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9/11 Debunked



Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 13, 2007
Wait, I must be retarded but who thinks it real and fake (s[ecifically flex and ironsalve). Im really into conspiracys and believe a plane hit the pentagon but I do Believe that it was planned by the government. Can you guys clarify whose on which side cause like i said im retarded.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 12, 2007
Not at all.... I think something happened, and I want to know what. Forgive me for not believing everything that the government says on this event, which was the catalyst for wars which hundreds of thousands of people have been killed.

Don't attack me, or attack "conspiracy theories"... attack the things I said in the last post. To suggest I won't listen to reason is absurd. So I'm supposed to believe the absurdity of the DNA testing because the government tells me to? Despite the fact that I know what I do about DNA?

Again, look at my last post, and give it serious thought.

I did, and that is the ONLY think you could make an intelligent or logical argument against. If that is it then you lose this one, Flex out did you, I am sorry. But that is not enough, the rest of the argument is weak :wutyousay:


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Wait, I must be retarded but who thinks it real and fake (s[ecifically flex and ironsalve). Im really into conspiracys and believe a plane hit the pentagon but I do Believe that it was planned by the government. Can you guys clarify whose on which side cause like i said im retarded.

Flex believes the official story..... I don't. I don't by any means think "omg Bush shot a missile into the pentagon1!@" as Flex portrayed I did, for some reason...... I have questions, and I think it's clear something went on that we don't know about.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
I did, and that is the ONLY think you could make an intelligent or logical argument against. If that is it then you lose this one, Flex out did you, I am sorry. But that is not enough, the rest of the argument is weak :wutyousay:

Oh come on.... Osama dyed his beard? :uhoh2: Why did Bush/Rumsfeld say those things??

Did you want to discuss what I said about the DNA testing? Or should we just ignore it because "the government says they have DNA, therefore, they do, end of discussion."


Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 13, 2007
Flex believes the official story..... I don't. I don't by any means think "omg Bush shot a missile into the pentagon1!@" as Flex portrayed I did, for some reason...... I have questions, and I think it's clear something went on that we don't know about.

I agree with you IS I do think that things are messed up when it comes to it but at first I was thinking it was a missile when the original Loose Change came about but since all the this info came out I do think its a plane but the government was involved.

I believe all sorts of conspiracies. I also think we didn't land on the moon but thats another story.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
I'm agree with IS here, stuff like this has been done by different governments to manipulate people and take the country to war.
Just because something is reffered to as a conspiracy it should automatically be rejected and dismissed. Like IS said, if something doesn't add up it then one should study it to see where things are going wrong. If the government tells you 2+2=5, either you accept it or your a nut, then I'd rather do the summing up my self and come up with a result my self, even if my results are different to that of the government.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 12, 2007
Oh come on.... Osama dyed his beard? :uhoh2: Why did Bush/Rumsfeld say those things??

Did you want to discuss what I said about the DNA testing? Or should we just ignore it because "the government says they have DNA, therefore, they do, end of discussion."

No, what you say is possible.. however, I have read of crime scenes where DNA has been recovered from burned houses or cars so I think it is feasible but not as probable.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 12, 2007
I'm agree with IS here, stuff like this has been done by different governments to manipulate people and take the country to war.
Just because something is reffered to as a conspiracy it should automatically be rejected and dismissed. Like IS said, if something doesn't add up it then one should study it to see where things are going wrong. If the government tells you 2+2=5, either you accept it or your a nut, then I'd rather do the summing up my self and come up with a result my self, even if my results are different to that of the government.

I am not rejecting it because it is a conspiracy, nor is Flex, there is more proving that the conspiracies are wrong than the one's claiming they are right. And those that claim that 9/11 was a conspiracy are not credible sources and their arguments are weak with a very biased agenda leaving out details to support their claim.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 12, 2007
Flex believes the official story..... I don't. I don't by any means think "omg Bush shot a missile into the pentagon1!@" as Flex portrayed I did, for some reason...... I have questions, and I think it's clear something went on that we don't know about.

