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hangover cures

wrestling lyon

wrestling lyon

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2008
bambam i'm the same way about hangovers i was completely gone, too many different kinds of beer and simply too much beer

and thanks tim it helps to explain a lot of the problems associated with hangovers


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
Hmmm. I get drunk. I don't consider myself dumb.

From a cultural perspective; alcohol and drugs are a long tradition of human evolution. I was just watching a doco on ancient civilisations and archeology. They had a ruin that dated back 3000 years or so that had a special preparation area designed for making a special "celebration drink" made from cannabis, opium poppies and ephedra. Needless to say that you'd be feeling pretty celebratory with a bit of that stuff!!

Beer and alcohol have been the foundation of entire cultures. Great feats of engineering wouldn't have been possible without them (pyramids for example). Now clearly drugs of all sorts have an important place in our society and our history. We would not be here without these drugs. To simply dismiss alcohol as something that only dumb people take, or that getting drunk is only for the stupid is not only narrow minded but shows a sense of misplaced superiority.

nice post. very well said.


Mecca V.I.P.
Dec 27, 2008
Hmmm. I get drunk. I don't consider myself dumb.

From a cultural perspective; alcohol and drugs are a long tradition of human evolution. I was just watching a doco on ancient civilisations and archeology. They had a ruin that dated back 3000 years or so that had a special preparation area designed for making a special "celebration drink" made from cannabis, opium poppies and ephedra. Needless to say that you'd be feeling pretty celebratory with a bit of that stuff!!

Beer and alcohol have been the foundation of entire cultures. Great feats of engineering wouldn't have been possible without them (pyramids for example). Now clearly drugs of all sorts have an important place in our society and our history. We would not be here without these drugs. To simply dismiss alcohol as something that only dumb people take, or that getting drunk is only for the stupid is not only narrow minded but shows a sense of misplaced superiority.

Did hitler consider himself a bad man?
(just kidding around)

are we talking about drunk or smashed? becuase I`m refering to drunk when your unable to communicate properly with pple. so yes at that point, you are a dumbass. How is getting drunk not a stupid thing to do? honestly this is a BB forum, the ones taking BB seriously SHOULDNT be getting drunk

i didnt say pple who drink alcohol are dumb, go back and read it
It would be hard for me to get drunk because i dont like beer, vodka and those things, plus i`m a big man, it would take a HELL of a lot of shots to get me drunk, not worth the hassle

how did drugs play an important role? MOre importantly what exactly are you refering to because medicine are considered drugs, be specific, there could be confusion
How did alcohol play a role in the great feats of mankind?

"pharoah: how can we make the slaves work faster?"
Labour chief: I dunno we could keep giving them alcohol and see what happens"

do you smoke? or bcoz it played an imporant role in mankind its ok?


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Did hitler consider himself a bad man?
(just kidding around)
Read some history and you'll see that Hitler wasn't as "evil" as people make out. He was just more effective at getting people to do the things that every other country was doing. Stalin killed heaps of people, including genocides of cultural/racial groups like Jews. America at the time was practicing sterilisation of Jews and African Americans.
are we talking about drunk or smashed? becuase I`m refering to drunk when your unable to communicate properly with pple. so yes at that point, you are a dumbass. How is getting drunk not a stupid thing to do? honestly this is a BB forum, the ones taking BB seriously SHOULDNT be getting drunk
I'm talking about drinking in general. I'm talking about having fun and socialising. And no I'm not a dumbass. In what way does participating in social morays and enjoying myself and the company of others make me a lesser person? If anything it makes you a lesser person for the accusation. And check-out some of the photos Creator posted, I'd say that at least half of the BBers in the photos were drinking/drunk.
i didnt say pple who drink alcohol are dumb, go back and read it
It would be hard for me to get drunk because i dont like beer, vodka and those things, plus i`m a big man, it would take a HELL of a lot of shots to get me drunk, not worth the hassle
Your original post said:
anyways you have to be a total dumbass to get drunk
In what way is this not saying that drinking is for people who are dumb?

