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How to Start Bodybuilding as a Woman



Well-known member
May 22, 2015
As a woman, it can be intimidating to look like the female bodybuilders you see in magazines, especially if you start to get into bodybuilding. After all, the women who appear on the cover of Muscle and Fitness magazine have been involved in this sport for years and have spent countless hours building their bodies up and improving their workout training.

However, when most people think about bodybuilding, they probably picture Arnold Schwarzenegger or other famous men who have made their muscles the center of attention.

Nevertheless, women can also be great bodybuilders, too! All it takes are the right tips and tricks to get started as you learn how to build muscle and get in shape at the gym.

In this article, you'll discover tips to help you build muscle safely and effectively to start your bodybuilding routine confidently. So let's get started!

Hire a Coach​

The first thing to do when you want to start bodybuilding as a woman is to get a good coach. You have to invest in a good coach. But don't settle for anyone who looks good on Instagram.

It's essential to conduct extensive research to select a coach who can provide suitable training and diet plans because you're entrusting them with your health.

Attend The Gym Regularly​

With your goals well stated, the gym should seem like a second home; you shouldn't dread coming there. Workouts should take at least an hour, while most female bodybuilders say two hours is the norm.

The number of days you spend in the gym is determined by your experience, training plan, and availability. Female bodybuilders should strive for at least three days of intensive exercises with a basic gym regimen. Four days will be excellent for achieving outstanding outcomes.

Keep Track Of Everything​

Martinez recommends keeping a workout record of raising your weights progressively over time. It is also beneficial to log your food to keep track of your macronutrients and calories. (On your journey to becoming a female bodybuilder, several meal tracking apps will help you track everything in one location.)

A Healthy Diet Is Crucial​

Training is simply one part of the puzzle. According to research, a good nutrition program is not a choice if you want to prevent overtraining symptoms and experience spectacular results.

We recommend speaking with a nutritionist who creates diet regimens for female bodybuilders. To give you an idea of what to anticipate, the typical bodybuilder diet consists of high-protein foods like chicken, beef, and low-fat dairy.

Except before and after workouts, complex carbs will be consumed throughout the day. Don't forget about healthy fats; meals like salmon and coconut oil are vital for hormone balance and healing.

Don't Ignore Machine​

According to Martinez, using machines for novice weightlifters might be helpful since they maintain the body in the appropriate position throughout the workout.

If you're new to bodybuilding but have a strong foundation, experiment with free weights. According to Martinez, they often involve more muscles that assist in stabilizing the body throughout the range of motion of an activity.

Give Yourself Enough Time​

If you intend to compete, allow yourself plenty of time to grow muscle and prepare. Everyone is different, but according to Snyder, new competitors are usually ready to participate after a 12-week rigorous session.

You will not have to spend as much time preparing if you are more consistent in your eating and exercise, even during the off-season.

Be Patient​

Snyder claims that there is a method to bodybuilding. It is gradual and necessitates a personalized process. When properly applied, it will keep you secure and effective, and efficient. However, developing your muscular growth and strength takes time, work, and consistency. Biceps and glutes do not grow overnight.

Use Natural Female bodybuilding Supplements​

Whey protein is another must-have protein choice, a practical supplement that may help you achieve your daily requirement for the muscle-building macro.

Accessories are commonly accessible and inexpensive, and several natural solutions can help you achieve your female bodybuilding objectives. Because you're new to female bodybuilding, you'll want vitamins that help with strength and muscle gain.

We advise using Anvarol, which has been likened to Anavar but does not have adverse side effects. You'll naturally want to start reducing and become skinny after you've reached your target muscle mass.

Continue to Raise The Stakes​

Your body will adapt, just like any other training program, so it's critical to test yourself regularly to ensure that you're correctly adjusting the weights, reps, and amount of rest in between sets as you get more important to maintain or even increase the intensity of the workouts, says Martinez. (This is a lovely little phenomenon known as progressive overload training.)

