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Exploring Sam Sulek's Journey in Bodybuilding Through His Video History

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Today, we dive into the specifics of Sam's chest day routine, highlighting the strategies, exercises, and nutrition that are driving his impressive gains.


Sam starts his session with a thorough warm-up to prepare his muscles and joints for the heavy lifting ahead. A combination of dynamic stretches, light cardio, and activation exercises ensures that his body is ready to tackle the intense workout with minimal risk of injury.

Chest Day Routine​

1. Barbell Bench Press: The cornerstone of any chest workout, the barbell bench press, is up first. Sam performs 4 sets of 6-8 reps, focusing on heavy weights to stimulate muscle growth. The key here is proper form—keeping the feet planted, driving through the heels, and maintaining a controlled motion to maximize tension on the chest.

2. Incline Dumbbell Press: To target the upper chest, Sam incorporates the incline dumbbell press. 3 sets of 8-10 reps help develop the clavicular portion of the pectoralis major, ensuring a balanced chest development.

3. Cable Flyes: For chest definition and to hit the sternal fibers of the pectoralis major from various angles, cable flyes are next. Sam performs 3 sets of 12 reps, focusing on a slow, controlled movement and a deep stretch at the end of each rep.

4. Push-Ups: To finish the workout, Sam includes a bodyweight exercise—push-ups. 3 sets to failure not only enhance endurance but also ensure that every last fiber in the chest is engaged and exhausted.
MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Warm-Up: The session starts with a comprehensive warm-up, incorporating dynamic stretches and light rowing to activate the muscles and increase blood flow, preparing the back for the heavy lifting ahead.

Deadlifts: The cornerstone of today’s workout. Sam emphasizes the importance of form over weight, gradually increasing the load to challenge his strength while maintaining a focus on controlled movements. Deadlifts are not just about the back; they engage the entire posterior chain, making them a fundamental exercise for overall body strength.

Pull-Ups: Following the deadlifts, Sam transitions to pull-ups. This bodyweight exercise is excellent for developing the lats and improving upper body strength. By varying grip width, Sam targets different parts of his back, ensuring a well-rounded development.

Barbell Rows: Next, barbell rows come into play, focusing on the mid and lower back. Sam opts for a moderate weight to ensure he can maintain proper form, pulling the bar towards his waist and squeezing his shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.

Lat Pulldowns: To finish off, Sam includes lat pulldowns into his routine. This exercise helps in sculpting the width of the back, creating that coveted V-shape. Adjusting the grip and the angle of pull allows for targeted stress on different parts of the lats.

Cool Down: Cooling down is as crucial as the workout itself. Sam wraps up the session with some light stretching and foam rolling, aiding in recovery and flexibility.

Today's back day is a testament to Sam's dedication to not just building muscle, but enhancing his functional strength and endurance. Each exercise is chosen with care, aiming for a balanced development that supports both aesthetic and performance goals. Sam’s journey through his winter bulk is a reminder of the discipline and commitment required to truly transform one's physique and athletic capabilities.
MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Welcome to Day 105 of Sam Sulek's Winter Bulk! Today, we're diving deep into the core of arm training, focusing on techniques that Sam has been using to sculpt his biceps and triceps into the epitome of strength and aesthetics. As we navigate through the colder months, Sam's dedication to his winter bulk phase has been nothing short of inspiring. Let's break down his arm day routine, sharing insights and tips that you can incorporate into your own workouts.

Warm-Up: A Foundation for Success

Sam begins every arm day with a comprehensive warm-up routine. Incorporating dynamic stretches and light cardio, he prepares his muscles and joints for the heavy lifting ahead. This not only enhances performance but also significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Bicep Blasters: Building the Peak

  1. Barbell Curls: Starting with the classic, Sam performs 4 sets of 8-12 reps. He focuses on form, ensuring he's not swinging the weight but instead using his biceps to lift.
  2. Hammer Curls: To add thickness to his arms, Sam incorporates hammer curls into his routine, performing 3 sets of 10 reps on each arm.
  3. Preacher Curls: Perfect for isolating the biceps, preacher curls are a staple in Sam's routine, with 4 sets of 10-12 reps ensuring every fiber is engaged.
Triceps Transformers: Sculpting the Other Half

