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He won the middles, what else would you expect from him? I can't remember the last time a middle-weight took an overall at a National level show. I'm sure it's happend before, but it is VERY uncommon. Only chance a middle-weight really has at turning pro in US is winning his class at the Nationals. I do, however, remember when Melvin ward won the batams AND the overall at the Jrs. That was almost unheard of.
^^^ just as thicknasty said a middle-weight isn't going to take a huge National level show...not even that it's impossible but the heavier classes weren't weak... the heavyweight class was actually a fantastic class....on another note Shawn Ray said that Nathan Detracy was easily the best conditioned bodybuilder in the entire show...which i would agree (Detracy used to compete in the light-heavyweight category and came down a class and it obviously paid off with sum ridiculous/superb conditioning)
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