Drunk is a relative term, social inhibitions and motor skills are affected at relatively low blood alcohol levels. These levels are considered drunk, yet most would barely notice them. Alcoholics can be fully functional and lucid with perfectly good motor skills yet be at a level of blood alcohol that would have most drooling into a pillow.

But that is not the point. The point is that alcohol has been consumed by everyone in society from our greatest minds (look up what famous people like Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, Winston Churchill and Plato said about beer) to our most respected peers. It is part of who we are and what we have achieved. Don't get snobby just because you don't drink or don't like the taste.

how did drugs play an important role? MOre importantly what exactly are you refering to because medicine are considered drugs, be specific, there could be confusion
I was referring to alcohol in a general context as well as drawing in all of the other recreational drugs that have been used throughout human history. Some of the very first crops cultivated were fermented to produce alcohol for social gatherings. It formed the basis of society during the birth of cities and agriculture.

One of the major foods/beverages of the workers building the great monuments (such as the pyramids, but also the Myan ruins etc) was a beer. It was a thick fermented shake, full of protein, carbs and alcohol. Cheap food that kept the labourers happy. Kinda hard to have a large group of people do hard physical labour without a riot at some stage over conditions. Beer kept them happy.

Jesus didn't turn water into a banana smoothie, he turned it into wine. Clearly wine must have been very important as a social and celebratory drink to be included in the bible.

The list goes on and on. But of course what would this dumbass know.

How did alcohol play a role in the great feats of mankind?

"pharoah: how can we make the slaves work faster?"
Labour chief: I dunno we could keep giving them alcohol and see what happens"
Facetious comments aside this shows your ignorance of society and history. They did give them beer (and possibly wine, can't remember) to keep the workers fed and happy. It was also the celebratory drinks that were drunk on special occassions when Pharoah's were crowned etc. But the brews they used at this time are far different to what we would call beer or wine today.
do you smoke? or bcoz it played an imporant role in mankind its ok?
No it didn't in comparison to just about any other drug. Although it did start off the trading and exploration that founded the new lands and settlements that brought us to where we are today. But alcohol is one of the few drugs that has been with us for almost our entire history.

Seriously, the attitude you display really is immature. If you don't like to drink then so be it. But don't try and cast aspersions on others to belittle them and edify yourself. I'm not a fan of getting shitfaced drunk, I've been there and done that and learnt a lot and have some funny stories to tell. I'm not a fan of the stupid violence that occurs with drunk people (most of this is just letting out the inner arsehole). But my mates and I toasted a celebratory beer upon the completion of our PhD's; we didn't stand around sipping water and ridiculing people for drinking.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 10, 2008
^^^ PhD very impressive


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2007
I always drink a fountain soda coke and have a hotdog...honestly it works everytime...its something about the syrup and carbonated water..it cant be a can or bottle only fountain soda..man i know it sounds weird but give it a try..it never fails for me


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
^^ Refer to my first post in this thread, it explains why.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
Everyone has their own opinions about drinking. So let them have their opinions.

I personally cannot tolerate alcohol so i don't drink. I get my "high's" in life in other ways - rally driving, skydiving.

Tim what is your PhD in?

Im planning on studying medicine or pharmacology maybe even traditional chinese medicine.

You say a hangover is caused by dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. But its also caused by a liver being overwhelmed with toxins namely ethanol, acetaldehyde and congeners a toxic substance created during the alcohol fermentation process.

The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) is responsible for breaking alcohol you drink in your liver. The tolerance that regular drinkers build to alcohol is due to increased levels of ADH. For me i drink one drink and already feel a bit drunk.


Mecca V.I.P.
Dec 27, 2008
in your rush to show how smart you are, without knowing you agreed and built upon what i said

Drunk > Unable to communicate, no motor skills etc.... bad = dumbass
and i specifically said i`m not saying that pple who drink i`m saying pple who get drunk those are the dumbasses, having fun stories to tell after words doesnt make up for all the horrible things that occur from drunkiness, which goes from fights to death, how many times have we heard that someone died and alcohol was invovled, these were most likely not just enjoy a few beverages
and i specifically said NOT THOSE THAT DRINK BUT THOSE THAT GET DRUNK!!!!!!!!!
JESUS christ man you repeated what i said, did u read and UNDERSTAND what i said? becasue u mentioned a lot of things that i did
just becasue the pics creator sent have drunk BBers.. does that make it good or its a good excuse?
i have seen clips of Ronny Rockel & Markush R smoking, those it mean its good?