Oh, well then that explains it more :tiphat: sorry, I thought you did think that. I do agree that not everything "adds up", and we are not being told the whole story. But I do not think this was a conspiracy manufactured by the government.. I just think some people's asses are getting covered for some very bad mistakes that allowed this to happen.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
I am not rejecting it because it is a conspiracy, nor is Flex, there is more proving that the conspiracies are wrong than the one's claiming they are right. And those that claim that 9/11 was a conspiracy are not credible sources and their arguments are weak with a very biased agenda leaving out details to support their claim.

Sure, a lot of people do make a lot of silly claims. A lot of Ron Paul supporters are some of the dumbest people I've ever met, but that doesn't mean their position (ie, Ron Paul is good), is wrong, it just means they make a lot of bogus and weak claims.

I can ask my supervisor on Monday his thoughts on the DNA testing. He has a PhD in Molecular Genetics and does a ton of work using DNA to identify genes.

There are just some things that don't add up. Bin Laden is now looked at as the "boogie man" that keeps us in somewhat fear. Just look at the pictures, you don't need to be a "conspiracy theorist" to think that it is REALLY suspicious that the government claims that they are all the same person. I mean, did Osama Bin Laden turn into a metrosexual while he was hiding out in caves? Will he show up next with an "emo cut" ??

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
I will say one thing, all those picture ARE NOT the same person. I am not referring to the differance in weight, those 2 people have different bone structures.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
I will say one thing, all those picture ARE NOT the same person. I am not referring to the differance in weight, those 2 people have different bone structures.

But the government says that they are!! We should believe them, right? :dunnodude:


Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 15, 2007
The whole conspiracy theorist thing makes me laugh.

But hey, some people also believe an omipotent invisible man lives in the sky, so I guess it ain't much in comparison....

you havnt even looked at any of the "conspiricay theorist" videos have you?


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Flex believes the official story..... I don't.....I have questions, and I think it's clear something went on that we don't know about.
Cut the bullshit James.

I've never once said I fully believe the official story. Rather, I have slapped down every single conspiracy theory you've brought up on the forum. Because I've done this, you're trying to portray me as a sheep that eats up everything the government feeds me, while portraying yourself as some sort of "patriot" that questions the government. This is a common practice done by conspiracy theorists.

I question the government as much as anyone, but there's sufficient evidence showing 9/11 was NOT an inside job. Let's take a look at some of the questions you asked me in the last September 11th thread, shall we?

-why are the hijackers still alive?
-why did building 7 collapse?
-why did mark bingham's phone call seem strange?
-how did cell phones work at that altitude?
-why did the buildings fall at free fall speed?
-why does osama look different in the 2001 confession video?
-why is osama writing with his right hand?
-why is there no evidence of a plane hitting the pentagon?
-why is the video at the pentagon only 5 frames?
-why did firefighters report explosions?
-if the fire was so hot, why was the smoke black?
-why were people 40 feet below the fires able to walk down stairs without problems?
-why are the engine pieces of flight 77 so small?
-why was it reported that Waleed Alsheri is alive?
-why did firefighters say building seven is about to blow up?
-why did John Kerry say building 7 was brought down in a controlled fashion?
-why did building 7 collapse so neatly?
-why didn't the towers have a pancake collapse?
-how was the DNA at the Pentagon collected?
-why is the pentagon hole small?
-why did William Rodriguez report hearing explosions?
-how did firefighters reach the 78th floor of the South Tower?
-where is the engine of Flight 77?
-why were there hot spots weeks later?
-why did Rumsfeld say Flight 93 was shot down?
-why did Bush say he saw Flight 11 hit the North Tower?
-why didn't Building 7 fall over?
-how did Flight 77 vaporize?
-why did ABC cut off William Rodriguez?
-why was debris scattered for miles of Flight 93?
-why is there a huge crater, but no plane parts in Shanksville?
-how could Bush not remember what happend on 9/11?
-why was there smoke at the bottom of the towers?
-why did the towers callapse so quickly?
-why havn't we heard the black box of Flight 77?
-maybe it was a global hawk that hit the pentagon?
-why didn't the core continue standing?