Do More of Mix Weight Training and Cardio Exercise​

For ladies who are new to bodybuilding, weight training is a must. The weight training techniques you'll utilize will be tried-and-true bodybuilding staples like barbell squats and deadlifts.

You might not understand how crucial cardiovascular exercise is. Cardiovascular activities not only increase goal heart rate and VO2 max, but they also aid in fat loss and help you get that sleek and trim appearance.

How Do Female Bodybuilders Get So Muscular?​

Male and female bodybuilders are no different in terms of how they build muscle. They train differently, eat differently, and take other supplements.

Here's what you need to know about the differences between male and female bodybuilders: -Male bodybuilders usually bulk up for competitions, whereas females often tone their muscles for competition.

-Male body runners sometimes use illegal steroids, whereas females don't because it's more challenging to get away with it without getting caught. -Males typically put on weight during the off-season, whereas females lose weight.

Are Female Bodybuilders Muscular?​

Female bodybuilders are muscular. They're not just vital for women; they're more robust than the average woman. For example, females who participate in competitive weightlifting usually have more muscle mass and strength than their male counterparts.

However, there's still a stigma that women can't be muscular or strong. And indeed, we might not be able to build the same amount of muscle mass as men do because of genetics and hormones, but we can get plenty strong!

Muscle is denser than fat, so it takes up less space on the body. That means when women start lifting weights, they will see changes quickly and become even more toned over time if they stick with it. Plus, building said lips burn fat, so having more power will make you leaner too!

Why Do Female Bodybuilders Have Deep Voices?​

This is because the male hormone testosterone significantly affects how deep your voice will sound. The more testosterone you have, the deeper your voice will say it typically produces less of this hormone than men, and therefore, their voices are higher.

This is not true for all women, but for most, I said, things that are tributes to a person's body shape, such as genetics.

It does take time for your muscles to grow, but it also takes time before you start seeing any changes on the outside. You don't need to rush anything! Just make sure you are eating well and getting enough protein each day.

Can Female Bodybuilders Get Pregnant?​

Yes, female bodybuilders can get pregnant. However, it is not recommended that they do so until they have reached the age of 18 and are finished with their competitive career.

Most women's bodies experience hormonal changes while they are pregnant, which could be risky for both the baby and the mother.

Additionally, if you are in the middle of your competitive career and intend to get pregnant, you should end your competition and take at least one year off before attempting to conceive again.

Top 10 Famous Female Bodybuilders​

The most prominent female bodybuilders have helped alter the bodybuilding and fitness worlds over the last 40 years. They had an essential role in the sport's development, growth, and evolution. It's always amazing to see how much effort they've put into their work.

Especially in this day and age, we can see what goes on behind the scenes of bodybuilding. We can now begin to understand how hard work, commitment, perseverance, and pure grit it takes to be one of the most famous female bodybuilders of all time.

You're probably wondering who the most distinguished female bodybuilders are, whether you're a die-hard fan of female bodybuilders, or if this is your first time learning about the history of female bodybuilding. Here are the top ten female bodybuilders of all time. If you are looking for motivation, these ladies got it.

  1. Nicole Bass – United States.
  2. Denise Masino – United States.
  3. Gladys Portugues – United States.
  4. Rasa von Werder – Germany.
  5. Nikki Fuller – United States.
  6. Melissa Coates – Canada.
  7. Marianna Komlos – Canada.
  8. Rebekka Armstrong – United States.
  9. Iris Kyle – United States
  10. Corinna Everson – United States

The Bottom line

Finally, There are many ways to start bodybuilding, but it's important not to overdo it. It is recommended that you create a program that involves lifting heavy weights at least twice per week and doing two cardio sessions each week.

Also, It may be difficult for the first few weeks, but once your muscles are trained, you will feel better. You don't need any special equipment or supplements to get started on this activity. All you need is yourself, a safe place to work out, and some light-free weights!

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