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Meet the contestants of the 2014 Mr Olympia – Phil “The Gift” Heath



Staff member
May 27, 2010
September is a month that keen bodybuilding fanatics all over the world look forward to immensely, and if you had forgotten, then shame on you for starters, and secondly, make sure you mark down the dates of September 18th – 21st down in your calendars. Since 1965 when Larry Scott won the first ever Mr.Olympia contest, bodybuilders good enough and able enough to qualify for the competition have trained all year long, mainly with one goal in mind, to become Mr Olympia. Few have succeeded and few ever will succeed, as the contest is only open for the absolute best of the best. We’ve had a number of all-time greats win the contest in the past, and many believe the current title holder Phil “The Gift” Heath could very well become one of the all time greats in the not too distant future. He’s the current reigning Mr O and he’s looking to retain his title this year, so let’s take a more in-depth look at “The Gift” and get to know a little more about him.

Who is Phil Heath? – Phil Heath is the current reigning Mr. Olympia title holder and he’s looking to retain his title at the upcoming 2014 Mr. Olympia weekend coming up next month. Right now he’s an icon in the bodybuilding community, but when did he start making an impact, and what did he do before bodybuilding? Born on the 18th of December in the year 1979, Phil was born and grew up in Seattle, Washington. As he grew older he began showing an interest in Basketball. This interest soon turned into a passion, and he proved very good at it, even earning a scholarship at the University of Denver for the pioneers. He played division 1-A men’s basketball from 1998 to 2002. During training there, he began showing an interest in weight training and as he noticed his body responding well to the training, he showed more and more of an interest in bodybuilding. He was 185lbs when he began, and quickly shot up to 215lbs at less than 7% body fat. His first competition was the Rocky Mountain State NPC championship Northern. Not only did he walk away with the overall title, he dominated the competition making it a very successful debut indeed. From there as you say, it was academic. He picked up the nickname “the gift” due to the fact that people considered him so genetically gifted as he consistently piled on lean muscle mass and made such vast improvements to his body. He won his first Mr O title back in 2011 and has dominated ever since.

Who should Phil be wary of this year? - Many people think Phil will once again win this year as he’s looked so impressive during his last showings but truth be told, this year the competition is fierce and there are a number of people that could very well take his title from him. For starters you have the man constantly snapping at Phil’s heels not giving him enough space to breathe for a second, Kai Greene. Kai has the size, he has the mass, he has the definition, and if he can narrow his waist ever so slightly, Phil will be in real trouble. There’s Dennis Wolf, who also has looked great the last few years and continues to impress, and finally we have Big Ramy. Big Ramy is a wildcard for many, but he looks amazing and has placed incredibly well when he has competed, chalking up impressive victories, and an extremely impressive debut last year. There are countless others looking to take the title, but for us, the smart money is on those three making the biggest impact this year.

2014 Mr.Olympia
Phil Heath
Dennis Wolf
Kai Greene
Big Ramy

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May 11, 2015
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