I've answered each and every question you ask in full detail. However, every question I've ever asked you, gets ignored. Why? Because you don't have the answers like me, you just have more questions.

It's one thing to have some questions for the government, what you do is a whole nother ballgame. You continue to deny nearly EVERYTHING in the official story, despite all the evidence that proves the contrary. At the same time you tell everyone "9/11 was an inside job," even though you provide NO EVIDENCE.

Who cares? This Strawman weakens any argument you make.
As someone who slaps down 9/11 conspiracy theorists on a regular basis, I've learned they accuse debunkers of "strawman" when it's really the complete opposite. This is a way of separating themselves away from someone or theories that have been debunked.

Ironslave said:
Why do you keep focusing on them?
The number one resource you used to use as evidence that 9/11 was an inside job was Loose Change 2. (as shown below)

Ironslave (8/25/2006) said:
The theories of who was really responsible for the 9/11 attacks are starting to become widespread, everyone from government agents, to scientists to the general person is starting to realize that the official 9/11 commission report does NOT add up. There is too much evidence to the contrary, some are calling it this generation's Pearl Harbour.

A good place to start for those who this is new:

Loose Change 2nd edition

As time followed, everything stated in their "documentary" was proven 100% false. It was at this point, that you tried to disassociate yourself away from the creators of Loose Change.

-you used to tell people to watch Loose Change as evidence 9/11 was an inside job
-you are part of the truth movement, which these three kids began in 2004
-the official first post of this thread is about Loose Change debunked
-we were on the topic of Dylan Avery
-you still use conspiracy theories from Loose Change

My post was ANYTHING BUT "strawman."

After repelling yourself from these "truth-seekers," I have no idea where you stand now. In fact, I don't think you even know. You're like a lost toddler in the woods with a broken compass. So you tell me James, where are you getting your false information from these days?


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Ironslave said:
Find where I ever, ever said a missile hit the pentagon.
Here's your problem James.

When you debate you often use videos to back up your theories. In these videos they ask endless questions which they havn't heard answers for (known as ignorance). Because they are unaware of answers, they state it's "proof" it's an inside job. Nevertheless, once proof is provided they ignore it for the simple fact that it crumbles their conspiracy. This is exactly why conspiracy theorists never take into account the overwhelming majority of witnesses, experts, or anyone else that was first to the scene. Instead, they cherry-pick their information from a select few.

You've posted videos that claim there's no evidence a plane hit the pentagon, thus "it had to be something else." Surely you don't mean to tell me that you disagree with the videos that YOU posted that YOU told us to watch, RIGHT?

There's a reason why you've never said a missile hit the pentagon, because you never GIVE YOUR TAKE! You just ask question after question, toppled with more questions that I go in-depth into answering. Problem is, If there's one question that is tough to answer you point your finger and say "HAHA, proof that it's an inside job!!!11." Nevermind the fact the conspiracies contradict each other.

You debate with uncertainty, questions, and IGNORANCE. I debate with answers, evidence and FACTS.

Ironslave said:
Show me the report of this DNA
Sure, I suggest you read it before you jump to conclusions.


Ironslave said:
was it done by independent labs who all came to the same conclusion?
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology at Walter Reed


Ironslave said:
You expect me to believe that a large part of the plain "vaporized"
Not the official story. Strawman.

Ironslave said:
yet DNA was still intact?
You must have forgot you need a COMPLETE cremation before destroying DNA. Do you really believe it's that easy to turn bone into ASH?

"In a cremation, the casket or container is placed in a chamber, where the temperature is raised to approximately 1000° C (1832° F). After approximately 90 minutes, all organic matter is consumed by heat or evaporation." SOURCE

Ironslave said:
So, do you expect me to believe
You use this "so you expect me to believe this!?" argument on a regular basis. Honestly, I could care less what you believe anymore. These conspiracy theories have become similar to a religion to you. No matter how much evidence contradicts the theory, you continue to deny.