  1. Skull Crushers: Lying flat on a bench, Sam executes 4 sets of 8-12 reps, focusing on keeping his elbows in to maximize triceps engagement.
  2. Dips: Bodyweight or weighted, dips are crucial for developing lower triceps, and Sam aims for 3 sets to failure, pushing his limits with each set.
  3. Overhead Tricep Extensions: With a dumbbell or a rope attachment on the cable machine, Sam performs 4 sets of 10-12 reps, stretching and contracting his triceps through a full range of motion.
Recovery: The Key to Growth

Sam emphasizes the importance of recovery, integrating post-workout stretches and consuming a protein-rich meal within 30 minutes of completing his session. Hydration and quality sleep are non-negotiables in his book, ensuring his muscles have what they need to repair and grow.

Incorporate and Innovate

Sam's Day 105 arm routine is a testament to his commitment to not just bulking, but bulking right. For those looking to enhance their arm training, Sam's approach offers a balanced mix of intensity, precision, and recovery. Remember, every body is different, so feel free to adjust the weights, reps, and sets as per your current fitness level and goals.

Stay tuned for more updates on Sam Sulek's Winter Bulk journey, as we continue to explore his strategies for achieving a formidable physique through the colder months. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting out, there's something in Sam's routine for everyone looking to bulk up and build strength. Happy lifting!


Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 10, 2014
I have a Sam Sulek video for you guys! Here is around 8 hours of Sam Sulek driving and talking in his car. It is a little funny but also educational if you are into bodybuilding. Check it out!

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Sam Sulek's Shoulder Sculpting Routine:

Sam's approach to shoulder training combines compound movements with isolation exercises to maximize muscle engagement and growth. Here's a breakdown of the workout designed for Day 106 of the Winter Bulk:

  1. Warm-Up: Start with 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching or light cardio to get the blood flowing and prepare the shoulders for the workout ahead.
  2. Overhead Press (4 sets of 8-12 reps): The cornerstone of any shoulder workout, the overhead press targets the anterior and medial deltoids. Sam recommends using a barbell or dumbbells, focusing on form and full range of motion.
  3. Lateral Raises (3 sets of 12-15 reps): This isolation exercise is perfect for hitting the medial deltoids, crucial for that sought-after shoulder width. Sam suggests maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and raising the arms to just above parallel to the floor.
  4. Front Raises (3 sets of 12-15 reps): Using dumbbells or a plate, this exercise targets the anterior deltoids. Sam advises alternating arms if using dumbbells to keep the tension consistent.
  5. Reverse Flyes (3 sets of 12-15 reps): Focusing on the posterior deltoids, reverse flyes are essential for completing the shoulder development and ensuring balance. Sam emphasizes the importance of a controlled motion and avoiding the use of momentum.
  6. Shrugs (3 sets of 15 reps): To finish, shrugs target the trapezius muscles, which are key to a powerful upper body look. Sam recommends heavy weights for this exercise but stresses the importance of not compromising form.

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Today was an intense leg day for Sam Sulek's winter bulk journey. With a focus on building strength and muscle mass, Sam pushed through a challenging workout to target his lower body. From squats and lunges to leg presses and calf raises, every exercise was aimed at pushing his limits and promoting growth.

Despite the fatigue and muscle burn, Sam remained committed and dedicated throughout the entire session. He understands the importance of giving his all, especially on leg days, as it will contribute to his overall progress. Sam's determination and perseverance are truly admirable, setting a great example for anyone on a fitness journey.

As the winter bulk program reaches day 107, Sam's dedication to his training and nutrition continues to pay off. With every rep and set, he's one step closer to achieving his goals. Stay tuned for more updates on Sam Sulek's winter bulk journey as he continues to work hard and strive for progress.
Tiger Fitness

Tiger Fitness

Well-known member
Sep 12, 2021
Was Sam Sulek SCREWED By Hosstile and Fouad Abiad?

