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Pete's Contest Prep- OCB Midatlantic Classic



Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
DM: I'm 37% Italian, 37 % Irish, and 25% Korean..... 100% Tear Drop :) lol

My mom's mom is 100% Italian, mom's father is 100% Irish (Huge mofo, I hope I get more of his genetics)

MY Dad was adopted, and really only saw his mom for the first 6 years of his life off and on. She was some sort of italian/irish mix, and his dad was never seen. However, my dad is most definitely half korean. He has a lot of these features, and so do I.

Natzo: That's honestly pure genetics. Yea, I work my quads hard as hell, but my tear drops have always been pretty good lol. I remember before I even started lifting, I would sit in class in High School, and people would be like DUDE, you have a second knee!! haha As odd as it was, I always took it as a huge compliment lol
The Creator

The Creator

Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 29, 2006
Looking great Pete! You've really leaned out a lot. My calories are at 3300 and my macros are 45p 35c 20f.


Mecca Super-*****
Jun 5, 2007
DM: I'm 37% Italian, 37 % Irish, and 25% Korean..... 100% Tear Drop :) lol

I see, i assumed you were part "white" and part asian lol.

I'ts good to be a teardropanoid lol


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
TC: Wow man, I know you have more muscle then me and all, but Damn. I'm jealous of your metabolism!! lol I'm looking to bring in your kind of conditioning by my second show. Thank you for stopping by, please keep critiquing my physique these next few weeks. I value your opinion very much. Keep up the good work with your prep, we are all anxiously awaiting your next arrival on stage!

DM: I'm proud of my heritage :) lol


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Quick rant...

Ever since I started natural bodybuilding about 2 years ago, I knew it was right for me. It fit my lifestyle, I loved lifting, eating, etc etc. You get the point. I dont want to get all into the nitty gritty details

But I'm at work right now, and as I'm making my morning tea in the company kitchen (chai tea, no dairy or filler like that, just hot brewed tea), there are sugary sodas lining the fridge, on the tables there are massive amounts of bagels for free with various cream cheese spreads, butters, etc. And on another table there is ice cream accessories such as sprinkles, carmel, hot fudge, candied nuts, for what looks like what's going to be some sort of ice cream sundae party later on. (they do that kind of stuff for the marketing and customer service dept all the time).

I look at all this stuff, and as much as it looks somewhat intriguing, and i know it would be delicious to eat. IT HONESTLY doesn't look appealing at all. How many people can say that? I'm not proclaiming to be this amazingly disciplined person who people should praise by any means.

The point of this for me, is self discovery. I realize in myself that those things dont make me happy. Not for more then a few minutes at least. I want more then anything self gratification, self discovery, self motivation, and self actualization.

This prep is more to me then just standing up onstage with a low bf%, good musculature, etc. It's the fact that I set out to do something that has taken extreme effort, dedication, time management, research, integrity, discipline, etc.

I want to know I can be all these things if I want to, and reap the rewards.

From a mere competitive standpoint, I'd like to do all these things, and win as well. lol. For me, its not enough to find all these things about myself, and lose to others. I know it may sound thick headed, ****y, etc. But that's a part of me I just can't change. I want to win for myself, but I also want to beat the competition. It's one of my fueling fires. At this point in bodybuilding, I'm not ready to say, well I did my best, and that's all I can ask for. I haven't done my best yet, no where near it. So those words won't come out of my mouth.

This has gone on a little too much of a tangent maybe lol.

the point is. I saw that food in the kitchen at work, and had no feelings towards it. I didn't look at it and say, DAMN I really want that. Those would be feelings of somewhat regret, remorse, for a life I am not living. A life outside of bodybuilding. Nothing against that life at all. To each there own. But its not ME!

I need to be me. And I am a natural bodybuilder for life.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
I just noticed my post got a little edited where it says thick headed, ****y. I wrote C-O-C-K-Y. But without the dashes of course lol.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
I feel you, Pete. We go out to lunch frequently and get fre lunchs all the time at work. People will come up to me with desserts and taunt me and say "Mmmm delicious." or something along those lines. But it's come to the point where I don't even want the stuff anymore. Yeah, I'm sure it tastes great, but why would I eat it if I don't want to? I think there comes a point in time when the competition means everything and you WANT to ignore the "bad" food because you know it will help improve you that much more.

Along that line of thought, lately I find myself waking up even earlier so I can fit in 5-10 more minutes of AM cardio. It's not because I have to, it's just simply because I want to.

I feel the exact same way as you when it comes to competition.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
It's great to hear that Cork. It's crazy how the mind can completely change when you want something so bad. I mean, who passes up cake!? lol

But yea, I try not to think of myself as a meathead or anything, as I'm sure you don't either. It's just, sometimes its hard not to be so singularly focused on the competition. In some cases thats a good thing, but other times I find myself needing to balance out my life a bit more. I hope you do the same.