honestly man did u read it because we said mostly the same thing

regards history part
they could have used camel urine, the only thing which gave it a little bit of extra imp was the nutrition side, other that that whether the pharoahs used it or liquidised babies means nothing. Anything that tastes good will keep them happy, and they didnt exactly have much variety back then, beer tasted good along with the effects of alcohol you have a happy crowd,
Jesus couldnt exactly turn the water into fuckin coke or pepsi? plus we have no REAL proof that it occured even though i`m a christian myself


I am god.
Dec 23, 2007
I'm drunk. I can type legibly. I am courtious. I am intelligent. You're wrong. Deal with it.

Drunk people don't fight. Idiots fight... The fact that they are inebriated at the time is irrelevant.

Stop being a bigot.

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Dec 27, 2008
DRUNK TO THE EXTENT WHERE THEY ARE UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i said it in my original post
READ !!!!!
i already said drinking is not a problem jesus fucking christ!!!!!!
you cant say, i get drunk but i still am able to communicate etc... because then you arent drunk!!!!!!!!!
how many times a real drunk person bumps into someone else then starts to cause trouble?
happened to me, fag arab bumped into me and it was trouble
then add the fact the heroe might have a knife on him
barfights must start because someone ate all the peanuts then
v. few times would they be unrelated to alcohol

DRUNK = http://www.nerve.com/CS/blogs/scanner/2009/01/drunk.jpg


go and tell her that it was important to the god damn pharoahs

the fact that you can defend drunkness is amazing,
i hope it bites you on your ass one day

concidently the current celebrity on top N celeb deaths is as a result of drink driving

try and understand what i`m saying
drinking is not bad!!!!!!
drunk is bad, it doesnt instantly translate to trouble but how many times have we read, heard and seen tragedies because someone ELSE was drunkand this unrelated person is now dead/ damaged in someway


I am god.
Dec 23, 2007
I was VERY drunk last night... like shitfaced. Yet I was able to communicate. You have no idea what you're talking about.

We weren't talking about drunk driving. Of course drunk driving is stupid... driving under the influence of ANYTHING is just retarded.

YOU however are making wild claims with (I'm assuming) little experience with the subject matter.

I have guys trying to start fights with me all the time. I don't get into those fights because you can ALWAYS get yourself out of them if you aren't equally stupid.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Everyone has their own opinions about drinking. So let them have their opinions.

I personally cannot tolerate alcohol so i don't drink. I get my "high's" in life in other ways - rally driving, skydiving.
That's not what annoys me, it is the snobbish superiority and regarding others as stupid for drinking. I no longer like having more than a couple of drinks as it compromises the rest of my life. But I don't stand around lecturing others who do have many drinks.
Tim what is your PhD in?
Plant and soil nutrition is the easy answer. Basically science research. I'm now moving into systems ecology and economics right after I write up some work on ruminant nutrition.
Im planning on studying medicine or pharmacology maybe even traditional chinese medicine.
Sister in law is a pharmacist, not sure it is a great career. Unless you get into research you end up as a checkout chick. Ditto chinese medicine. Medicine is a broad field, plenty to get involved with, but ignore the self-agrandising spiel they have. When MD's graduate they have an undergrad degree and yet title themselves like they have a postgraduate degree. :umwtf: Also they tend to then need another decade of training before they can acutally do anything interesting. Medical research would be more interesting (personal opinion), which I think is about choosing science/research units as part of the degree.
You say a hangover is caused by dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. But its also caused by a liver being overwhelmed with toxins namely ethanol, acetaldehyde and congeners a toxic substance created during the alcohol fermentation process.
Yeh there is a lot more to it. Dehydration is the big one though. You might be interested in this review:
The Alcohol Hangover
Jeffrey G. Wiese, MD; Michael G. Shlipak, MD, MPH; and Warren S. Browner, MD, MPH

6 June 2000 | Volume 132 Issue 11 | Pages 897-902

Purpose: To review the cause, pathophysiologic characteristics, cost, and treatment of alcohol-induced hangover.