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
On Day 108 of Sam Sulek's Winter Bulk, the focus is on chest development, drawing inspiration from Arnold Schwarzenegger's legendary bodybuilding techniques. Schwarzenegger's approach, emphasizing discipline and smart training, serves as a blueprint for achieving significant chest gains.

Building a Solid Foundation​

The regimen starts with mastering the basics: bench press, incline press, and dumbbell flyes. These fundamental exercises lay the groundwork for a strong, well-developed chest, mirroring Schwarzenegger's emphasis on core techniques.

Precision and Variety​

Schwarzenegger championed the importance of precise execution and variety in training. By performing each rep with focused determination and incorporating different angles through incline and decline presses, the chest is fully engaged and challenged, promoting balanced growth.

Intensity and Recovery​

Following Schwarzenegger's wisdom, the guide prioritizes intensity over volume, with techniques like drop sets and super sets to drive muscle growth. Equally, rest and recovery are crucial; muscles grow during rest, highlighting the need for proper nutrition and sleep.


Emulating Schwarzenegger's disciplined approach and strategic training methods, Sam Sulek's Day 108 chest workout is a testament to the potential for transformative gains. With a focus on foundation, precision, variety, intensity, and recovery, building a championship-worthy chest is within reach, proving the enduring impact of Schwarzenegger's legacy in fitness.
MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Welcome to Day 109 of our Winter Bulk series, where today, we're spotlighting Sam Sulek's epic back day workout. As many of you know, building a strong, muscular back is crucial not only for an aesthetic physique but also for overall strength and health. Let's dive into how Sam tackled his back day, providing a blend of intensity, technique, and sheer determination.

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
As winter progresses, it's the perfect season to focus on bulking up and sculpting those muscles, and who better to guide us than fitness enthusiast Sam Sulek? On Day 110 of his Winter Bulk series, Sam zeroes in on arm development, sharing a routine that's as effective as it is challenging. Here’s a quick, SEO-friendly rundown to inspire your own arm day enhancements.

Why Focus on Arms During Winter Bulk?

Winter offers the ideal backdrop for intense training sessions, as the cooler months encourage indoor activities and provide ample recovery time. Building arm strength not only enhances overall aesthetics but also supports the functionality of upper body movements, making Sam’s Day 110 routine a cornerstone of his bulking phase.

Sam Sulek’s Day 110 Arm Routine Highlights

Sam's approach combines compound and isolation exercises to maximize muscle engagement and growth in both the biceps and triceps. Key exercises include:

  • Barbell Curls: For bicep mass, offering a classic yet effective way to kickstart the session.
  • Skull Crushers: A tricep builder that ensures your arms are getting a balanced workout.
  • Hammer Curls: To target the brachialis, adding thickness to the arms.
  • Dips: Focusing on tricep development and lower chest activation for an added bonus.
Nutrition and Recovery Tips

Sam emphasizes the importance of nutrition, especially protein intake, to fuel muscle repair and growth. Hydration and quality sleep are also pivotal, ensuring that every workout leads to tangible results.

Incorporate Into Your Routine

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a fitness newbie, integrating elements of Sam Sulek's Day 110 arms workout into your routine can elevate your bulking phase. Remember, consistency is key, along with listening to your body and adjusting as necessary for recovery and growth.

Sam Sulek's Winter Bulk Day 110 is more than just an arm day; it's a blueprint for balanced, effective muscle building. Embrace the challenge this winter and transform your physique, one curl at a time. For more fitness inspiration and detailed workout plans, keep following our journey through Sam's winter bulk series.

We are glad you're enjoying our interactions, and we are here to help with your fitness and content creation goals. Let's keep making those gains together!
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MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff
MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
As Sam wraps up another successful leg day, he's not just building muscle; he's building character. Day 111 is a reminder that growth isn't just about the physical changes—it's about the mental and emotional growth that comes from pushing through the tough days, embracing the challenge, and moving one step closer to your goals.

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
The session kicked off with a comprehensive warm-up routine, preparing the muscles and joints for the strenuous activity ahead. This included dynamic stretches and light cardio to get the blood flowing, followed by a few sets of push-ups and light bench presses to specifically warm up the chest muscles.

