showing ever, Jay was so complete and so far superior to all his previous (and future) showings that if he'd return to that kind of shape he'd destroy every single one on stage today. Jay was dry as the sand in sahara desert, he was vascular, it amazed me how he even could pull of a simple smile with that type of dryness and conditioning. But being dry isn't something completely impossible for Jay, so why does this make BEST showing of Jay Cutler? Probably the first and only time, Jay displays a dry and complete BACK DOUBLE BICEP and christmas tree, he was in his best combination of size and conditioning witout any bodyparts missing. His back was complete, his legs had deep freakin cavities in them and his abs were tight with no distention whatssoever(not that that was a big issue for him..)

Jay has IMO never showed a complete physique besides his 05' Olympia showing, he either came big and not so cut (06'), smaller but with half a back (2001 and 2009) or smaller by comparisons. So the reason this beats the rest of his showings is because of how complete he was. Jay had always had issues with his back and it's not lack of muscle, it's simply timing and peaking.

Hope you had a good read :)
Happy new year!


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