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How to Help Your Partner Eat Healthier

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
According to studies, marriage brings not only a happy life but also extra weight. The first five years of marriage are especially tough, as both spouses may gain up to 30 pounds.
So it’s not surprising why some people wonder how to motivate their loved ones to start watching what they eat. Maybe they already have some weight problems, or maybe they’re fit, but their food habits are far from perfect. No matter what the reason is, your desire to help your loved one make better decisions concerning their health is quite understandable. Here are a couple of tips on how to nudge your partner into switching to a healthier diet.

Start with yourself
How are you going to persuade your loved one to start eating healthy if you’re a fast food lover yourself? It’s time to start leading a healthy life, encouraging your significant other to do the same. Besides, it’s always easier to resist the temptation if you know that you have support. A number of studies have proved that when it comes to healthy habits, influence from family and friends has a large impact on us. So once you switch to low-calorie products and start doing exercises, your spouse will likely catch up eventually.

Take the initiative
First of all, you need to find out if there’s anything you can do to affect your partner’s diet. For instance, if their lunch typically consists of junk food from a café near her office, and you usually take a lunch box with you, you can offer to begin packing healthy lunch boxes for them, as well.

Do some healthy cooking together
What can be better than cooking something your partner would love just to see the smile on their face? The only problem is that the dishes we like are usually full of calories. So why don’t you team up and find some healthy recipes to cook for each other? Maybe the results of your experiments won’t be as delicious as your favorite meals, but you’ll still get those smiles.

Fill your fridge with healthy products
Try getting rid of junk food in your kitchen and replace it with something that doesn’t turn your body into a cholesterol time bomb. Here’s a curious fact: when there are candies or chocolates in front of you, you can eat about two times more of them than if they were further away. You can use this trick and leave healthier products, such as apples or bananas in a visible spot, hiding chocolates and other snacks somewhere deep inside the cabinets. If it doesn’t work, and you keep catching your loved one poking around the kitchen, simply stop buying unhealthy sweets.

More joint activities
Sticking to a diet together isn’t enough. You should start exercising together. For example, there are much better things to do after dinner than just lying on the couch and watching TV shows. You can take a walk and have a nice chat. You’d be surprised how far you can go when you talk to someone. Joint activities greatly improve the effectiveness of weight-loss programs. You can even find some company in case you get bored of exercising together.

Concentrate on progress
Don’t expect to turn your significant other into a veggie lover in a couple of weeks. Make sure you’re aware that a change of eating habits is a time-consuming process. Besides, a little progress is better than no progress at all! Don’t leave your loved one without not-so-healthy products right away. Do so, and you’ll face heavy resistance to your diet plan.
If your loved one can’t imagine her or his life without chocolate, chips, beer, or something else, let them have these small joys. All you need is a bit of patience and a positive attitude, and the changes will come. Maybe you’ll face some relationship issues on your way to success. In case it happens, you can find tips on how to overcome misunderstandings at https://godatenow.com/.


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Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 17, 2018
Exactly! This information on how to aid your partner to eat healthy is so accurate because when you tend to do things together and eat together, you have the possibility of watching and controlling when he or she eats especially when you have the right information on the appropriate diet to eat always.
Folk Artist

Folk Artist

Mecca V.I.P.
May 30, 2018
Yes, you should be part of a healthy solution with your partner, and you should work with them to get to that goal. You could stock your house with some healthy foods, and also do things like cooking some healthy meals for each other as well. Try to lead by example- if you eat healthy and exercise, then your partner is much more likely to follow suit.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 17, 2018
Yes, you should be part of a healthy solution with your partner, and you should work with them to get to that goal. You could stock your house with some healthy foods, and also do things like cooking some healthy meals for each other as well. Try to lead by example- if you eat healthy and exercise, then your partner is much more likely to follow suit.

This is actually very true. Try as much as possible to get rid of unhealthy foods at your home because when they are not in your home, you will less likely be tempted to eat them.

But it's when you have such foods at home that you can easily slide in to it and eat them.


Mecca V.I.P.
Dec 17, 2016
May I confess that this issue is hounding me for a long time. My wife is overweight that she is on the verge of obesity. This is not to brag but I think I eat healthy and moderately because I can easily control my weight. My wife on the other hand was like a loose cannonball when in a buffet restaurant aside from her dining out almost every day in the office. To make the story short, my wife has the tendency to overeat and no matter how I tell her to control her mouth there seems to be no effect. She had tried so many diets before but she couldn't last. Even with the no rice for dinner she would do it for 3 days and she would be back to her normal eating.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 17, 2018
May I confess that this issue is hounding me for a long time. My wife is overweight that she is on the verge of obesity. This is not to brag but I think I eat healthy and moderately because I can easily control my weight. My wife on the other hand was like a loose cannonball when in a buffet restaurant aside from her dining out almost every day in the office. To make the story short, my wife has the tendency to overeat and no matter how I tell her to control her mouth there seems to be no effect. She had tried so many diets before but she couldn't last. Even with the no rice for dinner she would do it for 3 days and she would be back to her normal eating.

It's pity to hear about your wife's health situation with obesity but I'm sure that you are going to be able to help her get control of her feeding habits.

Just like the post suggests, you should try as much as possible to get her eat with you and it's going to help her keep her feeding in check.

Also get her to exercise well.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2017
We have to be always encouraging our partners to stay healthy by eating the right foods and doing exercise.