Main Workout:

  1. Barbell Bench Press: The classic and ever-effective bench press was the first on the list. Starting with lighter weights to perfect the form, the progression moved towards heavier sets. The focus was on maintaining a controlled motion, emphasizing the push through the chest muscles.
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press: To target the upper chest, incline dumbbell presses were next. This exercise not only helps in building mass but also ensures balanced development across the chest.
  3. Cable Flys: A shift towards isolation, cable flys were performed to stretch and contract the chest muscles thoroughly. The unique tension from the cables provides a challenge that free weights cannot, stimulating muscle growth effectively.
  4. Dips: Finishing the workout strong, dips were incorporated to engage not just the chest but also the triceps and shoulders. By leaning forward, the emphasis was placed more on the chest, rounding off the session with an intense burn.

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Workout Breakdown:

  • Deadlifts: The cornerstone of his back workout, deadlifts are not just a test of back strength but also engage the entire posterior chain. Sam focuses on form over weight, gradually increasing the load while maintaining strict technique to stimulate muscle growth without risking injury.
  • Pull-Ups: A classic bodyweight exercise that targets the upper back muscles. Sam incorporates variations, such as wide grip and neutral grip, to engage different parts of the back and improve overall muscle development.
  • Bent-Over Rows: For thickness and strength, bent-over rows are unbeatable. Sam alternates between barbell and dumbbell versions to ensure balanced growth and to hit the muscles from various angles.
  • Lat Pulldowns: To widen his back and enhance the V-taper, Sam includes lat pulldowns in his routine. He experiments with grip width and attachment types to challenge his muscles in unique ways.
  • Seated Cable Rows: Focusing on the mid-back, seated cable rows are essential for Sam’s back day. He pays close attention to the mind-muscle connection, ensuring that each rep is performed with precision and control.

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
There was a recent issue where people were saying Sam Sulek was taken advantage of since his contract allegedly says he has to get approval to do podcasts, which his sponsor denies.
MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
The arms day workout was a blend of heavy lifting and high-volume training, aimed at maximizing muscle hypertrophy and strength. Sam started with heavy compound movements like close-grip bench presses and weighted chin-ups to target both the triceps and biceps while engaging the core and back for a more holistic strength gain.

Following the compound exercises, Sam moved on to isolation workouts, including bicep curls and tricep extensions, using a variety of equipment like dumbbells, barbells, and cable machines. The idea was to hit the muscles from different angles and intensities, promoting growth and avoiding plateaus.

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Squats were the centerpiece of today's workout(winter bulk day 115). With each set, the goal was clear: to challenge the limits of our strength while maintaining impeccable form. The weight felt heavier against the backdrop of the winter chill, but with each descent, there was a sense of building something lasting, something powerful.

Following squats, lunges and deadlifts took the stage, turning the workout into a comprehensive leg symphony. Lunges, with their balance and coordination demands, complemented the brute strength of deadlifts, which call upon not just the legs but the entire posterior chain. It was in the harmony of these exercises that today’s session found its rhythm, a perfect blend of power and grace.

Winter Bulk Day 115 was more than just a workout; it was a testament to the journey so far. With each day, we're not only pushing our physical boundaries but also cultivating a discipline and resilience that winter demands. It’s a reminder that growth isn’t just about what we add but what we overcome.

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MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Sam Sulek's workout began with a thorough warm-up, essential for priming the muscles and preventing injury. He opted for dynamic stretches and light cardio to increase his heart rate and blood flow to the chest muscles. This preparatory phase is crucial, setting the stage for a workout that's both safe and effective.

The Workout: Precision and Power
Barbell Bench Press: The king of chest exercises, the barbell bench press, was Sam's opening move. With a focus on heavy weights and lower reps, he aimed to maximize muscle growth by targeting the pectoral muscles comprehensively. The key to success here was maintaining proper form—keeping the feet planted, the back slightly arched, and the bar path straight.

Incline Dumbbell Press: To hit the upper chest, Sam incorporated the incline dumbbell press. The incline angle recruits more from the upper pectorals and shoulders, adding depth and dimension to his chest development. By varying the weight and reps, he ensured that his muscles were constantly being challenged in new ways.