Ironslave said:
So, do you expect me to believe that each person on this flight had previously given a DNA sample somewhere before? :uhoh2:
"Families of the airplanes' passengers and crews and those who died within the Pentagon provided DNA samples, typically on toothbrushes or hairbrushes, to aid with identification." SOURCE

Ironslave said:
I believe I have read that all the family members gave DNA samples after, which is possible, but it still doesn't explain how the DNA from the crash site was obtained in the first place.
Here is where your argument is completely distorted James.

First, you're claiming somebody said Flight 77 vaporized (nobody said that except Loose Change). Then, you say DNA would be impossible to retreive since the plane "vaporized" (again, check your facts).

What you fail to realize is how much evidence survived the crash. Army Staff Sgt. Mark Williams and others have reported seeing dead bodies still strapped to their seats.

"When Williams discovered the scorched bodies of several airline passengers, they were still strapped into their seats. The stench of charred flesh overwhelmed him.

'It was the worst thing you can imagine,' said Williams, whose squad from Fort Belvoir, Va., entered the building, less than four hours after the terrorist attack. 'I wanted to cry from the minute I walked in. But I have soldiers under me and I had to put my feelings aside.' " SOURCE

"I did see airplane seats and a corpse still strapped to one of the seats."
–Capt. Jim Ingledue, Virginia Beach Fire Dept.SOURCE

Finally, some bodies were so well in-tact they were sent back to their families.

“Suzanne Calley died aboard American Airlines Flight 77 when terrorists hijacked the plane and sent it crashing into the Pentagon...Rescue crews were able to pull Calley’s body from Flight 77’s wreckage.

Jensen [Calley’s husband] spent last year’s anniversary of the national tragedy in Washington, D.C. There, a Pentagon official - assigned to Calley’s family as a liaison - gave Jensen his wife’s wedding ring, which had been recovered from the plane.”SOURCE


I didn't want to post these, as I find it disrespectful. But, you need a serious wake-up call James.





Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Ironslave said:
So, tell me, where did they get the DNA from the hijackers to compare? Please just think about the absurdity of all this.
The only thing I find absurd are your stupid conspiracy theories.

Here is just an example of how two of the hijackers were identified.

Forensic experts in New York say they have identified body parts of two of the 10 hijackers who flew planes into the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the New York Medical Examiner's Office, said the identifications had been made using DNA samples provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The FBI had collected the DNA from tiny traces of skin on the steering wheels of vehicles hired by the hijackers and from hair samples recovered from their hotel rooms.

Earlier this month, the FBI provided profiles of all 10 hijackers, including alleged ringleader Mohammad Atta, so their remains could be separated from those of victims.

"No names were attached to those profiles. We matched them, and we have matched two of those profiles to remains that we have," Ms Borakove said.

"We haven't finished our work, so it may be more," she added.SOURCE

More information of DNA testing, plus how they determined Nawaf al-Hazmi and Salem al-Hazmi (Flight 77 hijackers) are brothers.

Nuclear DNA testing (along with dental records and fingerprints) of the remains from the victims aboard American Airline (AA) Flight 77 and within the Pentagon was useful for identifying 178 of the 183 victims. Five missing individuals (four within the Pentagon and one aboard the airplane) could not be identified due to lack of biological material from the crash. Five remaining nuclear STR profiles were obtained from the crash site that did not match any references for the victims. These profiles were thought to represent the terrorists aboard the flight. The 40 victims aboard the United Airline (UA) Flight 93 that crashed near Shanksville, PA, were also identified by nuclear DNA testing, dental records, and fingerprinting. Four nonmatching nuclear DNA profiles were also obtained from the crash site and again tentatively ascribed to the terrorists.
The DNA results strengthened the hypothesis that two of the terrorists were brothers, as indicated by other evidence. Two of the terrorist STR profiles aboard the AA Flight 77 gave a sibling index greater than 500. To further test the hypothesis of maternal relatedness, AFDIL sequenced the HVI and HVII regions of mtDNA for these individuals. The sequences generated did match in HVI and HVII, which is consistent with a maternal relationship between the two men.SOURCE

I'm in disbelief that you still deny terrorists were on board Flight 77.