Great to hear your so motivated and hard working bro!!!!! It will pay off in dividends. Going through these competitions can be some of the most gratifying experiences, and I dont care what anyone else says. If you work your damn hardest at it, and don't come out of the competition with more then a low bodyfat%, and a trophy or two, you did it in vain. It's more then the bright lights, and trophies at the end. It's you and what you've accomplished for yourself and tackling something you sent out to do so many weeks or years ago.

Keep it up brother!!
The Creator

The Creator

Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 29, 2006
Quick rant...

Ever since I started natural bodybuilding about 2 years ago, I knew it was right for me. It fit my lifestyle, I loved lifting, eating, etc etc. You get the point. I dont want to get all into the nitty gritty details

But I'm at work right now, and as I'm making my morning tea in the company kitchen (chai tea, no dairy or filler like that, just hot brewed tea), there are sugary sodas lining the fridge, on the tables there are massive amounts of bagels for free with various cream cheese spreads, butters, etc. And on another table there is ice cream accessories such as sprinkles, carmel, hot fudge, candied nuts, for what looks like what's going to be some sort of ice cream sundae party later on. (they do that kind of stuff for the marketing and customer service dept all the time).

I look at all this stuff, and as much as it looks somewhat intriguing, and i know it would be delicious to eat. IT HONESTLY doesn't look appealing at all. How many people can say that? I'm not proclaiming to be this amazingly disciplined person who people should praise by any means.

The point of this for me, is self discovery. I realize in myself that those things dont make me happy. Not for more then a few minutes at least. I want more then anything self gratification, self discovery, self motivation, and self actualization.

This prep is more to me then just standing up onstage with a low bf%, good musculature, etc. It's the fact that I set out to do something that has taken extreme effort, dedication, time management, research, integrity, discipline, etc.

I want to know I can be all these things if I want to, and reap the rewards.

From a mere competitive standpoint, I'd like to do all these things, and win as well. lol. For me, its not enough to find all these things about myself, and lose to others. I know it may sound thick headed, ****y, etc. But that's a part of me I just can't change. I want to win for myself, but I also want to beat the competition. It's one of my fueling fires. At this point in bodybuilding, I'm not ready to say, well I did my best, and that's all I can ask for. I haven't done my best yet, no where near it. So those words won't come out of my mouth.

This has gone on a little too much of a tangent maybe lol.

the point is. I saw that food in the kitchen at work, and had no feelings towards it. I didn't look at it and say, DAMN I really want that. Those would be feelings of somewhat regret, remorse, for a life I am not living. A life outside of bodybuilding. Nothing against that life at all. To each there own. But its not ME!

I need to be me. And I am a natural bodybuilder for life.

Ah the discovery of self efficacy that comes through preparing for a bodybuilding competition. There are few things in life as satisfying as being disciplined enough to turn down one of life's most difficult urges. I have often pondered that one can improve on so many areas of life and, if applied correctly, be as successful as he/she wants just by mastering self discipline through resistance to the physical desires that associate with food. You will do well Pete. You have worked hard for these shows and your work will reward you. However, do let yourself become engorged in the rewards that come from applying the same discipline and determination in all areas of your life. Your log has been a pleasure to follow. Finish strong brother.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Thank you TC, I agree on all accounts. And yea, I think my rant has probably been said in various forms, numerous times by others. But It's great so many people can learn and feel the same way, as I have.

in regards to using this discipline to other areas of my life, I couldn't agree more. I'm sure others bodybuilding success stories have said it too, but Arnold has accounted on many occassions that all the lessons he learned and strong qualities attainted through bodybuilding has helped him pave the way through other endeavors in his life.

I've definitely used qualities i've learned from bodybuilding in other aspects of life, and it has my life that much more gratifying.

Thank you for your words of encouragement and support TC, I really appreciate it more then you know. Although all of you are online friends and a constant support system, I feel a strong connection to all of you. It's helped me through this entire prep more then I imagined when I first started this thread.

Today's Schedule:

I have to take a polygraph test for the show this afternoon.
1 last gym session of light cardio and circuit type lifting. should only be about a half hour. Followed by some posing practice.
Tonight I will nair and shave my entire body (save my hair on my head lol),
I'm then going to work on my posing a bit more, and my posing routine more.
I need to pack my bag for the show tomorrow. Make sure I have all my food, water, tanner, resistance bands, etc. Ready for prejudging tomorrow morn.
2 hours before bed I'm going to put on my tanner with my girlfriend's help.
Hopefully I'll get some pics up tonight to show you guys how I look with 1 coat of tan on. :)

28 hours til prejudging!! WOOO

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
I think I speak for everyone when say;
AND THE WINNER IS???!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!!?!?!


