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What is bio hacking?

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Biohacking is the process of getting complete control of your biology. Biohacking is when you look for methods to enhance your health. But it's more than simply adding butter in your coffee or taking a vitamin every day. Biohacking is the desire to understand your body and mind and to use everything available to you – cutting-edge technology, tools, and science — to become the greatest version of yourself.

Why is Biohacking used?
Biohacking entails more than just reading thoughtless self-improvement advice. It's figuring out why you're feeling, thinking, and doing the way you do. Knowing the "why" enables you to biohack your body while also making significant improvements to your general health and well-being. At LifeVantage, we are obsessed with discovering the "why" via unending study, experimentation, and technology.

Biohackers are people who believe in learning via experience. "Show me the studies, and then let me test it for myself," they believe.

Learn to pay attention to your emotions. There is always something concrete influencing your capacity to be wonderful on a daily basis. Instead of accepting pains, illnesses, and weariness as a natural part of aging, begin to analyze such setbacks. With the "biohacker approach," you are not rejecting orthodox treatment; rather, you are determining what works best for you. You are actively pursuing a better way of living. And your future self will be grateful.

Every day, multiple systems operate to fuel our bodies, making us complicated. Fortunately, getting started with biohacking does not have to be difficult.

The wonderful thing about biohacking is that you can already be doing it without realizing it. All it takes to get started is a genuine desire to better your life, and we're here to assist. Every day, LifeVantage has designed science-backed goods and tools to bring you closer to fulfilling your particular goals and challenges, from nutrition to beauty to exercise. Dive into the science behind SARMs and peptides

Getting older in age is inevitable, but what if we told you there’s a way to hack your biological age? Kris Gethin is undoubtedly one of the most impressive athletes on the planet. His versatility and range go beyond most. What you might not know is that he spends more time recovering than he does training. Yup, and he’s still a beast.

On Episode 1 of our intro to biohacking, we are discussing Earthing. What is earthing? Grounding yourself with the earth. The goal is to help the body reset and repair itself. Studies show that it can help with emotional stress, muscle pain post exercise, and bloodflow.

On Episode 2 of our Intro to Biohacking, we are discussing the sauna and it's many benefits:
- Decreases all-cause mortality
- Increase heat shock proteins
- Detox
- Burn calories
- Optimize blood flow
- Optimize Testosterone
- Relaxation
- Collagen Production
- And much more!

On Episode 3 of our Intro to Biohacking, we are discussing cold therapy and it's many benefits.

Ways to do cold therapy:
- Cold showers
- Cryotherapy
- Ice baths

- Toning vagal nerve for rest
- Aids in mental and emotional stability
- Blood sugar stabilization
- Mobilizes fatty acids
- Makes you harder to kill (so we hear)

If you want to learn more about bio hacking and sarms pick up a free SARMS Ebook.
MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
More on bio-hacking.

On Episode 4 of our Intro to Biohacking, we are discussing Meditation.

Tips for starting meditation:
- Stop starting your day by looking at your phone!
- Find the best time for yourself
- Start in small increments, work your way up
- Practice a breathing pattern that works for you
- Incorporate meditation in different times of the day, during different situations
- Take your time
- Stay Consistent