ID of Salem al-Hazmi found in Flight 77 wreckage.


All five terrorists listed on the American Airlines Flight 77 Manifests.

Security footage of hijackers boarding Flight 77.



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Ironslave said:
Let's not resort back and forth between simulated things, we could both post convincing ones.
Yes, that's exactly the point. These videos prove nothing and should never be used as evidence for either side. Yet, you said yourself that THIS WAS YOUR "MAIN REASON" FOR DOUBTING THE OFFICIAL STORY! That's why I said your reasoning was pathetic, out of all the conspiracies you resort to this one. Now, you say you don't want to "resort" to them at all.

You're incredible James. :no:

Ironslave said:
But, just think about it, why was that the only thing that was released?
Don't hold your breath for another videotape to be released which shows Flight 77's impact, because you just posted the only video that does.

There's a widespread rumor that 85 tapes show Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. That rumor started from FBI Special Agent Jacqueline Maguire.

The list of the 85 videos

Five videotapes were recovered from the post-attack Pentagon crime scene and submitted to the FBI Laboratory in Quantico.

13 videos were obtained by the Defense Protective Services (DPS) - Pentagon Police - on 9/25/2001 from individual filming Pentagon site from Boundary Channel Drive. These included footage from the WTC site in the days after the attcks.

One (1) Beta video tape - interviews in NYC
One (1) DVCAM tape labeled "Twin Towers, World Trade Center" - NYC/WTC
One (1) DVCAM tape - suburban setting, unknown individuals, dated 9/12-13
One (1) DVCAM tape - NYC/WTC, 9/21-22
One (1) DVCAM tape - NYC/WTC, 9/22-23
One (1) DVCAM tape - NYC 9/23
One (1) DVCAM tape - interviews in NYC; 10 seconds of Pentagon footage, but not crash site
One (1) DVCAM tape - no recorded video or audio information
One (1) DVCAM tape - no recorded video or audio information
One (1) DVCAM tape - no recorded video or audio information
One (1) DVCAM tape - no recorded video or audio information
One (1) DVCAM tape - no recorded video or audio information
One (1) DVCAM tape - no recorded video or audio information
8 videos were received on 10/11/2001 at Quantico. These videos were collected during consent search of residence in Avanel, New Jersey. Pending case on subject.

One (1) damaged Sony MP-120 8mm video tape
One (1) Sony MP-120 8mm video tape
One (1) Sony MP-120 8mm video tape
One (1) Sony MP-120 8mm video tape
One (1) Sony MP-120 8mm video tape
One (1) Sony MP-120 8mm video tape
One (1) Sony MP-120 8mm video tape
One (1) Sony MP-120 8mm video tape
Videos received on 10/15/2001 at Quantico. These videos were collected from surveillance cameras at multiple Kinko's in South Florida.

One (1) TDK 1-160 VHS video tape
One (1) VHS video tape
One (1) SONY T-160 VHS video tape
One (1) SONY T-160 VHS video tape
One (1) SONY T-160 VHS video tape
One (1) SONY T-160 VHS video tape
One (1) SONY T-160 VHS video tape
One (1) SONY T-160 VHS video tape
Video received on 10/22/2001 at Quantico. This video was recovered from garbage at residenced in Neenah, Wisconsin by the Neenah Police Department. Investigation on suspect has been closed.

One (1) damaged VHS video tape and housing
Received at Washington Field Office Command Post

These two video tapes included footage of post-crash Pentagon crime scene taken by DOD media pool photographers, and were obtained from Navy Rear Admiral Craig Quigley.