Team Winklaar
Aug 10, 2006
how did u go big pete?


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
Quick rant...

Ever since I started natural bodybuilding about 2 years ago, I knew it was right for me. It fit my lifestyle, I loved lifting, eating, etc etc. You get the point. I dont want to get all into the nitty gritty details

But I'm at work right now, and as I'm making my morning tea in the company kitchen (chai tea, no dairy or filler like that, just hot brewed tea), there are sugary sodas lining the fridge, on the tables there are massive amounts of bagels for free with various cream cheese spreads, butters, etc. And on another table there is ice cream accessories such as sprinkles, carmel, hot fudge, candied nuts, for what looks like what's going to be some sort of ice cream sundae party later on. (they do that kind of stuff for the marketing and customer service dept all the time).

I look at all this stuff, and as much as it looks somewhat intriguing, and i know it would be delicious to eat. IT HONESTLY doesn't look appealing at all. How many people can say that? I'm not proclaiming to be this amazingly disciplined person who people should praise by any means.

The point of this for me, is self discovery. I realize in myself that those things dont make me happy. Not for more then a few minutes at least. I want more then anything self gratification, self discovery, self motivation, and self actualization.

This prep is more to me then just standing up onstage with a low bf%, good musculature, etc. It's the fact that I set out to do something that has taken extreme effort, dedication, time management, research, integrity, discipline, etc.

I want to know I can be all these things if I want to, and reap the rewards.

From a mere competitive standpoint, I'd like to do all these things, and win as well. lol. For me, its not enough to find all these things about myself, and lose to others. I know it may sound thick headed, ****y, etc. But that's a part of me I just can't change. I want to win for myself, but I also want to beat the competition. It's one of my fueling fires. At this point in bodybuilding, I'm not ready to say, well I did my best, and that's all I can ask for. I haven't done my best yet, no where near it. So those words won't come out of my mouth.

This has gone on a little too much of a tangent maybe lol.

the point is. I saw that food in the kitchen at work, and had no feelings towards it. I didn't look at it and say, DAMN I really want that. Those would be feelings of somewhat regret, remorse, for a life I am not living. A life outside of bodybuilding. Nothing against that life at all. To each there own. But its not ME!

I need to be me. And I am a natural bodybuilder for life.

Sorry for being absent from your log a couple of days. At this time the show is done. I enjoyed a lot the post I'm quoting, it's really inspiring and it sums up nicely the bb's understandment (sp?) of the world. Congratz for all the effort you put on this.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Hey guys!!!

Sorry no updates! I have been crazy busy with studying for finals, but thats no excuse! I should have filled you guys in earlier!

Novice Tall Class: 11 Competitors and I finished 2nd! Horray!! I was really happy with this. The scorecard read for me: 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2
I was totally stoked that 2 people had me in first! I thought I could get top 3, 2nd possibly, but 1st I thought was out of the question. To hear that 2 judges thought I deserved first is amazing for me. Really meant a lot! The guy who won was 26, with similar conditioning, little smaller legs then me, but a better overall upper body. He ended up winning the Novice overal! IT's always good to lose to the best!

Open tall Class: 9 competitors, I finished 3rd! I was really happy with this as well, because honestly the whole class was good except for maybe 1 guy. The score card read: 4, 2, 2, 5, 3, 3, 3
The guy that won was a pretty dominant. His conditioning was better then everyone, and his balance was good with more musculature then everyone else. The guy that got 2nd, I really didnt think I had a chance against. I saw him back stage, and his conditioning was about the same as mine, but he just had more muscle for sure. To hear that two judges had me in 2nd was awesome! because after looking at the pics, I began to have more confidence in my physique vs his.

Overall I'm extremely happy with how everything went. I'll give more details and pics soon!
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Mecca Super-*****
Jun 5, 2007
Hey man, thats awesome. Glad you're happy with the results and they really are something to be happy about. Can you post pics of backstage or anything in between would be awesome too. I love seeing offstage shots aswell.


Team Winklaar
Aug 10, 2006
big congradualtions pete, this has been a fantastic log to follow and im so glad u did so bloody well i cant wait to see the pics. well done!


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
The log isn't over brothers!!! I still have 4 weeks ahead of me until my second show! You better believe I'm going to bring it in even sharper! I actually lost some weight over the past week, so I don't think Layne will have to change my macros at all just yet. I lifted upper body power, and did 45 min cardio, and feel GREAT! I'm totally ready to rock it out again for another 4 weeks until my next show.


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Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
More pics from the Open Class prejudging


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