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What is a Hardgainer, and Why Does it Happen?



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
Have you ever felt like you're putting in the work at the gym, lifting heavy weights, and eating what feels like a never-ending stream of food, but the results just aren't coming? If you struggle to gain muscle mass despite a dedicated fitness routine, you might be what's known as a "hard gainer" in the bodybuilding and fitness world.

Hardgainers have a harder time than average adding muscle, often due to genetics and metabolism.

This article will explore why some people are hardgainers and explore strategies to help them overcome these challenges and achieve their muscle-building goals.

The Science of Muscle Growth​

At the microscopic level, muscles are bundles of tiny fibers called myofibrils. When you challenge your muscles with resistance training (think lifting weights or bodyweight exercises), these myofibrils experience microscopic tears. Your body sees this damage as a call to action, triggering a repair process.

The body's natural response is to repair this damage, but it doesn't stop at just restoring the fibers to their original state. Instead, it adds more tissue to fortify the muscle against future stress. This additional tissue causes muscle growth or hypertrophy.

This growth doesn't happen in a vacuum, however. Three key factors play a crucial role in optimizing muscle hypertrophy:

  • Nutrition: Your body needs a surplus of protein, the building blocks of muscle, to fuel this repair and growth process. Think of it as having enough raw materials on hand for construction.
  • Training: The resistance training itself provides the stimulus for muscle growth. By progressively overloading your muscles with challenging weights or exercises, you create the microscopic tears that trigger the repair and growth cycle.
  • Recovery: Just like any construction project, muscle growth needs time for rest and recovery. It allows your body to fully repair and rebuild the damaged muscle fibers.

Why Hardgainers Struggle​



Hardgainers often have a naturally high metabolism. Their bodies burn calories efficiently, leaving less for muscle growth. This means they must consume significantly more calories than the average person to maintain their current weight, let alone build muscle. The challenge is to find a balance between sufficient calorie intake and a healthy diet without feeling constantly full or uncomfortable.

Body Types​

Body Types

Another factor is body type. Ectomorphs are typically lean, with a narrow frame and small joints. This body type naturally has less muscle mass and a higher metabolism, making it more challenging to gain weight and muscle.

Ectomorphs often need to work harder to achieve the same results as people with other body types, such as mesomorphs or endomorphs. Because of their fast metabolism and smaller muscle base, ectomorphs often require more intensive training and a greater focus on nutrition to see gains.

Training Errors​

While hard work is essential, inefficient training can hinder muscle growth. Here are some common mistakes hard gainers might make:
  • Not Focusing on Progressive Overload: Muscles adapt to stress. To keep stimulating growth, you need to gradually increase the weight, reps, or sets you perform over time. It is called progressive overload. Your muscles won't get challenged enough to trigger hypertrophy if you don't practice it.
  • Neglecting Compound Exercises: Compound exercises, like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. These exercises are crucial for building overall muscle mass. Hardgainers relying solely on isolation exercises might miss these growth benefits.

Insufficient Nutrition​

Even with a high metabolism, muscle growth still requires a caloric surplus. However, more than simply eating more is required. Hardgainers must focus on consuming enough macronutrients, particularly protein, the building blocks of muscle. Tracking calorie intake and ensuring a proper balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats is essential for hardgainers to see results.

Overcoming the Hardgainer Challenge​

Tailored Nutrition​

Nutrition is an important factor in muscle growth, and hardgainers need a high-calorie, protein-rich diet to support their efforts. To gain muscle, you'll likely need a significant calorie surplus. It involves eating more than your body expends, which might require frequent daily meals and snacks.

Proteins are essential for muscle repair and growth, so prioritize high-protein foods like chicken, fish, lean beef, eggs, and dairy. Carbohydrates provide the energy needed for intense workouts. Fats are crucial, too, offering calorie density and supporting hormone production, so include healthy fats like avocado, nuts, and olive oil.

Smart Training​

Train smarter, not just harder. Focus on compound exercises that simultaneously work for multiple muscle groups, like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. These exercises are the foundation for building overall muscle mass. Remember progressive overload. Gradually increase the weight, reps, or sets you perform over time to keep challenging your muscles and stimulating growth. Remember to prioritize proper recovery between workouts to allow your muscles to rebuild stronger.

Lifestyle adjustments​

Muscle growth isn't just about what happens in the gym. Here are some lifestyle factors that can significantly impact your progress:
  • Sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Sleep is crucial for muscle repair and recovery.
  • Stress Management: Chronic stress can hinder muscle growth. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation or yoga.
  • NEAT: NEAT stands for Non-exercise activity thermogenesis. It refers to the calories you burn daily through everyday activities like walking, fidgeting, and housework. Increasing your NEAT can help you create a slight calorie surplus without drastically changing your diet.


While a balanced diet should provide most of the nutrients needed for muscle growth, some hard gainers may consider supplements for additional support. Protein powders can be a convenient way to increase protein intake, while creatine is a well-researched supplement that can help improve strength and muscle mass. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and pre-workout supplements may also benefit some individuals.

Debunking Hardgainer Myths​

Myth #1: Hardgainers Can Eat Anything and Gain Muscle​

It is simply not true. While a high metabolism can make it challenging to create a calorie surplus, simply stuffing your face with junk food won't do the trick. Hardgainers still need to prioritize clean, whole foods to fuel their bodies for optimal muscle growth and recovery.

Think lean protein sources, complex carbohydrates for sustained energy, and healthy fats. While occasional indulgences are okay, basing your diet on calorie-dense, nutrient-poor foods will hinder your progress and potentially lead to health problems.

Myth #2: Hardgainers Just Need to Train Harder​

Another common myth is that hard gainers are not gaining muscle because they're not working out hard enough. This misconception often leads to overtraining, where hardgainers push themselves beyond their limits, expecting more effort to yield greater results. However, overtraining can lead to muscle breakdown, injury, and burnout—none of which help build muscle.

Hardgainers need a smart training plan that includes proper rest and recovery. It's not just about lifting heavy weights; it's about focusing on progressive overload, compound exercises, and allowing time for muscles to repair and grow. Training harder without a well-structured plan can do more harm than good.

Frequently Asked Questions​

How important is recovery for hardgainers?

Recovery is crucial for hardgainers. Muscles need time to repair and grow after workouts, so ensure you get adequate sleep, rest days, and proper nutrition. Overtraining can lead to injury and impede muscle growth, so balance your training intensity with sufficient recovery.

Can hardgainers gain muscle over time?

Yes, hardgainers can gain muscle over time. It might take longer and require a more strategic approach to training and nutrition, but muscle growth is achievable with consistency and the right plan. Patience and persistence are key.

What kind of training is best for hardgainers?

Hardgainers should focus on a training program emphasizing compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Progressive overload is crucial, meaning you should gradually increase your workouts' weight, intensity, or volume. Proper recovery, including rest days and adequate sleep, is also key to muscle growth.


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