One (1) Betacam BCT-30G video cassette, labeled "1 of 2" & "early 6pm 9/11/01"
One (1) Betacam BCT-30G video cassette, labeled "2 of 2" & "early pm 9/11/01"
Also received at the Washington Field Office Command Post:

One (1) VHS video cassette - witness interviews near Pentagon after the attack
One (1) VHS video cassette, labeled "9/11/2001" - footage of post Pentagon crime scene, obtained from Chief Mastin, Prince William County
One (1) TDK Hi8 MP 120 video casette, wrapped in Pentagon map and labeled on back "1/29/1952 Mohan Shresesa 8/2/2018 Todoroki Japan 9/17/01 3:00 hr Fern/So. Rotary" - Home video taken from car, dated 9/17/2001,showing post-crash Pentagon crime scene very briefly from road (~10 seconds)
One (1) FujiFilm DP121 video cassette, labeled "WJLA-TV" - miscellaneous footage from news reporter, dated 9/18/2001
One (1) Sony MP120 8mm video cassette - Home video, DC sightseeing
One (1) TDK HG Ultimate TC-30 video cassette - Home video, unknown date, showing brief footage of Pentagon (not crash site)
One (1) Maxell DVM60SE mini digital video cassette - Home video, dated 9/17/2001, showing brief footage of Pentagon (not crash site)
One (1) Sony Hi8 video cassette - Home video obtained by DPS on 9/11/2001 showing ~6 seconds of Pentagon footage (not crash site)
One (1) TDK Hi8 MP 120 video cassette - Home video obtained by DPS on 9/21/2001, showing post-crash Pentagon crime scene
One (1) JVC MP120 8mm video cassette - Home video obtained by DPS on 9/21/2001, showing brief footage of Pentagon (not crash site)
Videos filmed on 9/26/2001 by FBI Forensic Audio-Visual Analysis Unit (FAVIAU) of post-crash Pentagon crime scene.

One (1) original SONY 40 min. Digital Betacam video tape
One (1) original SONY 40 min. Digital Betacam video tape
Videos submitted to FBI Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, under cover of communication dated 2/19/2002, all depicting WTC footage.

One (1) Betacam video tape
One (1) HDCAM video tape
One (1) Betacam SP video tape
One (1) Betacam SP video tape
One (1) Mini DV video tape maked in part Antonio M.
One (1) DVC PRO video tape
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1056 COPY 5A of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1056 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1471 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1788 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1729 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1808 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1813 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B530 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B729 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1563 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1051 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1787 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B2406 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "1B1276 COPY 5 of 5"
One VHS video tape marked in part "CNN RE: BURN VICTIM..."
One VHS video tape marked in part "NIGHTLINE 2/15/2002"
Videos submitted to FBI Laboratory, Quantico, under communication dated 5/13/2002.

One (1) Sony SDX1-25C video tape
One (1) Sony SDX1-25C video tape
One (1) TDK 8mm video tape
Video obtained by FBI on 9/28/2001 and submitted to FBI Laboratory, Quantico on 5/28/2002. Home video filmed on 9/11/2001 showing footage of WTC after attacks, obtained by Suffolk County, New York Police Department.

One Hi 8mm video cassette tape from Eileen McMahon
Video obtained by FBI on 9/13/2001 and submitted to FBI Laboratory, Quantico on 5/28/2002. Home video filmed on 9/11/2001 showing footage of second plane hitting WTC and aftermath.

One Mini DV 60 video cassette tape
Video submitted to FBI Laboratory, Quantico under cover of communication dated 9/22/2001. Obtained by FBI NK from Dime Savings Bank, Nutley, New Jersey

One TDK T-160 VHS video tape
Home video filmed on 9/11/2001 by NBC4 Washington reporter, with footage of post-crash Pentagon crime scene shortly after attack. Provided to FBI on 9/12/2001.

One (1) home Video of the terrorist attack on the Pentagon.
Video from DEA HQ security camera atop 700 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA. Camera repositioned after attack to show post-crash footage of Pentagon. Provided to FBI on 9/12/2001.