Cable Flys: For sculpting and defining, cable flys were next. This exercise allowed Sam to work on the finer details of his chest muscles, stretching and contracting them through a wide arc. The constant tension from the cables meant his chest was under a relentless challenge, perfect for inducing growth.

Dips: To round off the workout, Sam performed dips, targeting not just his chest but also his triceps and deltoids. By leaning forward, he increased the emphasis on his chest, making this a multifaceted move that bolstered his upper body's strength and resilience.

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
The Beast's Back Workout - Sam Sulek Bulk Day 117

Lightweight baby! My man Sam Sulek is 117 days into his monster winter bulk and it's back day ya'll. This big boy is packing on mass like nobody's business. Got his weight up to a thick 275lbs and growing. We're talking gains on top of gains.

Sam knows that a huge back is the foundation for adding serious mass all over. So on his back day he's going hard and heavy, pyramiding up the weight to move some serious iron. Starting out with pull-ups to failure using his fat gripz to really blast those lats. Getting a crazy pump and squeeze at the top of each rep.

Then it's on to bent over barbell rows. This exercise is perfect for building that barn door back Sam's aiming for. He's using his powerlifting belt to brace his core and going deep and controlled on every row. Squeezing those lats and rhomboids at the top to maximize time under tension.

After rows, Sam hits the T-bar machine. Going heavy again here with the whole stack to load up those lower traps and lats even more. He's got veins popping out all over his back at this point. Straight up back goals right there.

To finish off, he's hitting cable pullovers and straight arm pushdowns. Getting an insane stretch to blast his serratus and really bring out that ribcage. You already know he's got his lifting belt and wrist wraps on to support those heavy stacks.

At the end of his back session, Sam's absolutely shredded. Skin-tight pump with cuts and striations everywhere. His back is barking something fierce but he knows that’s how you grow. Can’t wait to see the gains after another hundred days! Lightweight baby!
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MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Bodybuilder Sam Sulek is nearly four months into his epic winter bulk, packing on mass by the day. On day 118 he blasted his arms with an intense workout that left his biceps and triceps swole and skin-splittingly pumped.

Sulek started his arm day by battering his biceps with barbell curls, strict form concentration curls, and cable curls with the rope attachment for an insane peak. Already bursting out of his sleeve by the third set, he powered through the burn for maximum hypertrophy.

Moving on to triceps, Sulek went heavy on close-grip bench presses, putting up impressive weight and chasing the coveted muscle tear on each rep. Skullcrushers and cable pushdowns finished off his ragged triceps, leaving his arms engorged and shaking.

Now nearing the end of February, Sulek shows no signs of slowing his freaky bulk. With arms measuring well over 20 inches cold and his weight up 35 pounds and counting, his videos continue to inspire legions of followers to pack on mass and GET HUGE!! This epic bulk is setting new records every session - the gains are real and they're spectacular!
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MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Intense training and clean bulking has helped fitness influencer Sam Sulek build impressive 3D delts. On day 119 of his hardcore winter bulk, Sulek smashed shoulders at the gym. His intense workout focused on lateral raises, overhead presses, and front raises to pack mass onto all three heads of the deltoids.

Sulek started his grueling shoulder session with dumbbell lateral raises to target the medial delts. Keeping immaculate form with a slight bend in the elbows, he powered out three intense sets of 12-15 reps with strict contractions. Sulek made sure to control the weights, really feeling that sweet burn in his medial delts on every rep.

After pre-exhausting his medial delts, Sulek jumped into heavy overhead barbell presses. This mass-building exercise trains all three heads of the shoulder for complete development. Sulek built up to an impressive set of 8 reps with 115 lbs behind the neck. He focused on slowing down the negative portion of each rep to maximize time under tension.

To finish torching his delts, Sulek hammered out front dumbbell raises for 3 sets of 10-12 reps. He used perfect form - no cheating or momentum - for peak contraction in the front and lateral heads. After his last grueling set, Sulek's delts were completely pumped and shredded.

Sulek proves that with intense training, adequate calories from clean bulking foods, and consistency, you can build boulder shoulders too. If you found his workout insightful, be sure to follow Sulek for more fitness motivation as he continues his epic bulk.