Study Selection: Related experimental, clinical, and basic research studies.

Data Extraction: Data in relevant articles were reviewed, and relevant clinical information was extracted.

Data Synthesis: The alcohol hangover is characterized by headache, tremulousness, nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue combined with decreased occupational, cognitive, or visual–spatial skill performance. In the United States, related absenteeism and poor job performance cost $148 billion annually (average annual cost per working adult, $2000). Although hangover is associated with alcoholism, most of its cost is incurred by the light-to-moderate drinker. Patients with hangover may pose substantial risk to themselves and others despite having a normal blood alcohol level. Hangover may also be an independent risk factor for cardiac death.

Symptoms of hangover seem to be caused by dehydration, hormonal alterations, dysregulated cytokine pathways, and toxic effects of alcohol. Physiologic characteristics include increased cardiac work with normal peripheral resistance, diffuse slowing on electroencephalography, and increased levels of antidiuretic hormone.

Effective interventions include rehydration, prostaglandin inhibitors, and vitamin B6. Screening for hangover severity and frequency may help early detection of alcohol dependency and substantially improve quality of life. Recommended interventions include discussion of potential therapies and reminders of the possibility for cognitive and visual–spatial impairment. No evidence suggests that alleviation of hangover symptoms leads to further alcohol consumption, and the discomfort caused by such symptoms may do so. Therefore, treatment seems warranted.

Conclusions: Hangover, a common disorder, has substantial morbidity and societal cost. Appropriate management may relieve symptoms in many patients.
Free pdf: http://www.annals.org/cgi/reprint/132/11/897.pdf

The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) is responsible for breaking alcohol you drink in your liver. The tolerance that regular drinkers build to alcohol is due to increased levels of ADH. For me i drink one drink and already feel a bit drunk.
They become more efficient at processing yes (much like any foods that require a tolerance) but it is more than that.

Good points! repped.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 8, 2007
It's a funny thing - I don't really get hangovers, not even when i've been seriously drunk. I'm usually pretty tires because I sleep like shit, but I never really feel bad og anything so that's pretty cool :)


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
^^ Have a look at that article in the pdf. It discusses the effects of different types of alcohol on hangovers.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
Appreciate the reps Tim.

Im boiling down to looking at genetics, since this is a large cause of disease those genetic mutations and how they are spurred through poor diet, lack of exercise, too much stress.

Reason im trying to get into medicine is because i have become ill with chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia and malabsorbtion syndrome. This all happened after i was bodybuilding for 2 years and suddenly this all came on.

Sucks but watcha guna do, thats life.


Aug 29, 2016
I aver that a heavy breakfast is in order. Low blood sugar levels exacerbate hangovers resulting in nausea and fatigue as well. A good supply me sugar in blood also checks against build up me acidity in the blood. Has anyone tried ginger? Its excellent in this regard.


Aug 29, 2016
I have finally decided to give beer a wide berth, forever. The hangovers, the dulled skin and other untold damages to the liver, kidneys, etc are not worth it. Worse, it saps your energy, vivacity and even the will to live besides a host of moral issues. Never!

- - - Updated - - -

I have finally decided to give beer a wide berth, forever. The hangovers, the dulled skin and other untold damages to the liver, kidneys, brain etc are not worth it. Worse, it saps your energy, vivacity and even the will to live besides a host of moral issues. Never!


Mecca V.I.P.
Dec 17, 2016
The holiday season is over and it is time to think of what you have done. Over eating? Over drinking? I had a few beer but I guess I'm not young enough for it anymore. Waking up on the next morning with a headache is very unpleasant when you have social obligations. It's a case of simple hangover, all right, and the best remedy is a tablet of paracetamol. That did it. After an hour, my headache was gone and I felt energetic.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2018
Well, whenever I get drunk, I eat ice cream, it cures my headache and any hangover symptoms. For me cold and creamy desserts like ice cream and cakes works well in countering any dizziness caused by excessive drinking.