One (1) videotape
Home video filmed on 9/11/2001 by tourist traveling past Pentagon and then by AP photographer who borrowed the camera. Footage of post-crash Pentagon crime scene shortly after attack. Provided to FBI on 9/12/2001.

One (1) videotape
Copy of home video filmed on 9/11/2001 by AP photographer using camera borrowed from nearby motorist. Footage of post-crash Pentagon crime scene shortly after attack. Provided to FBI on 9/12/2001.

One (1) duplicate video cassette tape dated 9/11/01
Video from cameras at Reagan National Airport parking garage. Both video files show smoke in the distance coming from direction of Pentagon. Obtained by FBI on 9/13/2001.

One (1) CD containing 2 video files
Video from security camera at Citgo Gas Station, 801 S. Joyce Street, Arlington, Virginia. Submitted to FAVIAU to determine if video showed impact of plane into Pentagon. Determined not to show impact. Obtained by FBI on 9/11/2001.

One (1) JVC EHG Hi-Fi videocassette, labeled Day 11 Quarters K
Video from security camera at Doubletree Hotel, 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, Virginia. Security video showing rotating footage from different camera locations at hotel; no camera captures impact of plane into Pentagon.

One (1) TDK video tape marked "11C"
Images captured by two separate cameras at the entrance to the Pentagon Mall Terrace parkinng lot. Images capture the impact of the plane into the Pentagon from two different cameras. Obtained from the Pentagon Force Protection Agency via USA/EDVA.

One (1) CD-ROM

-56 of these videos do not show the Pentagon or the crash site of Flight 77.
-16 of the remaining videos did not show the Pentagon crash site and did not show the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon.
-Of the 13 remaining tapes, 12 only showed the Pentagon after the impact of Flight 77.
-Only one tape showed the pentagon impact. (the one you posted)

"fifty-six (56) of these videotapes did not show either the Pentagon building, the Pentagon crash site, or the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon.....I personally reviewed the remaining twenty-nine (29) videotapes. I determined that sixteen (16) of these video tapes did not show the Pentagon crash site and did not show the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon.....Out of the remaining thirteen (13) videotapes, which did show the Pentagon crash site, twelve (12) videotapes only showed the Pentagon after. I determined that only one videotape showed the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001

-FBI Agent Jacqueline McGuire

Here are Agent McGuire's Declaration copies.



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Anyone who claims that was the only tape released is a liar. It just happends to be the best footage available.

Doubletree Hotel camera (shows fireball in upper left hand corner)


Citgo release (shows flash in upper right hand corner)


As you can see, these show practically nothing. The same goes with all other recordings collected by the FBI. The only reason the Citgo and Doubletree videotapes were released was for the Moussaoui trial. As for the others, the FBI can't release privately owned tapes used as evidence under common law, but none of them show anything we havn't seen already.

You ever consider the fact that the pentagon prefers live security (human beings) rather than video cameras? This is so, according to one of the Pentagon employees.

"Why isn't there more video? Without telling too much of what I know of Pentagon security, you would be surprised how few cameras there are outside the building. Humans actively patrolling a building's perimeter are a tad more effective than dozens of monitors which may or may not be watched at any given moment." SOURCE

Just for the record, they have installed more video cameras outside the Pentagon since 9/11.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Ironslave said:
I'm still waiting for you to show me a picture or something of a jet engine this size, or did that vaporize too?
I'm sorry? I didn't realize I have to spoonfeed you every shred of evidence.


First off, NOTHING VAPORIZED. Majority of the plane was recovered, just in millions of pieces. In case I really have to prove how this happens, here is a test showing an F4-Phantom smashing into a concrete wall at 530 mph. (test was done by Sandia Labs - water is in place for fuel in test)


Click here for the video of this test

You act as if we should see a picture of a large undamaged engine sitting somewhere on the grass. Dream on James, it's not that easy. The hundreds of small engine parts found at the Pentagon put together EXACTLY MATCH an American Airlines Boeing 757, and NOTHING ELSE.

Do you really have to see every single engine part before you can admit this is American Airlines 77? Stop living in your own little world James.


Go here for an in-depth investigation of a Boeing 757 engine in the Pentagon crash.


Here is just an example of the small engine parts, the main landing gear, and other plane debris stashed into a pile.



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
While I'm at it, here's more proof Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

Flight 77 cockpit recorder.


Black box.


Letter C fuselage.


If that doesn't hit the spot, what if I showed you part of the debris which displayed the plane's SERIAL NUMBER and was CONFIRMED to be AA Flight 77 by an American Airlines mechanic?

Here you go!



Richard Benedetto- "It was an American Airlines airplane, I could see it very clearly."

Omar Campo, a Salvadorean- "It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane. I was cutting grass and it came in screaming over my head."

James Cissell- "I saw this plane coming in and it was low - and getting lower. ... Then I saw the faces of some of the passengers on board."

Dennis Clem- "There was a commercial airliner that said American Airliners over the side of it flying at just above treetop height at full speed headed for the Pentagon."

Michael Dobbs- "It was an American airlines airliner. I was looking out the window and saw it come right over the Navy annex at a slow angle."

Penny Elgas- "... the plane was directly over the cars in front of my car .... I remember recognizing it as an American Airlines plane -- I could see the windows and the color stripes."

Cheryl Hammond- "We saw the big American Airlines plane and started running."

Joe Harrington- "... one of my guys pointed to an American Airlines airplane 20 feet high over Washington Blvd."

Albert Hemphill- "The aircraft, look[ed] to be either a 757 or Airbus."

William Lagasse- "It was close enough that I could see the windows and the blinds had been pulled down. I read American Airlines on it. ... I saw the aircraft above my head about 80 feet above the ground."

Lincoln Liebner: "I saw this large American Airlines passenger jet coming in fast and low."

Elaine McCusker: "I saw a very low-flying American Airlines plane that seemed to be accelerating."

Mitch Mitchell- "I ... saw, coming straight down the road at us, a huge jet plane clearly with American Airlines written on it .... It crossed about 100 feet in front of us and at about 20 feet altitude and we watched it go in. It struck the Pentagon."

Terry Morin- "The plane had a silver body with red and blue stripes down the fuselage. I believed at the time that it belonged to American Airlines."

Christopher Munsey- "I couldn't believe what I was now seeing to my right: a silver, twin-engine American Airlines jetliner gliding almost noiselessly over the Navy Annex, fast, low and straight toward the Pentagon ...."

Vin Narayanan- "I looked up to my left and saw an American Airlines jet flying right at me. The jet roared over my head, clearing my car by about 25 feet."

John O'Keefe- "I don't know whether I saw or heard it first -- this silver plane; I immediately recognized it as an American Airlines jet ...."

Steve Riskus- "I was close enough (about 100 feet or so) that I could see the ‘American Airlines' logo on the tail as it headed towards the building .... I clearly saw the ‘AA' logo with the eagle in the middle."

James Ryan- "I see an American Airlines plane, silver plane, I could see AA on the tail. ... The plane was low enough that I could see the windows of the plane. I could see every detail of the plane. In my head I have ingrained forever this image of every detail of that plane. It was a silver plane, American Airlines plane, and I recognized it immediately as a passenger plane."

Joel Sucherman- "... looking straight ahead there was a jet, what looked to be an American Airlines jet, probably a 757, and it came screaming across the highway ... [and] hit the west side of the Pentagon."

Donald "Tim" Timmerman, a pilot- "I live on the 16th floor, overlooking the Pentagon ... and so I have quite a panorama. ... It was a Boeing 757, American Airlines, no question."

Mike Walter- "I saw this plane, this jet, an American Airlines jet, coming. ... It went right there and slammed right into the Pentagon. I saw the big ‘AA' on the side."

Ian Wyatt- "I duck, I look up, it looks like a silver American Airlines, twin-engine plane and then boom."

If all that doesn't convince you Flight 77 hit the pentagon, NOTHING WILL!